Saturday, November 2, 2013

Visiting Teaching similar to a mission call...

Welcome to Washington Fields... MIRACLES are real!                   ‏                                                  9/23/13


I saw Visiting Teaching in a whole new light this week! For many woman of the church...they get married before they can go on missions.....the Lord is sooo smart! He has made it possible for woman to be married and go on missions....and that's through VISITING TEACHING! WOW! What if each woman thought about their visiting teaching as being a mission call? Everything you do as a VT is the same exact thing we do as missionaries, we uplift and edify. We teach and spiritually strengthen others....that’s exactly what you do also! What if Sister D and I waited till the last of the month to get to know our investigators...what would happen if we decided to not do our duty and not go visit those that are around us? What a waste it would be! What a waste your calling would be and if we waited till the end of the month to go and uplift those Heavenly Father has asked us to take care of. VT is not just because and it’s not just to give you something else to do, VT is the Lord’s work and we must strengthen those around us. Let us all rethink about how we are serving the Lord. Is it with all our heart or just some of it? I love the thought of visiting teaching. I know it is inspired and I know it is for good! Heavenly Father loves his children so much he has given each of us loving and supporting friends.

I can’t believe Jess is going to the temple!!!! WOW! Time flies by! I hope it’s a good day for her!

I’M GETTING A "NEPHEW" !!!?????? ahhhhhhhhhhh! That's so crazy! :) WOW! I am so happy for them!
(Brother and wife are having a baby in the Spring....don't know if it's pink or blue...yet.) We are excited!!

So this week as been a whirl wind! The first day Sister Davila got to St. George the bus was was supposed to be here at 5 but it didn't come till 6...we had a lesson at 6 haha! I grabbed her off the bus, made the Elders take her stuff to the VC and we drive off to our lessons. I told her I was sorry for the craziness. We ended up having a really good lesson with the Iverson boys. We taught them about baptism and why we get baptized. We did a really cool experiment with soap and pepper...they loved it! I love doing experiments with kids because not only does it make the lesson fun....but it also helps them to understand things better. The Iverson boys are 13 & 11 and come from a broken home and their dad has been less active since he was young. BUT the dad wants to come back to church so we are trying to prepare him so he can then baptize his sons :) Its super cool! We have been teaching them for about 2 weeks now and we have seen many changes already. Many people from the outside world would probably disagree, but the spiritual changes and the softening of the hearts is huge! :) I love watching people decide to change their lives because they know that the can have something much better!

Things in our area have been going pretty slow...we feel like we never get to be in our area because of our different duties. But this Sunday our Zone Leader announced we need to have a Zone fast. They said we need to fast for our goals and pray that we may find those who are ready. So yesterday Sister D and I fasted that we may find those who are ready to learn.  We had been thinking about all of our potential investigators and praying that at least one of them would be ready. Our night was pretty slow and we didn't have any appts. so we had to go out and contact. We were about ready to contact this woman and our phone rang. It was one of our ward Mission Leaders. He said Sisters, “We had a couple come to church last week and this week. We are having a fireside they are attending...we would like you to come....please tell us you can come!” We said YES we can!!! When and where???... So we went to the fireside, we had no idea what it was even about it.... it ended up being a lady from Northern Utah. She happen to be the great-great-great granddaughter of Joseph SMITH! Yeah the real Joseph Smith! The guy we teach everyone about! It was soooooo cool! She talked about all the things that happen to the family after he died and how his family actually fell apart. Only 1/3 of his posterity are members of the church. She herself grew up not knowing who a "Mormon" was! It was a really interesting talk! Things I never even thought about nor even know happened. I think we all think that everything about Joseph and Emma's life was perfect and the Lord blessed them with everything they fact that wasn't the case. We learned about all the trials Emma actually endured. When I get home I am going to find this lady’s book she wrote. It took her 15 years to write it! She goes all over the world talking about her life. ... we were a little worried about the nonmembers who came to the fireside because we weren't sure how they were going take the info.... at the end of the fireside...they said the loved it and they want to meet with us to learn more about the gospel! Yesterday he went to the Mormon Church and then we went to the Catholic Church. He said the Catholic Church was a waste of his time. He also said that whatever we have...he wants to be converted, talk about being prepared! Woooow! This couple is so prepared by our loving Heavenly Father.

Another miracle! Sister D and I were trying to find a family that one of our bishops wanted us to go visit. We ended up knocking on the wrong door and found a family of 10! This family came strait out of Colorado City about 2 weeks ago and has been hiding in their house trying to figure out what to with their lives. At first the wife was really guarded and didn't really want to talk to us, but when we told her we just wanted to get to know the people of the community, she broke down and started to talk to us. She told us that her husband had been "shunned" for about 3 months and while he was out he started to research and learn about the people he had been living among. He went back to Colorado City and grabbed his family and decided that he needed to move his family out. The mom then said...I can’t believe it! Everything we did there was wrong...our leaders have lead us astray! My heart just sank for her. She is in complete despair. She said she would love to send her kids to school but they don't know how to go to school...the shock of everything is too much. We invited her to church and I thought she was going to have a heart attack! She got really nervous and started to laugh...she said,  “Ooooooh  Sisters, I am a silly dumb woman who just stays at home! I don't go to church!”  We reassured her that she was not silly nor was she dumb and just because she stays at home to take care of her kids didn't make her silly or dumb. As I was talking to this family I couldn't help but imagine this family coming into the gospel and doing great things. I kept imaging this lovely mother... teaching others...and I imagined her just sitting there and realizing that this is the real truth. I know that was my imagination...but I had a feeling that it could happen! I know that Heavenly Father is preparing this family for bigger and better things! Everything happens for a reason. I pray that I get the chance to teach this family and help them the way Heavenly Father would want me to. I pray they feel loved by those around them and the feel like the can be part of this great world.

Oooh I love this gospel! I love that it is true! IT HAS TO BE! I know that Heavenly Father loves us so much that he wants us to be happy so he gives us miracles! I know the Book of Mormon has power....beyond anything we can actually imagine! This gospel is the light and truth! Jesus Christ is all powerful and enables us to do hard things :) I love that! I love that I am able to do hard things. I am grateful I don't have to do all this on my own. We are never alone.

I love you all. I hope you do great things this week :)

Do all that you can to uplift those around you! Be a missionary!
Mom...I love you like I love finding people to teach! What a miracle it is we are in the gospel!

Sister Larsen

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