Saturday, November 23, 2013

Speaking...and more speaking....Becoming a "speaking" Pro

Welcome to the Fields....                                        ‏                                                          11-11-2013

Dear Familia...

Your pictures are super cute! Those dresses are super cute!! They have hoods! :)
I loved the "turkey" :)

SISTER HARDY called you! I am so glad! She is an amazing person! She does a business called "Thrive" It’s a way of doing food storage. I wanted you to know about it so you could look into and see what you thought. They have loooots of food that is gluten free :) Good for Miss B. If you get to her about it. I think it’s something you would like!

So this week we had amazing lessons with our investigators!
Lauren and Richard are an older couple from Cali who moved here. We have been teaching them for several weeks now. This week we started the Plan of Salvation and Richard was soooo excited to learn about it. We talked mostly about Earth Life and the things we need to do to prepare to meet God. Richard came to the conclusion that if he was going to keep the spirit with him at all times he would need to read and pray each day. He said...when you leave it goes away...but then it comes back when you come back. I want it to stay.... I think I need to pray! All I could do was smile. I said exactly! We also tried to commit them to baptism....Richard said ....Wait...shouldn't we go church first before we get baptized? I said YES! That is why we invite you each week to come to church so you can one see how we worship and also so that you can continue to learn. He looked at Lauren and said well...It looks like we are going to church! THEY CAME! :) I was so excited!!!!

This week was Stake Conference. We were asked to speak. Luckily, Stake President just wanted one of us so Sister D Spoke :) We both had to sit on the stand and just sitting up there made me nervous. Bob, our recent convert of two weeks also spoke with her. He did such an amazing job and his testimony was so powerful! Not a dry eye in the crowd! We were so proud of him! This year’s Stake Conference was all about missionary work and Members being missionaries. It’s amazing to see how much emphasis the 1st Presidency is putting on missionary work. Our members are catching the spirit and they are now calling us more and inviting their friends to different activities. It’s so amazing!

Sister D and I are working hard trying to solidify our 10 baptisms for the transfer! We have two this upcoming week, Lake and Edge.... they are amazing young men and are going to make a great add to the God kingdom!  WE are still working with Nancy...She is struggling with doubts from Satan and is worried what her family is going to think. We pray that her heart can be softened and she can see that this will bless her life.

Sister D and I concluded that by the end of our missions we are going to be master public speakers. We had to give another training to our Zone this week! I think it’s finally getting easier and easier as we go! hahaha

Funny story.... This week we didn't have a dinner one night. Sister D and I were trying to figure out what we should do. We sat there and all the sudden she says ...I WANT STEAK! I said I haven't had that for over a year! Soooooo we decided to go to Texas Road House. I hadn't been to a restaurant in like a year! It was kind of awkward because we just walked in ourselves. I think people were looking at us funny because usually missionaries come in with members. Well, as we were sitting there deciding to order our waiter came up to us and instead of taking our order he started talking to us as if we were "normal girls"....AKA “Flirting” with us. It was at that moment I realized that I had become a really awkward person and all I could think about was my missionary badge. We blew him off like it was nothing. Then after we ate we took pictures. He decided to be in our pictures with us hahaha We left him a card and instead of "leaving our number" we left a scripture for him. hahaha Sister D said ...Sister Larsen, this is just a preview for you and your future in 4 weeks. I just laughed. It was a good dinner and It reminded me of all the times we went there as a family and all the fun memories we have at a Texas Road House.

The other picture is a picture of the St George Temple that a ward made out of Popsicle sticks.... Each stick has a name on it. Each name is someone that the youth took to the temple to do their work for. HOW COOL IS THAT?!?! There are 9000 names!!!!

Well, I think that's it for this week!

Love you all! You are amazing!
Mom..... I love you like alllll the pomegranates that we've been eating.... They are sweet like you!


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