Saturday, November 23, 2013

Last Transfer of Sister Larsen's Mission

TRANSFERS!                                                            10/29/13


Sorry I'm a day late.... Because of Transfers we had to take the Tuesday P-Day.

Sooooo this week is transfers! CAN YOU BELIEVE IT! This has been one of the hardest transfers yet! Many of the missionaries I have been serving with for my whole mission are now leaving :( It’s amazing to me to see all of these wonderful Elders and Sisters and be able to call them friends :)  I love missions!
I can’t believe I have been with Sister D for 6 weeks now. I feel like Sister Anderson just left and it’s only been two weeks! Wow! Time is just flying by! It’s making me sad, but I am also loving every moment!
Our transfer call is..... We are staying in the Fields... and now we are full proselyting! So we will no longer be at the Visitor Center. I can’t believe I have spent more than half of my mission out of the VC. We are super stoked to go full proselyting. Our area is 10 wards and really needs the full time attention. We are praying for miracles and the opportunity to baptize 10 people before I go home :) 

This week has been one of the best weeks of our transfer!
On Thursday we went out with some members. We usually go out with them once a week to contact people in their ward. Sister Murray said, “Ooookay Sisters, we are going by the spirit tonight, who should we go see?!” We weren’t really sure, but then I got this idea. I started to point to people we needed to visit. We first went to see the Messengers and talked to them. Then I wasn't really sure who to go to next. I said one name and then all of the sudden another name came flying out my mouth. I said we NEED to see the "Ward" family. So we went to their house. We weren't sure why we were there or what we were going to say. They opened their door and Sister Murray says, "Hello I’m Sister Murray, these are our sister missionaries, WE have a message to share with you tonight, can we come in?" Sister D and I were in shock. We had no idea what to do. We had no message and we knew nothing about them! We talked for a few minutes and the Murrays talked, we were trying to get to know them... then all of the sudden Sister Murray says well Sisters...It’s time for your message. What do you have for us tonight? Sister D and I were in shock. I had nothing. My mind was so blank :/ I was sad because I didn't know what to do. But then Sister D got her scriptures out, sat there for a moment and started talking. She started talking about the introduction of the BOM. We had them read Moroni's promise at the end and then asked the husband and wife what their testimony means to them and how it’s helped them in their life. The wife just started to sob. She talked about her testimony has literally kept her alive and how if it weren't for her testimony she would have ended her life a long time ago. I couldn't believe it. We then sat there and listened to husband. He began to tell us how he served a mission but no longer has a testimony of the BOM and how he doesn't need it in his life. WOW! Sister D and I had no idea. I then opened my mouth and these words began to come out. I testified of the power of the BOM and told him that all the choices he is making right now will forever effect his children, we then committed them to reading the BOM and praying to know if it is true. They both said they would do it. I don't remember much else that happened that night. Even as we were returning home, we were trying to remember what had happened. We know Heavenly Father really needed us to go to that home at that time and that moment. I am so grateful we listened. I am so grateful for the spirit and the feelings He gives us. Heavenly Father is so mindful of us and he loves us so much! This family now has the opportunity to change and become more engulfed in the gospel.

This week too someone came and told me a story. Last year when I was in the Fields....we went by that house. It was supppper dark and you could tell they were most likely not there. Our members who were with me and Sister Anderson did not want to go....but I had this feeling we needed to. So I walked up to it all by myself. They later followed. After a few minutes this lady answered the door and was super grumpy! She didn't want anything to do with us. I sheepishly told her that all I wanted to do was leave her with a message and that for some reason we needed to be here tonight. She denied us and we walked away. ONE YEAR LATER..... that member saw the same lady in a store. The member walked up to the lady and said hello! How are you? Do you remember me? ...they talked for a few minute and the lady eventually told the member that she was very sorry for the way she acted towards us that night. She went on to say that that night she and her husband had been in a big fight and they decided that night that they were going to get a divorce. She said when I opened the door I was hurt and I was trying to get my kids to bed and I didn't feel like visiting....she said BUT I will never forget that night. Even though I was rude, those Sister missionaries brought me hope that night and I realized that God loved me and that I was going to be okay. I will never forget that!! As the member was telling me this story I couldn't help but to cry. My eyes filled with tears and I then remembered that Heavenly Father loves us so much! He knows what we need even if we don't know it yet. I am so grateful yet again that I listened to the spirit and I was able to be an instrument in God’s hands. I will never forget that event. I don't know what happens too many of the people we come in contact with, but I know what happens is for a reason!

This week we had the best baptism ever! BOB got baptized! His wife did not get baptized with him, but she will soon! :) We are planning a trip with them in two years to go on "the life of Joseph Smith" hahahha and Bob said he can’t wait to meet our husbands :) hahaha Bob is now getting ready to go to institute and wants to graduate :) He's only been a member for a day! He is also speaking with us in Stake Conference :) He is excited about that! He ran up to us and said, "Sisters...I got my first calling!" haha this couple is so amazing and so prepared. Heavenly father loves them so much!

Oooooh this week we also taught primary! IT WAS EXHUSTING! hahaha I have a greater appreciation for those sisters! :) I hope that I get more experience in life before I have to do that! haha

We also ran into the "Piano Guys"...they LIVE in our area! We taught their son in primary actually! haha it was super cool! They are awesome!

Well Family...I love you with all my heart. I know time is going to fly by and I will be seeing you again. BUT pray the time SLOWS down :) That would be great!

Mom....I love you like...I love the rain we are getting! It’s been so nice :) I just love you!
Love you all!

                                                                        Bob's Baptism

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