Saturday, November 2, 2013

Finding a cell phone and other small miracles. :)

Hello from The Fields.....‏                             9/30/2013

Gooood Mornin’ !

Whoooooooooaaaaaa  you just blew my pants off!  I cannnnnot believe Tasia got baptized! That is the greatest thing I have read about this week! Wooooooooow!  I knew it would come someday! That is soooooo awesome! Please tell her I am happy for her! She looks amazing and has the new glow within her. I love seeing others happy! I love hearing that she is preparing for the temple....what a wonderful goal to have! This gospel is so true! More and more people are understanding it and they are seeing this really is the Lord’s way. Wow!

Soooooooo glad you got to the temple this week! I bet that was a neat experience to see Jess go through the temple. I wish I could have been there. I’m glad she got my email. I hope that it helps her. She's going to be a great missionary!
This week we also got to go to the temple. We went as a mission trip. It was a really intense trip for me. I loved being back in  the Lord’s house. I have been super stressed about different things happening here and when I walked into the temple...It all just went away. It was so nice. I finally felt calm and peaceful. I tied to focus on the promises we make while we are there and I tried to listen to the things the Lord needed me to do.

I went to the temple "again" asking about my mission and really trying to listen to again for my answer of whether or not I should extend. I know were not supposed to ask questions more than once....but I have been having a really hard time accepting the fact that Heavenly Father doesn't want me to. I again was told that I shouldn't. When I got into the celestial room...I sat there for just a moment and then began to cry. It hit me...this is my last mission temple trip! This is my last time seeing most of these wonderful missionaries. I never would have thought in my life I could look out at almost 100 people and be full of love. I never thought I could love so many people all at once. I have been praying my whole mission to learn how to love people and at that moment I realized that Heavenly Father showed me how. He had been teaching me this whole time and I didn't even really see it. I also realized how grateful I was for my mission and how I was so happy to have learned the things I have. I also realized that for someone who doesn't really cry over "mushy" things, Heavenly Father has softened my heart and now I cry over everything. It seems like everything this week that has been happening, I have been crying happy tears. hahaha I know this sounds silly. I am so grateful for my Savior and the love that He as for me. I know Heavenly Father is so aware of us all and helps us in the ways we need. I don't know why I have to come home...but I do know that I am learning to lean on my Heavenly Father and gain faith and trust in Him. It’s probably been one of the hardest things I have done so far on my mission. I find myself talking to people and they say, "Ooooh you go home soon!"....I hate hearing that! BUT then I remind myself it’s okay and everything is going to work out. Heavenly Father is in charge and apparently He has something greater for me coming. Now it is time for patience to see what it may be.

 This week I got to go back down to Kanab/AZ for exchanges! I love going down there! haha
This week we met a little old lady...her name is Dora. She is German and very feisty!!! haha We first contacted her and she said "I HATE MORMONS!".... “AND MISSIONARIES!" Sister D and I just laughed and started talking to her about her life and trying to get to know her before she completely kicked us out. As she started to talk about her life and the things she had done...her face just lit up. We could tell she was happy about something. The next thing we know we are in her house and she is showing us all around and talking about her family and showing us all the things she had crossed stitched. Then we went into this room, she had been talking away and explaining all her things... and all of the sudden she starts saying "oh my goodness, oooh my goodness! Is that you cell phone?" We said, “No mam' it’s not.” She said, “You are a heaven came here to help me find my phone!” “It’s been lost for 3 days now and now you helped me find it!” Siters D and I just went with it...we said, “Yeeeaaah you're right, if we hadn't come you wouldn't had found your phone.” She got so excited! She asked us to help with some other things around her house so we set up a time to go back. We went back couple days later and started helping her with the things she had asked. After we were done she sat us down and made us eat her ice cream. hahaha  As we ate our ice cream we started talking to her about church and about Jesus Christ and her beliefs. It was a good talk and she agreed to go on a church tour with us so she could see what it’s like to come to church. She has been so excited about us coming over lately. Saturday after the broadcast someone gave us flowers so we took them over to her and I thought she was going to have heart attack she was so happy! She decided that we are nothing like the “Mormons” she had met before and she decided we are a heaven sent here to help her. I love seeing the power our love overcome bitterness. When it’s the right time, Heavenly Father always makes things work out in a positive way. We are going to keep trying to teach her and see what Heavenly Father has in store for her :)

Did you get to see the broadcast on Saturday? It was a good one! I love our Prophet! How bold he is! I really felt his love as he was speaking to us and testifying of our Savior’s/Heavenly Father’s love. What did you learn from the broadcast?

Family... I love you! I hope you have a great week!
Mom...I love you like I love the temple... I know you know what that feels like! :)
You’re the greatest!

Sister Larsen

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