Saturday, November 2, 2013

Life is so GREAT!

Welcome to Washington Fields....‏                                                               

Hi familia!

 I loved hearing about the things you learned from conference. It’s so amazing to see what we can learn from simple sermons. We have been talking about Conference all week and it’s been so uplifting :)

Ahhhhhhhh Dec. 15th......THAT JUST HIT ME! Gosh.... Time is flying by so fast :(
(Sister Larsen will be home on Dec. 11th and will report in church on Sunday Dec. 15th)

This week I got to see the hand of God really working in our lives.
On Monday we taught a family who has been struggling to meet with us consistently. We taught them about the Proclamation to the World and emphasized the fact that they need to teach their children about these things. We told them that if they did not teach their children that they as parents would be judged for it. It was a super powerful and intense lesson. We committed them to church for this week. I taught this family a year ago when I was in the area and we couldn't get them to church for the life of us, so finally after a whole year she finally came to church this week! We were soooo excited! We also forgot it was ward conference this week for their ward...but Bishop got up and started talking...he emphasized his talk to the parents and how they need to protect and teach their children. He stated that if we do not teach our children and protect them that they themselves would be judged for it, I couldn't believe it! He stated everything we had just said day before. We were praying they were listening and that they understood the importance of teaching their son. I couldn't believe it. I knew then the things we had taught them were true and were true for them. It made me think of the scripture in Matthew 16, “But if he will not hear thee, then take with thee one or two more, that in the mouth of two or three witnesses every word may be established."  Heavenly Father knows His servants and he knows what people need to hear.

This week also we were able to find 6 new investigators! It was so great! We finally were able to make appointments with a family who we had been trying to meet with for many weeks.
This week we also went tracking in a new area that we found. We found this older couple who just moved to St. George. The woman was a little quieter than the husband and the husband said the wife had read the BOM before. We asked if we could come by again and talk about the BOM...they said sure. So we went over there, we were there for two hours...not only did we talk about the BOM but they had sooo many questions about the church. It was so cool! We set another time to meet with them and they are so excited to learn more. They are now reading the BOM together. Heavenly Father gave us a miracle finding these people. We invited them to come to church; they said they will when they know more...we are excited to teach them more so that we can get them to church :)
Bob and Nancy are doing amazing! Bob came to church this week and said he has never felt so "at home" before. He loved that people remembered him and that they were happy to see him there. His wife was sick and didn't make it this week :( ...This week we were supposed to see Bob and Nancy at the VC for a lesson, Nancy wasn't able to make it, but Bob did. I had to go to Brigham Young's home for the day, but Sister D was able to teach him. At first he was really closed and didn't say much but then all of the sudden he started to pour his heart out and tell her all the things we was worried about or that he struggled with. She talked about Jesus Christ and how He can help us and He can be the one to help us heal. She then asked him if he would be willing to follow Jesus Christ and His example. Bob said I know I need to. She then put him on date for Oct 26th. THIS MONTH :) He said yes. She told him to go home and pray about it. Last night we had a lesson with him and asked him about his prayers and how he felt about getting baptized....He said yes I prayed about it... and I am getting excited and comfortable with it. We are excited to have a baptism this month!!!! :)

Life is so great! Mission is awesome! And miracles are real!
I love you all! I pray for you always!
Mom, I love you like I love teaching, preaching and calling all to repentance!

BE A MISSIONARY! You'll be blessed...I promise! :D

Sister Larsen

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