Saturday, November 23, 2013

Last Halloween in St. George...Sisters looking a little "skeleton" like...

Welcome to the Fields...                                   ‏                                   11-4-2013

Dear all,

 Halloween was pretty low key this year. We had to stay inside starting at 6 pm. Several Sisters came over to my apartment and we just had a craft party and hung out. At the Visitor Center they had a party for the Sisters who serve there.
Your Halloween looked sooooo awesome! Leah looked soooooo good! I was impressed! I showed all the Sisters around me hahaha She is so talented! The girls looked so good too!

This week was kind of a low key week. We are in the process of finding new investigators. We have about 10 different families we are working with and about 5 that are less active. Since we are full time now we are able to see more people and the members are now calling us and asking us to come over to their house so we can help THEM with their missionary work....THATS NEVER HAPPENED! It’s so cool to see things changing and the members getting excited about us being in the area.

This week we saw many miracles:
One of them being....we had been trying to contact a family for several days. On Saturday we had planned to see this family later in the day...but then all of the sudden we felt we need to go at that moment. So we went over and literally as I was about to knock on the door this woman opened the door, we scared each other hahaha... She knew who we were and just started talking to us. She told us she was just getting ready to leave but that she wanted us to come back. She told us a little of her story and how she just recently got divorced and her kids have been going back and forth between the two of them and in the mess she had not been able to get her son baptized. Sister D and I just smiled. She said, “I know he has to do the lesson,s so if we could start doing that, that would be great!”
I don't know if I told you last week...but Sister D and I made a goal of 10 baptisms before I leave. This young boy will be number 5 :) .....5 more to go! Heavenly Father is so amazing! He knows when we have goals and when we work hard towards them...he will help us to make it happen! This month is going to be full of baptism pictures :)

Another miracle! This week one of my recent converts...Sister Denhaulter... we went to her house one day to check on her and she said...Sister Larsen! I am ready! I have come to the decision I have to do my parents temple work!  My heart just leaped out of my chest. I asked...what happened?!
Sister Denhaulter’s parents were verrrry abusive and they were extreme alcoholics. She had a rough childhood and many times in her life her parents threatened to kill her. She has always had bitter feelings about them and could never find a way to forgive them. She told me this past conference she was able to go to conference and be in the presence of the prophet. She said she was sitting there and all of the sudden this impression came to me. She said I felt that God was telling me that I needed to do their work so that I could forgive them.
She went on to say that she wanted me to help her get the needed paper work. So the next day we went over and I taught her how to do all the "Family History" stuff and we got her papers all printed out. Halloween morning we were able to go to the temple with her and witness this miraculous day. Before Sister Denhaulter got in the water she told everyone in the baptismal room her story.... Everyone was crying.... and as she went down we could all feel the power of forgiveness and love.
It’s so amazing to be part of this great work. Even for those who aren't physically here on earth. Just like the gospel blesses family physically here on earth...It also blesses those who are beyond the veil. I am so grateful I got the opportunity to see and be part of such an amazing event.

I can’t wait....I mean yes I can...anyways.... I would love to go to the open house of the new Temple. Everyone here is talking about it and we are sending people down there for it! It’s going to be awesome! We get updated notices about it...It looks gorgeous!!!!!

Everyday gets harder and harder as people realize that I only have 5 weeks left. I try to not let it bother me. I know that all good things come to an end eventually. I will be leaving with about 10 other people. All the Sisters I was in the MTC with are going to be leaving with me as well...It will be neat to start and end together....funny...we are all STLs right now too! How cool is that?

Well not much else for this week!
Glad to hear all is well!

Love you all!
Mom... Love you like I loved the blueberry chocolate!!!!!!!!! :)

Don't be afraid to open your mouths... share the gospel... you never know whose life you could change!
Ps....Is the temple in your plans for this week?!? I hope so!

                                                      Boy, Sisters, you have lost weight! ;)

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