Saturday, November 2, 2013

Sister Larsen and Sister Davila....two amazing Sister Missionaries :)

Welcome to Washington Fields...‏                                                 

Hello all...

I met someone the other day that is from Mesa who knew gramps. He worked with him in the schools back in the day. We started talking about Mesa and he asked me who I was related to... we ended up talking about Judds and then to Gramps. He asked me how he was doing. I told him he was doing great and remarried, etc. It was crazy to see we made connections. My world is officially super small!

Sister D is a good companion! :)

This week we had Zone Conference...It was really amazing! We learned a lot about how we as missionaries can better work with members. So not only are you learning how to work with missionaries, we are learning how to work with you :) haha Sister D and I got to do a training on how we can better provide service to those around us. I've always tried to serve others around me, but now I have a greater love for it! I know service is the true key to other hearts. Even in marriage, as we serve our spouse, our love can become greater and our family can be stronger. I learned a lot at our conference. I love hearing from others and learning how to be a better person/missionary.
Speaking of being a better person/missionary. This morning I read about Amulek and his teachings to Zeezrom. It’s in Alma 11. If you haven't read it lately... go read it. Think about how his example can help you in your life. I know for me I think of Amulek as a powerful and confident person. He KNOWS what is true! I know that as I have been on my mission I have grown to be similar to him, but I know as I learn more throughout my life and I learn from my husband, someday I can be just as powerful and confident as Amulek! I got really excited about the scriptures this you get excited to read your scriptures? I love this gospel. I love that it is a gospel of change and that we have the opportunity to change and be better each day. I know if I can change and I can be a better person, so can those I come in contact with :)

Sister D and I work hard together! We are striving to see more and more miracles! We are planning to have a baptism this week! :) Miracle I tell you! His name is Bob. We have been working with him for about a week now. We have met with him almost every day. He is soaking everything up and just loving the things we are teaching him. We taught him the Word of Wisdom the other day and after we taught him he gave up everything and hasn't gone back to it since. We went over to his house and took away all of his and his wife's coffee. I tried to take their coffee maker, but they weren't willing to let that go. haha The wife said she needed it for her sister. We talked to her about being an example to those around her. I hope to get it tonight :)  As we have been teaching Bob, he has never heard anything about Mormons...but he knew he wanted something more in his life. Every time we teach them he just gets excited and says “I have feeling again!" I know this is good!  Bob comes from a military background and has been struggling to feel like he would fit into our "culture". He said he hates to tell people he was in the military because now days...people criticize him and some people even have said he committed a crime by killing people. It’s been really hard to try and get him to understand he didn't commit a crime, it was for military purposes. So last night we had Bishop go over and talk to him and help to understand better how we feel about military service. Bishop helped him so much that now he is 100% planning on getting baptized THIS Saturday. We are hoping his wife follows him and wants to get baptized this week too :)

Remember my miracle baptism, Bailee? This week I have been having a really strong feeling to go visit Bailee and see how her family is doing. We went over last night and they were all home! It was a miracle! We talked to them for quite some time mostly to catch up and see how they were doing. Then towards the end of the conversation we asked them if there was anyone they knew who would be interested in learning more about Jesus Christ. Bailee's brother raised his hand and said... "I'm ready! I want to learn!"... Bailee started to cry and said "I will be right there with you and I will be at every lesson. Let’s do this!" It was such a powerful moment. Their mom who is less active just stood there and smiled. It was so cool for me because now after a whole year I get the opportunity to teach and be part of this family's life. I hope that by our efforts and with the Lord, we can get this family to the temple and become an eternal family for forever! I feel so blessed to see these miracles and be here in St. George. I can’t wait to see more these in the next 7 weeks.
I know as I continue to do the things Heavenly Father needs me to do, I will be able to say I did all that I could and I did my best!

I hope you all have a great week!
Love you lots!

Mom...I love you like... I love taking coffee away from our investigators! Who likes that stuff anyway!? J

May you have health and strength this week! Heavenly Father loves you!

Sister Larsen

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