Saturday, November 23, 2013

I am Thankful for.....

Welcome to the Fields... We just might meet our goal of 10!‏                           
 ‏                             11/18/13

Hello Family and Friends....

This week has been whirl wind! I'm pretty sure my weeks are feeling like days and its going by soooooo fast!

I have been thinking about Jess all week! I met a lady whose son is there ( in the Philippines) and they couldn't find him for a while...BUT then they found him and he is safe! She was having a hard time especially because they wouldn't let them call or anything. But I know Heavenly Father will protect his missionaries. I have heard that Jess’ mission isn't really near the mess. Did you know there are 22 missions there? That's crazy! Even if she will be going near the mess...Imagine all the love she can give those people and give them hope. She will be doing a lot of service....HOW GREAT IS HER CALLING! I would love to do that!

I’m sorry things at school have been hard! I know you will do always do! :) I can’t even think what math is anymore hahahaha :)
Speaking of school, I got the picture of Ana, it made me sad. She looks so different :( My heart is so full for her, I keep putting her name in the temple. I hope she and her family can feel my love for them from all the way over here. I hope to be able to see her when I come home too.

So have you thought about when we can come back here? When are you done with school? When can I plan to see these amazing people again? Also I will have a baptism when I come back so I wanted to make sure we could coordinate that :D

No more travels for Chance?
Glad Leah is keeping busy. I have been thinking about her a lot this week.
Bud and his millions, I think I've decided to go work for him and not finish school :P hahaha
But really I am going to need a lot of things to do when I get home. I might follow you around like a puppy. hahaha

Mom, I loved the quote. That's a good one! Our Heavenly Father is good! Our Savior is good. I love them both and know they are here to help us. It’s because of them we can experience greatness! I love thinking about all the things our Gospel provides for us. It’s so much!

This week we found a new investigator! His name is Jeven. He is super smart and ready to get baptized! WE put him on date for Dec 10th....Yep! That is my last day! Can you believe it!? I'm super excited for him and I know it’s going to be a good day. I wouldn't want anything more than to see one more son/daughter of God come onto the straight and narrow path of righteousness :) HOW COOL!

This week we will be having Lake and Edge's baptism! We are super excited for them! They have been working hard and yesterday we asked them if they are ready. They said "OH YES!!!!!!! LET’S DO IT!"  We are so excited! This family is going to be solid in the gospel. The dad is still working on getting over his Word of Wisdom issues but the moment he does that...everything is going to be awesome for this family!

This Sunday we were able to get a lady to church who hadn't been in 8 years!!!!!!! You thought we were excited to see should have seen her husband’s face! He looked like he just won a million dollars! It was sooooo cool to see! The joy we get from small and simple seeing our loved ones come to church.

Exchanges with the other Sisters have been so good for me lately. Not only have I been learning how to be a better missionary/person/leader…but It’s been keeping me busy and motivated. You would think its super easy to just work hard since it’s been that way my whole mission... but sometimes it’s the small things Satan tries to creep in and tries to destroy everything. I am so grateful for my companion she has been so patient with me and helping me. I am grateful for it! I know when this time comes for her (going home) she will better understand. I just pray we can continue to work hard together and get our 10!!!! :)

I love my mission....
I love people....
I love Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ!
I love knowing everything is going to be okay because God has a plan for us.
I love knowing we can pray whenever we want!
I love that prayer is a 2 way communication!
I love that Every time I walk into someone’s home, I have the privilege of exchanging their spiritual rags for spiritual robes and help them become something greater!
I love knowing trails aren't meant to just push us, they are a sign to us showing us that God knows we are ready for growth.
I love I can see everyone as "Gold"... we all have a purpose here.
I love the people I have become friends with and will forever be friends with.
I love the priesthood and the opportunity I have as a woman to benefit from it.
I love that God trusts me... I may not trust Him always...but He will never fail me.
I love that I know I am a child of God.
I love that I get to try all sorts of crazy Peruvian food! :P
I love my mission...

Funny quotes form this week:

Sister Larsen, “Gage, what does it mean to you that we only worship one God?"
Gage, “Well Mythology isn't true then!"  hahaha

Richard, "SISTERS! I have always wondered...."
Us, " Yes Richard...what is it..."
Richard, " I have always wondered which one tastes better.....a black cow or a brown cow?"
hahahaha we died laughing!

This was such a great week! :)

Well, family I hope and pray that all is well with you! May you know that I love you and pray for you each day! ...even those who are far away.

Be a good Christian this week....LOVE those around you. Pray for ways you could be more Christ like :)...Did you know that Meekness is one of the most crucial attributes one could have? Did know also that if we are meek it doesn't mean that we are just means that we act in kindness. Interesting thought... Keep that in mind. Dare to be different than the world!

Thank you for your love and support!

Mom, Dad, Bud and Leah..... I love you!

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