Saturday, November 2, 2013

"Doubt your doubts...before you doubt your faith." October Conference 2013

Welcome to the Fields...Cooler Weather                                  ‏                                       10/07/13

 I’m really glad you were able to see Elder Holland's talk. I thought about Leah a lot during that! I know that can be a help to her. I'm glad you were able to connect to it too. I know that I thought about "taking time out for ourselves" was a big one that I think we both needed to hear.
I also really enjoyed Elder Bednar's about tithing! What a powerful talk that was! Wow! I know what he said is true! I've seen it in my own life and I know that I’ve also seen it in those who I’ve been teaching. It truly is a protector!

I love hearing Utchdorf's talk about being welcomed in the church. This church is not for those who are perfect and it’s not for those who know everything. We must rely on our faith and not others. There are so many people in this world who "don't feel welcome" in the church. I hope they know the knowledge we have is for everyone! The knowledge we have is from God. We aren't perfect people....BUT we have a perfect church to teach us how to be perfect.
“Doubt your doubts....before you doubt your faith.” Our faith is sometimes the only thing that gets us through the hard times...Satan knows what we have questions about...he knows what we struggle with…he will try to get us to forget the truth we do know and make us think about all the other things that don't even matter. Yes, it’s okay to have questions and maybe some doubts...but don't let that get in the way of what really matters. Families can be together forever. There is life after this. We are sons and daughters of the most high being...our loving Heavenly Father.

Oh conference was a good time for us. I love hearing the amazing messages! We got to watch Saturday morning with a struggling less active family...and after the session was over...the mom just sat there and pondered the things that were said. The only thing she could say was "WOW" She said it’s been 12 years since I have seen conference and that was amazing! We sat there with smiles on our face and then testified of the importance of following the prophet. She knows they need to be better... and now she feels like it’s possible.

This past week we were able to teach Bob and Nancy. Did I ever tell you about them? They have been reading Work and the Glory books. When we visited her this week. She said, "I just can’t believe it! . Those people are just amazing. They all had to go through so much. I'm learning more and more about Joseph smith and many times I find myself thinking that I am him. I have the same questions that he did and I want the same thing he has. I want to know what church is true and I want to know how I can best follow God.” My jaw just dropped! I couldn't believe what she was saying. We said, "yes in many ways you are him. WE know how you can have the same blessings he does. We can show you how to follow God and be the best person you can be!  We are having lunch with them again this week and she is inviting her sister to listen in on the lessons. So not only is she wanting to learn more but she is also inviting others to learn with her. She is already a missionary and doesn't even know it!
People here are amazing me more and more. I love seeing how people can be so prepared.

My goal is to go home and be someone the missionaries can rely on to help fellowship those coming into the gospel. I want to be the member whot goes out and is a member missionary like the prophet has asked us to be.
I think the prophet was inspired by my saying, "You don't need a name tag to be a missionary" :) They mentioned that in conference.

So I’ve also been thinking about when I go home. I’m not sure if I want to go to YSA right away.  I’m thinking I want to stay in the family ward for a while. Soooo for when you get home, if you could talk to bishop, I would really like to have a calling when I get home. I need to go to institute and I need to find a job. I do not want to be sitting at home. So if you could help me with these things I would really appreciate it :)

This week we had another Zone Conference. Sister D and I had to give a training to the other missionaries. This time it was on the Holy Ghost. As we were planning I felt really good about the training but I knew the moment I got up to the group to speak I would get really nervous. I told Sister D that I get really nervous in front of people. I asked her if we could pray about it and pray I could do what I needed to do. So we prayed that night and then before we got into our meeting we were in our car and we prayed again. We prayed specifically that we could say the things that He wanted us to say and that we wouldn't be nervous. In our meeting we were sitting there waiting for it to be our turn. It finally came to our turn to train and I thought I was going to get nervous. I got up and I was perfectly fine. At no point in our training was I nervous. Usually I get chocked up while trying to bare my testimony and when it came time to testify of the things we were teaching, I was perfectly fine. After the training I sat down and just sighed with relief. I knew Heavenly Father had answered my prayers and He helped me to do something that was hard for me! It was a really good feeling!

I love my Heavenly Father and I know he loves ME! I know that he loves ALL of us no matter what our beliefs are or what color we are... HE LOVES US!
For anyone who doesn't know that this is true... I invite you to pray about it. Ask Heavenly Father if this is true and then sit still and listen. I know He will answer you in a way you will understand. I know He will be right by your side.

This world is filled with so many thoughts and ideas. What happened to going back to the basics and simple? I know that it is by the small and simple actions of praying, reading scriptures and going to church that will forever make us happy.

Family... I love you lots and I miss you much!
I hope you have a great week! Don't work too hard...take time for yourself :)

Mom...I love you like I love feeling the cold breeze on my face in sunny St. George! What a great feeling!
I will pray you feel better too...I put your name in the temple.

Sister Larsen

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