Sunday, December 8, 2013

I Am Thankful For.........

I am Thankful for...                                   ‏                                                                                     11/25/13

1. I am thankful for my family
2. I am thankful for my Sisters who are choosing to go on missions!
3. I am thankful for the GOSPEL and how SIMPLE it is!
4. I am thankful for my mission president and wife who love us
5. I am grateful for my companion who is such an amazing missionary!

These are just some of the things that come to mind this year. My heart is sooooo full of great things I can’t even express them all!

Jess looks like such a missionary! That makes me happy! We just had a Sister from here come home from the Philippines. She said she LOVED it there! I hope Jess loves it there! Sounds like it was a successful Farewell.

We will have a nice Thanksgiving! It’s funny to think I am spending yet another Turkey Day here in the Fields. We have a breakfast appointment and lunch appointment at a house that has a bowling alley ;) and a dinner with a family in the evening time. We are going to be stuffed! We keep having to tell people we will be fine...EVERYONE just wants to feed us! They are so lovely and kind here!
Your plans for Turkey day sound fun! I hope everything turns out! Good luck with the green beans :p

Oooooooooh boy! That’s going to be a crazy ward party! hahaha I can’t believe I am already getting ready for my return missionary talk! WOW!

St. George trip sounds good after Chirstmas. Gage’s mom wants to fly me out here for his baptism. Not sure how that’s going to work hahaha it’s on the 21st.
We won’t have to worry about places to stay....many people have offered their homes for us already :) We will be able to stay for free :)

I don’t think I will need to send things home. Someone gave me a I am going to try to get as much stuff in that. I’m trying not to have to send things home.

This week was a suuuuuch a good week! It was a whirl wind...LITERALLY! We have had some crazy winds here and it’s been freeeezing for St. George. I felt like I was back in Beaver. I asked someone the other day how Beaver was and they said brutal! hahaha This is going to be a cold winter for Utah!

The beginning of the week I got to go back to Kaibab for exchanges! We had lots of lessons and wonderful people to teach. THEN WE GOT TO GO INTO COLORADO CITY! It was the coolest experience of my life! I thought I was in a whole different world! The Sisters have investigators there who they are teaching. We also got to eat dinner there....get this...with MEMBERs of our church....there are MEMBERS that live in Colorado City! I’m not really sure how that works. They said it’s pretty different than anywhere else they have lived. Everyone there has super tinted windows...its creepy! The people who would talk to us however were super nice people. I met a family who lives in Colorado City but they have been banned from the church. They were super nice people and really interested in the LDS church. We are trying to make them investigators and help them to see that the Priesthood is not hidden from the earth but that it is still here. I also met a lady who left the FLDS and was baptized into the LDS church. It was so interesting to hear her conversion story. She is now happier than ever and knows that she is on the right track. She reads her Book of Mormon every day and knows that Heavenly Father has really changed her life. I love Colorado City. We will have to go there mom :)
Sister D got to go to Kanab this week also...I will send pictures of our adventure there :)

Saturday.....LAKE AND EDGE GOT BAPTIZED!!!!!!!!!!!! It was suuuuch a good baptism. Sister D and I got to speak. It was really nerve racking because it was almost standing room only AND our Mission President came. It turned out really well. The boys were super happy and Dad could really feel the love of all those who came. His Heart has really softened. Their mom even came who we have never met before. It was really good to talk to her. We invited her to come to church with us...she said she not ready for that stuff but she will think about it. She thanked us for helping her boys. I know this family’s life is going to change more and more over the years. I can’t wait to see these boys go on missions and do great things!
I LOVE seeing others come unto Christ by being baptized by the proper Authority of God. IT’S SO AMAZING!!!!!!

I am so grateful to be here!!!!!! <3

I love you all! I hope you have a wonderful Holiday! Be Thankful for all that you have....EVEN the knowledge that Jesus Christ is your Savior :)

Love you allllllllllllll :)

Mom.....I love you like I loooove seeing the world change one person at a time...striving to be better and become like Christ.

May we remember others and become full of meekness.
Sister Larsen

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