Sunday, December 8, 2013

Interview with a General Authority....oh wow!



Mom.....If you see a UTAH number calling your phone....ANSWER IT! You will be getting a phone call from Elder Arnold a General Authority from the 70! I had an interview with him yesterday and he would like to speak to you. He wanted me to tell you also that things are great. He is proud of my work and appreciates that I made a sacrifice to be on a mission. PLEASE !ANSWER YOUR PHONE!!!!
This email gave me heart attack! Update...I have been carrying my phone everywhere with me all week...but no phone call...yet!  I did get a phone call from Virginia this past week. Sister Anderson, one of Sister Larsen's companions who is home now called to talk to me. It was really fun! She lives in Virginia with her family. Her mom is a teacher also. :)

Oooookay mom.... I laughed soooooooo hard reading your email! I was laughing so hard....I made Sister D read it! She then laughed super hard with me! We are surrounded by Elders right now and it just makes it all the more funny! I have had moments like that on my mission. I am surprised they stayed as long as they did. They must have been desperate! hahahaha
The Wednesday before Thanksgiving I came home from school exhausted and hot. So...I took my clothes off to cool off and then promptly fell asleep on the couch. The next thing I hear is, " Come on in guys, the bathroom is right there." I jumped up off the couch still half asleep in my underwear to see the full time Elders standing there. So....I got back on the couch and covered up with a blanket. I ended up being on the couch for awhile since the Elders decided they wanted to stay and "chit chat" for awhile. hahaha  I told my husband to PLEASE give me a little more advance notice next time!

Thanksgiving was great! We are still feeling the effects of it! We had a HUGE Breakfast. It consisted of bacon not bacon AND waffles....BACON WAFFLS! They were intense! They had apples on them and sauce. I will have to make these for you sometime!
Then we went and played football with missionaries and had a good time. Tried to work off my waffle to prepare for lunch. ha-ha

We ate lunch with our recent convert family...the Denhaulters. We went to a million dollar home that had everything you could think of...even a bowling alley!
The food was great and we were stuffed! They kept feeding us more and more ....we couldn't do it anymore!

We than had to go over to the MacLellen’s home...they asked us to be judges in the family "Smoothie War" so we had to determine who made the best smoothie! It was awesome!!!!

Then at 4 pm we had to go to a family’s home for dessert. They have 4 non-members at their house for the holidays and they wanted us to come meet them and talk to them. It was super casual which was good. I barely ate dessert because I was super full! Sister D and I could barely walk!

We then got to spend the rest of the night with our district and do district activities. It was good because then we didn't have to eat any more! hahaha

People are still feeding us left overs! It’s been great! I only had 6 dollars for food last with the holidays we didn't have to worry.  I didn't starve don't worry! haha

This week we had lots of good lessons in the fields. Sister D and I found a Spanish lady to teach! I got super excited and prayed my Spanish would come back. It did some but I lost a lot of it. We hope this lady will want to come to church. She is illegal and doesn't do much in the community because she doesn't want to get caught. It’s kind of sad... but we know she can be blessed. Sister D was super excited to finally use her Spanish.
We started to teach the Gray Family again... not sure if you remember them. Sister Gray has grown a lot since we have talk to her last. We have a feeling she could finally be baptized in February. We know Heavenly Father is preparing them...It may be slow...but nonetheless it is still happening.
The past couple of weeks we have been working with more and more less active families and families who are in need of going to the temple. It’s pretty exciting to see these people progress! We know their lives will continue to change for the better and Heavenly Father will help them to see that they really do need the church! I am so excited to start working with families like them at home. I think they should move Sisters into your area so I can go out with them every day! :) I am super pumped to be a member missionary! I know that Heavenly Father is going to use me in so many ways...I can’t wait to see what he has in store.

We are still working on our Goal of 10! We have a baptism THIS Saturday! We are super excited for it! His name is Jevin. He is a super cute kid! He is obsessed with baseball! He and I get along real well! hahaha. His mom is trying to get back into activity and has been doing really well. We have finally gotten her to the point she will pray out loud...which for many people is a huge fear. I never realized how many people don't like to pray out loud. We are getting her scriptures for her to start studying. It’s so exciting! She has also now committed to paying her tithing which is something she has never done before! I know that Tithing is a blessing from our Heavenly Father! Not only does it bless us in small and simple ways...but if we think about it...It blesses us is HUGE ways as well. If we think about all the things tithing goes towards we should be excited to pay it. She now knows it’s important. I hope that you do too. I know that when we make a sacrifice like tithing, Heavenly Father really will open the windows of Heaven and pour out so many blessing we can’t even handle all them! He is such a loving Father. I am grateful to know I have a Father in Heaven who loves me! :)

Well....I can’t wait for our baptism on Saturday!
I can’t believe it’s already down to 8 has NOT felt like 1.5 years. It’s such a bitter-sweet feeling!

I love you all! See you soon!

Mom....I love you like I love learning from an apostle of the Lord. It’s powerful!

This week... Go about doing good! Even though we may have our own challenges... Stop thinking about yourselves and do a small act for someone else. I want to hear what you come up with :)
This is the time, to do all that we can, to bring our brothers and sisters back into the family tree. We don't want to forget about anyone. Think about that this week. What did our family tree look like in the "Pre-Mortal Life"....? I hope that changes your perspective on sharing the gospel.

Sister Larsen

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