Sunday, September 22, 2013

Sammy's Baptism, Preparing for China & other marvelous works...

Ooooops I don't think I told you my P-Day was Monday!                             ‏                           

Hi mom!
Sorry I didn't tell you my p-day was on Monday. It will be on Monday for the next 6 weeks.
TRANSFERS! I will be staying in the Fields, but training a new Sister Zone Leader. My new companion is Sister Davila...she is like 4ft tall :) hahahaha She is a good Sister and I am excited to work with her. Sister A “dies” tomorrow and will be flying home! Crazy how time flies by! I can’t believe it’s already been 6wks. ahhhhhh my brain is just on fire! The other Sister Zone Leaders and I asked if we could go to Hawaii for a week then we'll come back hahaha. I forgot what it’s like to work with all Sisters.
So this week was a pretty normal week. We had dinner with a potential investigator family. The dad is a minister and the wife is a "Healer" in her church. They are greeeat people with really strong Christian beliefs. They like that we focus on families so we are trying to use that as a focal point. We had dinner with them this week and spent 1.5 hours eating and talking about religion. It was pretty cool. It’s interesting to see how different conversations can be when their over dinner :) a lot calmer...nobody can really bash you over dinner. J
We are also teaching a less active family (the Lewis Family) they have been LA since the parents were 9 yrs. old. That was a long time ago. They are just now getting back into the grove of things and I would say they are now one of the strongest families in their ward! They love going to church and they understand that it’s a good thing. The other day we were teaching them about Sabbath it’s not just going to church. We played a game with them called Sabbath Day Jenga. Each block has an activity on it and after we pick it out of the stack we all have to decide if it’s a good activity to do on Sundays. So there are things like “rock concert", "swimming", "reading a book", "taking a nap", etc.... The Lewis family only has one daughter and she is hilarious!!! So it was my turn and I picked out "RUNNING"... So I asked "is this a good thing to do?" Everyone thought about it and Sister and Brother Lewis said no, Sundays can be your day off and you can take a rest from running. We all agreed accept Ella the daughter, she shouts and says..." SISTERS! WAIT! WHAT IF YOUR LATE AND YOU HAVE TO RUN TO CHURCH?!" She had this concerned look on her face. I could tell this was a real concern. I could not help myself from laughing! In the end we all just cracked up laughing. We made an agreement that if we were late to church and we needed to run that that would be okay. I just love kids. I love teaching them and seeing them grow in their knowledge. I love hearing all the funny things they say and all the concerns they have. It takes me back to remembering that this gospel is so simple. All we need to do is follow the simple "rules"/ keep the commandments and we can be happy! It’s a no wonder the Savior tells us many times in the BOM to become more like children. Children know how to do things simply. They know what's important and they know how to say sorry. I am striving this week to be more like a child and think simply. This week with transfers and crazy things with the Sisters.... I got so stressed I made myself sick. I am getting over it now, but it taught me that I need to just "Let go and Let God!" I need to just give it all to Him and allow Him to take care of it all. I hope that as I pay more attention to it and I continue to pray for it, that I may learn to be simple minded and allow Heavenly Father to control it all.
GUESS WHO GOT BAPTIZED THIS WEEK!?!?!...Sammy! Hooooly was the most intimate/special baptism I have ever been to. The spirit was so strong! She had the opportunity to bare her testimony at the end and I my jaw just dropped! Her testimony was stronger than most of the people who were in that room that day. Her power and conviction of the Savior and the Holy Ghost was just amazing. I am so grateful for the opportunity that Heavenly Father allowed me to teach her. Even though it was not very long, I know that we crossed paths for a reason. We got to help her reach baptism and at the same time she inspired me to want to be better. I know that Jesus Christ is the great gift we can have in life. I have seen it in her life. She got the opportunity to start over and completely change her life for the better because of Jesus Christ. I hope one day to see her go on a mission and give others what she's been given. I know that because of what she has learned and the feelings she has felt she can be a great instrument in God’s hands to change the world.
 Interesting thought, we ate dinner with a family the other night...their daughter is in an immersion class- so she has half day in English and half day in Chinese. We asked the mom why she didn't put her in the Spanish immersion class... this is what she told us...
She said Sisters... I know that this is for a reason. There are thousands of Utah kids getting this opportunity to learn Chinese as children. When the day comes and China opens up to missionary work, my child will be prepared to serve and she will be able to teach the people without struggling with the language. Woooooooow! What a concept! Heavenly Father is working in mysterious ways and in subtle ways. We have no idea what is going to happen in the future. I was told by our VC director that when asked about the future...the apostle have been spending most of their time preparing for China. ha! China, they say that when China opens...the world will change, the church will change, nothing will be the same! That is such an amazing thought. Mind blowing really! I love this gospel, I know that it is true and when it reaches the hearts of ALL people, they too will come to love it. My heart is so full this week. I love teaching others about Jesus Christ and I know that he can help them too!
Well I love you all! I hope you have a great week! Hope you feel my love and know that I am with you always!
Mom...I love you like I loved seeing Sammy get baptized! :)
If you haven't been to temple this month already....GO :) Its time!

Sister Larsen

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