Sunday, September 22, 2013

Cleaning the Lord's house...

Welcome to the Fields...                                                                            9/03/13

Dear mother and others….
I saw many people I knew this week. It was kind of crazy! I spent some time with the McClures the other day….that was so good to see them. They are great people. We talked about their daughter. It was a really great experience. They are so strong and really have a testimony of our Savior and of God’s plan. I was inspired by them. They really love Buddy and talked all about him as well. It was cute! They told me all about Matt too hahaha… Great Great people!
Mom, if you can find me something to do when I get home that would be great. I know that the time will come for me to come home and I can’t wait to see everyone… I just can’t think about it right now.  I’m still young in the mission! Hahaha
This week was an exciting one! Last P-Day  Sister A and I got the chance to clean the temple again. They had us “tighten” all the screws of the chairs… Sister A asks… “If Heavenly Father tightens his screws…Does that mean I have to too?” Hahaha It was pretty funny! The Temple is an amazing place! I can’t believe I have gotten the chance to clean the Lord’s house! It brings me lots of joy.  I know that the Lord appreciates all that we do for Him, but most importantly…when we take care of our personal temples and follow the Word of Wisdom, I know that Heavenly Father has given us these guidelines to keep ourselves in the best shape possible.
This week we got the chance to go to President’s home and have a “Girls night” with President’s wife. We had lots of fun, but also learned a lot about how to better present ourselves to others. Because of the trends and such lots of the Sister's clothes are a little on the short side haha… I feel “homely” compared to these Sisters, BUT I know because I have followed the guidelines given…I have been blessed and have seen many miracles. Sister Center is such a good mission mom. She really does love her Sisters and wants the best for us. Since I have had the chance to work closely with her these past couple of weeks, I have learned a lot from her.
This week Sister A and I got the chance to go on exchanges again…. Guess where we ended up?!?!?! ARIZONA!!!!! Hahaha yep! We got the chance to visit the Sisters on the AZ strip. It was awesome! As we traveled, we went from 108 degrees to 78…it was beautiful! I was in heaven and so was Sister A. She said she felt like she was in Virginia! I told her I was about 100 miles from my home of Flagstaff. We were tempted to keep driving hahaha JUST KIDDING! It was such a fun trip. The Sisters that serve there are really strong and love to work. They get to work with the people in Colorado City. Let me tell you…How crazy! I never would have thought I would serve in a mission in my home state, it was pretty cool! We took many pictures! ha-ha
SOOOOO GUESS what is happening this week?!?!?!?! We are having a MISSION CONFERENCE! A whole MISSION is coming together and we get to hear from an apostle! They won’t tell us who….but we got 3 talks from Bednar…so we are all guessing it’s going to be him. We are all preparing mightily for this. We can’t wait to hear what he is going to say to us all to help us be better people and missionaries! I can’t wait!!!! I have a feeling he is going really hit it hard with us. We are also getting President Holland in a town by BEAVER. Ahhhhh HOW COOL IS THAT!?!?! Those people are lucky!  He is going there to “Train” the auxiliaries and then will be spending Sunday there to speak to them in church. He will be speaking with a Return Missionary who has been home for 2 weeks, hahaha poor kid. He came into the VC this week and he said he’s super nervous!  I can’t wait for this week! It’s going to be awesome!
WE are seeing lots of miracles in our area. We don’t get to spend as much time here as we’d like because we are on splits a lot of the week. We finally met up with a family that we have been trying to contact for 4 wks. now… they were finally home. They are a less active family but they said they need to go back to church so that they can make it to the temple! Sister A and I are suuuuper excited for them! We are excited to see them grow and change.
This week we are planning and arranging for our miracle baptism!! Sammy is such an amazing person! Her testimony of this Gospel is also inspiring! We are excited to see where she goes in life.
So last week did I tell you about the Korean kid that I met? I met this Korean kid who teaches in the MTC… his family lives here in St. George and I said jokingly “HEY! You should go to Beaver! You need to teach my Korean family! They will get baptized, but they can’t really understand English very well” The dad just looked at me with big eyes and said…”WE’RE GOING TO BEAVER THIS WEEKEND!” I said no way! So I gave them Sister R’s info and set them up to go have a lesson with the Moon Family. Sister R told me the other night that the Moon family wants to study the church more, but don’t know how because they can’t really understand it all. Soooooo Sister R set it up that she will teach the Moon family and “Steven” the Korean teacher will be on the phone and translate for them! I’m not really sure how it’s all going to work out BUT I KNOOOW that Heavenly Father really loves the Moon Family! He wants them to be part of his Kingdom….if he didn’t…. then none of this would have happened or come about!! Heavenly Father loves each and every one of us! He knows our needs and he makes it possible! I am so grateful that I was able to be an instrument for him and allow this to come about. I know that in no time the Moon family will have the opportunity to follow the example of Jesus Christ and be baptized by the proper authority.
I love this Gospel. I know that IT IS TRUE! I know that we are not here for just “some” reason…WE are here to learn how to be like our Savior and learn how to get back to Him. I know that Temples are the only way families can be together FOREVER. I know that if we humble ourselves and we allow Heavenly Father to cut us down, that we can grow back stronger and be a whole new creature. Wow! What an amazing concept! “A NEW CREATURE” we can all be something different.
If you could be different what would you change? Are you willing to let Heavenly Father help you?
Brothers and Sisters… Life is too short to be lost. Life is too short to make bad choices. Life is just too short. Now is the time to make ourselves better.

I love you all! I hope you know that you are special! I hope you know you are a Child of God and He loves you!
Sister Larsen

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