Sunday, September 22, 2013

Back in St. George & Zone Leader

Welcome back to the Fields... IT’S HOT!!!!!                                               8/13/13
Being a Zone Leader is a ton of work...but fun. It’s been about a week since transfers and I have already gone on 2 exchanges and have had to take care of several Sisters.
Sister A and I have been doing well. She hasn’t changed much...but I think I have and I have learned how to better handle it. It’s been fun. VERY different, but good.
SISTER KIA called you?!?!?!?! I LOVE that lady!!!!! She is a good woman and helped us a lot. Her daughter is a good missionary...I was sad to see her come home but I know that when she’s better everything is going to work out for her.
Since I talked to y'all last...
Wed I made it to St. George and itssssss hooooooot! I’m dying haha everyone says "you’re from AZ you’re use to this, right?"....not after Beaver... haha. I look like a hot mess everyday!
Thurs. We went out to our area and we went and found our families we were last working of them is struggling big time right now and the son went LA :( we are trying to see what we can do to help him come back.
The other family... I left WF right when we put them on date for baptism and were getting them all ready. We saw them and the mom just cried! She said she cried because we weren’t at her was cute! They are super solid and are planning their Sealing date! I’m soooo stoked! It’s going to be amazing to see this family finally come together. The dad had been LA for 25 years and now is SOLID in the church. Heavenly Father really changed this family's life!
We also saw the Feesagos...not sure if your remember them...we baptized their kids and got them reactivated...they are now LA :( uuuughhhhh! It's frustrating to see that but I know that we can come back and help them better than what we did before.
I've been thinking about why I am here and why in this area again... I’m still not sure buuuut I know that I am a waaay better missionary than I was before and so is Sister A. We are going to work hard in this area and be bolder. We hope that we can see miracles and change this area.
Being back at the VC is super hard. I have had a couple of break downs. I hate not being in my area, I hate sitting there when no one is there, and I’ve already gotten in trouble. We got new directors... the director’s wife... I was talking to her the other day and I’ve never talked to her before. She asked where I was from and I told her AZ. She said ooooh so where? I said Mesa...She said actually went on a mission? Cause those Mesa girls never leave mom. It’s like their stuck to their moms. Wow I was offended! I said we're not ALL like that... she said "I don’t believe you"... I had to walk away! I was amazed she would talk to me like that. Then the other day she yelled at me for some other silly reason...THEN her husband got after me. All the Sisters think Sister A and I are crazy because we have no idea how to do anything and we are always late to meeting because we never got told what time to be at them. They just assumed we knew about them... it’s just been crazy! THEN our mission presiden’st wife went out with me last night and told me that my clothes were too tight and that I needed to think better about what I wore. I need to think about what others are going to think about me. I thought...I’ve been wearing this whole mission and it’s been fine. I know I've gained weight....but I didn’t think it was that bad. Soooooo now I have to try and find different things :(... I don’t know what to do! 
I told Sister A that I have had everything good in Beaver and I have seen much success and now I have to go through the refiner’s fire... It’s been tough! Trying to set an example for 16 other Sisters and try to help them with all their problems... maaaaaaan! I am learning lots more and I am trying to rely on my Heavenly Father more. I know that I pray more and I keep songs in my heart... it gets a little easier.
Also going from poor poor people to RICH people is a tough change. In the Fields... the members are not very humble. We had a man tell us the other day that if he wasn’t in Utah with all these rude people he would join the church. All we could do was laugh. I looked at Sister A and said we are in a whole new world! hahaha
I pray that I continue to work hard I show Heavenly Father how much I want to change this area...that we will see miracles.
Today for P-Day... some of the Senior Missionaries that Sister A and I knew before... they asked us if they could take us hiking. I was grateful for that tender mercy! Sister A and I had a great time getting out and not stressing :) The 2nd pic... I cut open my knee saving Sister A's life. She almost fell into a pool of water and I had to grab her...this was the result!
Well....I love you all! I hope life is treating you well and you’re happy!
Mom.... I love you like I love hiking.......AND missionary work! :)  

Hope you have another great week at school!

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