Sunday, September 22, 2013

Mission Conference with Elder!

Welcome to the Fields... It’s White and Ready to Harvest ;) BAPTISMS!!!‏                                           9/10/13

Ooooh glad you got to talk to Sister Woolley…. She is such an amazing lady! I hope they are around in December because you will have to meet the Woolleys!
Temple is open during December and it’s all decorated, but not like AZ haha
We were in Colorado City with the polygamists when we were in the AZ part of the mission.
Okkkkay so this week has been theeee longest and BEST week of my whole mission! So the whole week Sister A and I had to coordinate getting all the Sisters to St. George and getting them a place to stay for the night, etc… Then the BIG DAY finally came! SATURDAY! We all woke up at 4 am…got ready…got on a bus at 5 am and headed to Salina, Utah! It was a bus ride of 3.5 hours. For most of the trip we tried to sleep so that we would look refreshed for the meeting. We finally arrived at the church building and if you haven’t seen 180 missionaries all get together…you’ve missed out! It was crazy! There were hugs flying everywhere and lots of happy faces to see those you have grown to be friends with. I got to see Sister R and that was super fun! I got to see many other missionaries that I haven’t seen for a long time. It’s like going to a family reunion haha anyways… It got to be time and we all found our seats. At 8:50 Elder Bednar, Sister Bednar, Elder Clayton and his wife all walked in! HOW COOL! The Clayton’s said a few words and then Sister Bednar said a few words and at 9:10 am Elder Bednar took over. We thought he was going to “talk to us” and tell us all how to be better missionaries and what not… instead he went on to say…Elders and Sisters…. I gave you 3 talks to read… I hope you read them! It’s now time we have a discussion about them. For 1.5 hours we discussed what each of us had learned and we got to “talk with” Elder Bendar. It was so cool. He taught us the pattern of learning and how we must learn by the spirit…but most importantly we must teach by the spirit. We must teach by the spirit so that our investigators can learn by the spirit. Then the second half of the meeting we had a Q&A with him. He gave us an opportunity to ask him questions. Many people asked deep profound Qs. I never got the opportunity to ask him a question, BUT I went to the meeting with many personal questions in mind and all of them were answered. It’s amazing to see that even though I never outwardly asked my questions, they still got answered. They got answered, the spirit was able to teach me and help me to receive my own revelation. In the end…Elder Bednar's final thoughts were…Elders and Sisters… I hope you know that you don’t need an apostle to answer your questions…you don’t need an apostle to tell you what to do. The Gospel is simple. Keep the commandments and be good boys and girls and Heavenly Father and the Holy Ghost will tell you the rest. WOW! That really made me think about how I need to study harder, I need to be better in tune, I’ve got lots to work on. This experience was once in a lifetime—this email does it no justice. I wish you all could have been there to experience it all.
Sammy is getting baptized this SATURDAY! We are really excited for her! I can’t wait to see her officially on the path of righteousness. The straight and narrow.
This week I also got the opportunity to sit in on Missionary Leadership Training. This is a meeting for all the Zone Leaders in the mission. We were trained by our Assistants and also by President and his wife. We then had to take all the info. to our Zones and train our other missionaries that we are over. Sister A and I got to do our trainings with the Elders, it was super fun! Sister A and I got the opportunity to train our missionaries about “Desire”  I’m not sure if you remember, I hate getting up in front of people to talk…so I was super nervous to do the training, but we did it and it turned out all right. I was proud of myself.
I learned this week that the Atonement is not just for our sins…it’s also not just for our emotions…it is also for helping us to do hard things. WOW! That just blew my mind. I never thought that when I was doing hard things I was using the atonement. So getting up in front of others to do trainings is using the atonement… I am allowing Jesus Christ to help me in my needs. I hope you think about this the next time you are about to do something. If it is something hard for you…just jump…do it because you will allow the strengthening power of the atonement to help you! We are meant to do hard things. This world is all about doing hard things. Learning this made me feel all that much closer to my Savior.
The gospel is simple! Come what may and love it!
Mom, I love the experience you wrote about, what a good learning experience that is. As you strive to look for the good in each person, allow Jesus Christ and His atonement to help you. Don’t be afraid to ask. When we feel like we can do things all on our own… we are letting the atonement go in vain.
Family, I love you lots. I thought about y’all many times this week!
I hope y’all have a great week and remember that you are never alone. There is someone always watching over you.
Mom…I love you like…..well I would say as much as meeting an apostle of the Lord…buuuuut I love you more than that! …oh and we got to shake his hand J
Peace, Love and Happiness!
May God be with you!


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