Sunday, September 22, 2013

Miracles and more Miracles!

Welcome to the Fields....Miracle, Miracle, Miracle...They just keep coming!            ‏                        8/27/13

Dear Family!
THE CHURCH IS TRUE!!!!! We had an amazing week this week. Sister A and I went on exchanges this week. I got to stay in the area and had Sister Peart and Sister Keenan. So that day we had 4 phone calls…4 different people told us that they wanted to meet with us!!!!! Gaaaaah that was sooooo cool! We went and visited all of them and in one day we gained 5 new investigators!!!! I was on cloud nine! I couldn’t wait to see Sister A again so I could tell her all about what happened. Friday we had Bailee’s interview to get baptized. Saturday was Bailee’s BAPTISM! It was the greatest baptism I have ever been to! There were 40-50 people there just to see her get baptized. Sister A and I could not stop thinking about how many people she has affected in her life and how many people have played a role in her life to get her to this point. Bailee got to bare her testimony at her baptism and I was just blown away! I have never heard a new member give such a testimony! She even used her scriptures! Wow! After Bailee’s baptism Sister A got the opportunity to meet a new potential investigator who called us and said she wanted to meet with us. We went over to her house and found out she had been meeting with missionaries in Vegas…she said I’ve prayed about it and I already know that my baptism is supposed to be on Sept 14th so if you could make that happen for me that would be great! Hahaha Sister A's and my mouth just dropped. We asked her if she really knew and understood who her Father in Heaven was? She sat there and bore her testimony for a good 5 minutes! Sister A and I just stopped talking. Everything we had thought of or asked her felt like a dumb question because she would just continue to bare her solid testimony. Just like Bailee, both of these girls have been prepared by our loving Heavenly Father. He knows us so perfectly and prepares us in the times that we need. It’s been soooo cool to see these girls and see how much they love the gospel! For those of us who have been in the gospel our whole lives…we tend to forget how special it all really is! These girls have really strengthened my testimony. On Sunday we got the opportunity to eat dinner with the Denhaulters. They are a family that Sister A and I found last year and are now getting ready for their Temple trip in Feb. I CANNOT wait to get back here for it. They are super solid and the daughter who is 15….we asked her if she liked going to church and she said I LOVE going to church! …hahaha I just laughed and then said that is so awesome! This is another family who has just changed my life! They now tell everyone about the gospel…even in the grocery stores, that’s my kind of missionary!  Everything in the Fields is going well and Heavenly Father is sure blessing us. It is the time to prepare and many people are preparing! I am just amazed!  Sister R in Beaver updated me on all the people in Beaver, Roy got baptized this Sat. and Martin got baptized!!!!! Ahhhhhhhh aaaaaand remember Thelma…remember how she couldn’t get baptized because she wasn’t married and her husband told us to wait… Yeeeeeeah apparently she went and got married didn’t tell anyone! SO NOW SHE CAN GET BAPTIZED!!!!!!!!  Goooooodness!! I just love being my Heavenly Father’s instrument! Seeing all these amazing things happen in a world so brings hope and happiness. I am still getting use to the VC…but it’s coming slowly.
Looooved the story about Bailee and Willow. That made me happy!
Got the surprise….thank you! I laughed really hard! I wanted to show her but I decided not to because I’m already on her “bad” list lol
Sorry this is all rushed. I wish I could call you to talk about coming home stuff.  We have a shortened email time this week.
I love you all!
Mom….I love you like all the phone calls we got this week of people telling us that they wanted to get baptized! Hahahaha


                                                                 Notice Bailee's halo...:)

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