Sunday, September 22, 2013

Elder Larsen ?? :)

Welcome to WF.....MIRACLES!!!                                                        ‏8/20/13
Thou Shalt Not Worry..... I will always email you :) It’s so weird to have P-day on a Monday now.
 Things with VC director are getting better. I just stay away from her as much as possible. She is from Cali...
Also things with mission mom are good. I’ve just been really careful of what I wear.
 Sooooooo, the whole extension thing. I’ve been praying about it ALOT and I got to go to the temple today. WOW!!!! I took my question to the temple about extending... I’m not really sure how to interpret my answer...BUT I think Heavenly Father wants me to come home and prepare to "move on" ....Sooooooo, if I do go home in Dec.... I will be going home December 11th.
Please send Ana my love!!!!!!
Sister R is still in Beaver....she is training a newbie and is kind of struggling. Her newbie is super home sick, but I think it will be a good thing for Sister R to work with... it will be a good learning experience. If you’d like you could send her a note :) Make her day! hahaha I miss her like crazy too!
Glad to hear everyone is doing well :D
So this week was a super good one!!!!! We got a phone call from one of our bishops and said I have a girl who is interested in the missionaries. I have a meeting set up Wed. at 7,  be at my house. .....we were like whaaaaaat?!?!?!?!
So we showed up to his house and we met Bailee, I was freaking out! I taught Bailee a year ago with my trainer and she just wasn't ready to meet with the missionaries. She was a cheerleader in HS and just wanted to do the kid thing. I never said anything to her about it and pretended I didn't know her because she didn't seem to recognize me. So we started to get to know her and talked about her life. She said Sisters I’M READY! I want to learn!.... we were so excited! We taught her about "Faith, Repentance, and Baptism" and then asked her if she would follow Jesus Christ’s example and be baptized by the proper authority? .... she said YES! We asked her for the 24th... she said YES! We realized we had 9 days to teach’s been sooooo amazing to see her grow and see what Heavenly Father teaches her through the scriptures. She is beyond solid! We had a lesson with her on Saturday and I asked her if she remembered who her missionaries were a year ago and she started to freak out, she said I thought you looked really familiar!!!...It was a cool moment for us. She apologized for not being ready a year ago. It was super cute! I told her not to apologize.... I said I get to teach you now and boy that is so amazing for me. I said I am so grateful I get to see how much you have grown.
I think Bailee is one of the reasons I got to come back to the Fields... Heavenly Father knew we needed a miracle and He has been taking care of us. Our area is still pretty slow, but we are working on it and hoping that we can get it back up and going again.
I have also been able to go on many exchanges with the’s a blast. I have loved stressing about these Sisters and also helping them to be better.
I learned this week that one of my RC from the Fields...Michael... Remember the kid that was in a foster home and would only let me teach him, he is now in prison. He became one of my good friends while I taught him. My heart just broke and I broke down and cried. That was a hard moment for me, but I know that I can’t save everyone. I got to teach him and then it was his choice to follow or not. I think the biggest thing that made me sad was that he is only 16. I can’t even imagine. I pray that one day he will remember what he learned and he will find Heavenly Father again.
I am starting to "like" the VC again. Sister A and I got to take a tour with the YW... we got to teach about Revelation. We had a great time with it and we made it really fun. The girls loved it. At the end they all wanted pictures with us. It was cute. I am amazed at what the youth knows these days!!! Goodness I am nothing like them. They all KNOW the gospel and really believe it. I am impressed every time I get to talk to a youth. I hope one day I can be like them.
Well life is amazing! The church is true! Heavenly Father lives AND Jesus Christ knows us better than anyone on Earth!
Mom....I love you as much as I love miracles!!! AND that's ALOT!!!!! Heavenly Father is so good!!!!
Be good to those around you! Be more like the Savior.
Read J. Smith's testimony in the BOM and pray to strengthen your testimony in him. ALSO.....GO TO TE TEMPLE!!!!!!
You don't need a nametag to be a missionary!
Sister Larsen

PS....Sister A calls me "ELDER" Larsen     


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