Sunday, August 11, 2013

Where In the World (Utah) is Sister Larsen now??

Bye Bye Beaver... Heeeellllloo.....???‏                                                     

Helllllo family!

Mom....Cove Fort is a church history site :)

Your week sounds ridiculous! haha I can’t believe all that stuff happened all together!

Alana must of had a paaaaaart-y! Sheesh! Did they get my card? Hope so!

 Okay Willow’s story was just what I needed for the week! I cried laughing. I needed that!

So not only did you have a crazy week BUT so did we!

So Monday....Sister R and I learned how to GOLF! One of our Ward Mission Leaders and his wife took us out to learn how to golf. He took 30 minutes to explain how to do it all like the PROS! :)  Soooo then we started to practice....everything was going well...we got to the first hole and Sister R went first....She did great! Then it was my turn. Soooo remember how my shoulders are dumb and aren't very strong..... hahaha the first shot I partially dislocated my shoulder! I thought I was going to cry.... but I didn't and I kept playing. We got to hole 5 and I had to stop... my arm no longer wanted to work. BUT DONT WORRY it’s all better now and doesn't hurt hahaha I just won’t be golfing for a while!

THEN Tuesday we got a phone call... one of our Ward Mission Leaders went to go check on one of our investigators. He says BAD news Sisters! We had been trying to get a hold of this guy for weeks and he had been avoiding us. Our WML says well...he won’t be getting baptized anytime soon. We said uh oh! What happened? Apparently, our Investigator went to a party over the weekend and got super drunk ( HELLLO...WHAT HAPPEND TO COMMITTING TO FOLLOWING THE WORD OF WISDOM?) He decided to drive and smashed into a a DUI... and got his license suspended for year :( Uh that was heart breaking news for us! WE were sad to hear that happened. We tried to visit him to support him and see what we could do for him or how we could help him, but he doesn't want to talk to us for a while because he's too embarrassed to talk to us. Testimony that when we follow the Word of Wisdom we can be happier and healthier. The Gospel is a hard way to live because the world seems so much more fun... but in reality... When we live the Gospel the way the Lord has set for us we can truly be happy and we can have confidence that the choices we make are good ones.

Wednesday we had a pretty good day.

Friday we were asked to go back to Cove Fort to do some service for them on their "COVE FORT DAYS" We got to talk to loooots of people. It was pretty fun.

Saturday was even a crazier day! WE had to spend the morning "weekly planning" since we didn't get to do it on Friday. So we started a little later in the day then usually. We had appointments at 2,3 and then we were going to contact our investigator in the apartment complex at 4 ....for some reason we felt we needed to go visit someone else instead so we didn't go to the appointment at 4. We didn't get the chance to visit the appointments until about 6. When we walked into the complex our investigators boyfriend (Levi) was standing outside of his door. We walked in and he said booooy am I glad to see you! We thought well that's funny because he's never said that to us before. He went on to tell us about his day and all the things that happened to him. Earlier that day his apartment complex got raided by the Sheriff’s Department and they busted in doors trying to find a man who had been dealing drugs. Levi was very overwhelmed and was upset because he felt like his family wasn't safe anymore. WE talked to him for a while and talked to him about prayer and how he could ask Heavenly Father to protect his family. He asked if we could say a prayer with him, so we did. We were standing outside and as we were saying a prayer, we were standing in a circle and I had my eyes we were standing there...I got this really strong impression... "DONT CLOSE YOUR EYES" I opened my eyes scared not knowing what might happen. I didn't want Levi to see that I had my eyes opened so I stood there with my head down and just kept my eyes looking around. We finished the prayer and nothing had happened. I am not sure why I was given that impression but I know that for that moment we were safe. After we had said the prayer...this man drove into the complex, Levi started freaking out. He said "Sisters, you gotta get out of here!!!" So we ran out and got into our car. Before Sister R and I ever go into this place we always say a prayer for protection... I can tell you that if we did not have the power of prayer or if God was not real...we could have easily found ourselves in bad situations...BUT it is because of prayer and the power of God that we have been protected. We have been kept safe so many times and I am so grateful! I love my Heavenly Father and all that He does for me! I love that HE DOES hear my prayers and HE does ANSWER them!

I love my mission...I love the people I see and talk to... I love seeing miracles!!!

Ok ok ok.....sooo you’re probably dying by now wanting to know where I am now!
Yes, yes we are!  ")

My meeting with president went well. I talked to him about extending and he said he would get back to me, ha so it wasn't as productive as I thought it would be, but it was still good!

Saturday morning we got our transfer calls...this time I got mine from President Center. No usual call this time. President Center asked me to be a new "Sister Zone Leader"...It’s a new position the church has come up with. I am being sent back down to St. George.  Funny story.... Remember where I was before Beaver???? I was serving in Washington Field...with Sister Anderson. President has called me to serve in the Washington Fields with Sister Anderson as a Zone Leader.

The only thing that came out of my mouth was ....."again?!" ... he said, Yes Sister...anymore questions? I said no.

So it’s official my mission is a crazy one! I will start and die in the same place. I have a lot of bitter sweet feelings about this call this time. I am excited to serve as a Zone Leader... but I am sad to go back to the Visitor’s Center. I have been praying a lot that Heavenly Father will help through it and that I will be able to have the strength to do what the Lord wants me to so. I've been really nervous to go back with Sister A also since we didn't really leave on a good note. I know we have both changed a lot in the last 9 months. So, I pray that with those changes we will be able to work better with one another. Yesterday was a hard day, saying goodbye to Beaver. I cried. I will forever remember Beaver and the people that I met. I will forever have those friends! I am so grateful I was given the chance to serve there for 9 whole months!!!! Whaaaat a blessing!

So there it is... I am back down in the heat of St. George and I am now a Zone Leader! ha

What a whirl wind! :)

Well I love you all! xoxooxox

Mom...Love you like allll the things I've gathered for 9 months that I had to pack :) hahaha


 Pic#2... This is a picture of the temple that my recent convert painted for me! Pretty cool huh?!

 Pic#3...My favorite Beaver Family... Stake President...President Robinson and his family!

PS I have had several phone calls this past week from families in Beaver. They all called to tell us how much they love Sister Larsen and how much they miss her already. Does a Mom's heart proud!
We love our "Sister Larsen" and miss her too! I will keep you posted as to her "release" date.




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