Sunday, August 11, 2013

Rain in Beaver & All kinds of Crops are Growing!

Welcome to Beaverville.. Where we can’t decide if we want the Sun or the Rain‏                
Dear family!

Sad to hear about the M&M markets but I think the Ranchero Market was a perfect place! Thanks for taking your time to do that. I am waiting in anticipation as to what we're going to find! Thank you for putting that stuff together :) You're the best!

Tell Bud thanks for taking care of my car :) …. I told Elder Woolley who is in charge of cars... “I will never drive this kind of car in my life ever again!” He just laughed. The car we are driving is seriously crazy! I feel like a million dollars every time I get in it. We feel sick driving to the trailer parks when we visit our investigators, so we park outside and walk to it.

We had a zone meeting this week and all the Elders wanted to steal our car! haha

We did meet “President Center” and Wife... They are from Ohio. He is (was) a vet. His Wife is super hyper and hilarious! We like her already! She gave us three rules “ 1: no trampolines 2: no energy drinks 3: DONT BE STUPID!” hahaha We haven’t heard that word for a year it was shocking that that came out of her mouth. We didn’t say words like that. President Leonard was really strict on what we said and how we talked. I think this change will be a good one. They seem like really caring people. No huge changes to the mission yet so that’s good! It was sad to see the Leonards go... President bawled! It was sad.

The girls are SOOOOOO big! Their hair is outrageous now! I can’t believe it! They both look so “hip” now! Bailee and I have matching bangs :) I shouldn’t have gotten bangs’s so hot here and super humid. I forget what humidity feels like. At the end of the day I look like I just got out of the shower in my clothes :/ hahaha But it’s all good.

We just heard about the Yarnell fire because we have one in Beaver County... SO SAD! So Sad to hear that was Jake’s family. I will pray for them. I hope everything works out for them. I can’t believe it was 19 people!

 So you know the "Swen” story... So we prayed that we could be kept away from him and that we wouldn't have any problems when we would go over there. Prayer answered! The other day we were over there talking to our investigator. We were in plain sight... Swen walked out of his apartment walked straight to his car and left. Not one word to us... then when he came back he got out of his car and walked straight back inside. There was never a moment when we felt scared and he didn't even say a word to us. I know Heavenly Father was protecting us again and knew that we needed to be able to talk to our investigators and not be worried about what was going to happen next. I love seeing miracles and feeling the peace that comes from them.

So this week was kind of stressful! I had to take care of the Sisters here...get them settled more and then go on exchanges with them. We had two days in our area because of all our meetings and meeting President but it all turned out well. I am learning yet again mother that “it’s how you say it” I really stink at it apparently because I’m learning more and more. I had different experiences this week with the Sisters that I realized I need to work better on that. Ugh! I’m having a tough time giving up part of my area and watching someone else do work that I’ve worked on for months. I think it would have been better if I just left completely. Their bishop hasn’t really made it all that easy either... We tried to talk to him the other day about an investigator we are teaching still and he said “Well you’re not my missionaries, what do you want me to do?” I got so frustrated! Sister R has been helping me a lot to just let things go and help me to remember that it’s not about the Bishop or the’s about the Lord’s work and we just need to focus on that. She been helping me to rely on the Lord more and more and helping me to not become “so stressed” which is a project in its self because I’m just that kind of person. It’s funny because things have been going smoothly for the past 4 months and I feel like we were just cruzin' and then wham! Heavenly Father put in learning curves this transfer! I know that he knows what we need and he wants us to just become perfect. I know he does things because he also loves us. P*A*C*E : Positive attitude changes everything. I know that to be true. Sometimes when we struggle and we change our thoughts or we get in the dumps... it makes things a lot harder. So this week no matter what the Bishop says to us or whatever happens with the Sisters...I’m going to be positive and remember that I’m NOT the one in charge. Heavenly Father is and I need to just give it all to him and let Him work it out.

This week we had an amazing dinner/lesson with the Magana family (witch family) We ate a humble dinner with them...rice and corn and a tortilla... and then had a lesson with them. The dad sat in on the lesson and hoooooly cow! We thought he was anti and didn’t want to listen to us. But the lesson we had with them... he asked us “Why do Catholic people pray to Saints...when they can just talk straight to God?” The Mormon church is so right! Sister R and I just sat there in amazement! He was so proud of his family for going to church and also preparing to get baptized. We asked him to be baptized right then and there and he said.... “ahhh I’ll wait till they do it then maybe I’ll do it” hahaha we laughed but was really sad at the same time. We are working sooooo hard on getting him to church now...we are determined to get him baptized :)

We also had some amazing lessons with Annie (fish lady) We talked to her about Word of Wisdom and she told us, “I quit last night.” I know that the things you are teaching me are true and I felt I need to change. I don’t have any money anyways to keep buying those darn cigarettes. We hadn’t even taught her that yet. So we reviewed it...taught her the blessings and moved on. This lady is amazing. Everything we are giving her she is just is soaking it up and applying everything. We taught her Plan of Salvation this week also and then at church she went around telling everyone that this is our probationary state- we need to get with the program! We need to be better!” haha Sister R and I just laughed. She is going to whip these people into shape. She reads her BOM every night and reads almost 5 chapters. She comes back the next day and with knowledge of things that aren’t even written in the book. Heavenly Father is teaching her and it’s amazing to watch. I learn something new from her every time we teach her. This week instead of a fish...she shared her apples and peanut butter. haha I think we're all getting “fed” when it comes time for Annie's lessons...Spiritually and physically :D

Miracles are all around us here in Beaver! There are many other things that happened this week.

Mom....I love you like alllll the rain we got here in Beaverville! Our crops are going to go crazy! :)


I pray that you know how special you are. You are a son/daughter of God! Everything happens for a reason. Learn from it, become stronger! Don’t let life tear you down.

You don’t need a name tag to be a missionary! Do your part. Speak the language of Love to all those you see!

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