Sunday, July 7, 2013

More Beaver adventures...lesson in the park & microwaved fish from nearby lake...hhhmmm

Welcome to Beaver... Miracles all Around!                             ‏                                                            7/01/13
Dear family...

Sooooo the new Sisters are’s been kind of stressful buuuut it’s all working out. They are only working in one of our wards. It’s been great to see all the work they’ve been doing. It’s tough to see a huge part of my area go but that’s what they wanted. It’s been interesting because that bishop now doesn’t even talk to us- he says “let me talk to my missionaries” ugh! We have a baptism coming up in his ward (we kept our investigators we already had) and he won’t even give us the time of day to talk to him. We also have been trying to work with several families for many weeks and nothing really came out of it but then when the Sisters got here the families decided to meet with missionaries...maybe it’s just me... or maybe that how the Lord wanted it. It’s just frustrating sometimes. Beaver has been super-hot for us and I’m dying! After spending the winter here... geeesh it’s hot! I’m sooooo glad I’m not in St. George! They are dying down there.

So I got my shot and I am feeling a ton better! I sneeze a million times a day still but it’s getting better.
Really mom...I think I’m going to buy the little house that we live in right now and just stay :) You can come too!

Uuuuugh everyone keeps talking about how long I’ve been out and it kills me to talk about it. I CANNOT believe it’s been a year already! Time is flying by!!!! I want it to slow down. It makes me just freak out thinking it has been a year. I’ve been on soooo many adventures this past year I can’t even begin to describe it all! I love it!
I have a special mission for you! I need you to go to M&M or some store like that and get us some “Mexican candy” Like the Mango with Lucas suckers, Lucus, all that junk we ate as kids. We need it for some investigators. :D Thanks! Haha I hope you find this mission fun! If there is anything exciting you’d like to Send Sister R from AZ :)

So the “witch” family...I’m glad you understood that story. It’s complicated to type and describe AND talk about. I totally get what you mean by bringing bad feelings. We are now way past that with the family and they are doing great! They have been to church for the past two weeks and are loving it! They are on date to get baptized July 20th! They know that everything we teach is true and they LOVE church. The 18 year old son said this last week that “this” meaning church is what he’s been missing in his life. Uuuuuuh how cool is that!? We just sat there and smiled. This family has grown so much and now rely on the Lord more than they ever have before. It’s been super cool to see.
So here’s a story for you. I probably shouldn’t tell you this but I will anyway..... So Sister R and I were walking into an apartment complex... We were trying to find our investigator. We were walking away from their door when this man came up to us... he lived just down from where we were...He asked, ”Are you missionaries?!?!” We said yes we are! We talked to him for a bit and talked about his experiences with the church and such and then we made an appointment to talk to him more the next day. We couldn’t teach him right then in his home because we didn’t have another Sister with us. So the next day we decided for some reason we needed to make sure we took an older Sister with us. So the three of us went to Swen's house and started talking to him. The moment we walked in I had this awful feeling. I knew we shouldn’t be in there. We tried to talk to him about church as much as we could but he kept asking us random off the wall questions. He then started to tell us about his girlfriend... he showed us a picture and she was a porn heart sank. I realllly knew we needed to get out of there. The lady we took with us just kept talking to him like nothing was wrong, like they were friends. I looked at Sister R and said, “Let’s go” under my breath. We grabbed our Book of Mormon that we brought for him told him to read the Introduction and said well; we will see you next week. He said wait you’re leaving already?! But you are supposed to be here to keep me company! …. I died. Sister R and I booked it out of there and our fellow shipper was like wait we need to be his friend. I said Sister we’ve got to go and walked away...luckily she followed us and we got in the car and she couldn’t understand why we had to leave. I am sooooo grateful that we have the spirit to help us to know when to get out of situations. I know that Heavenly Father really protected us that day. Who knows what could have happened to us if it was just the two of us in there. I know that the rules we have are also for our protection. Heavenly Father knows everything and He sure does love his missionaries.

Story two: We got this referral for this lady. We tried calling her number like 4 times and no answer. Then we went to go check on our RC and see how he was doing. He wasn’t home and so as we were walking out of the complex we heard this lady yell for us, Sisters!! We turned around and it was our referral! Her name is Annie. She is currently homeless and is living on the streets. She got a hold of a Book of Mormon and started readying it. She said I have been trying to find you for weeks! Where have you been!? We told her we tried calling her...well we had the wrong #. So we started talking to her. She talked a mile a minute and she told us everything about her in 10 minutes. Haha ...we set up an appointment to meet her for a lesson the next day at the park. So the next day we got to the park and she was there. She had a whole bunch of stuff in her arms. She said I was so excited to see you today! I had my friend make you these bracelets! It was a piece of leather with a feather in it. She said it’s for peace. Then she set down all the other stuff she had in her arms. She said I was so excited to see you today I thought we could talk about God and share this fish meal together. She had caught a fish in the nearby lake and then MICROWAVED it! She said its hot and fresh ready to eat! I thought I was going to die! I looked at Sister R with a horrified look on my face and she also had one. We weren’t sure what to do. A microwaved fish?! Is that even kosher?! She asked if I could say the prayer over it and I was glad to! I prayed reeeaaaaaaal hard! Plllleeeassse don’t let this make us sick! We ate it with her :P I hate fish by the way! It was an interesting lesson. Well, by the time our lesson was done we had put her on date and she is getting ready to be baptized July 20th! She is so excited to be part of Christ’s real church! It was so cool. Two miracles in one! A baptism and we didn’t get sick!  J
This week was so full of miracles I can’t even talk about them all. We have 15 investigators now and 8 of them are On Date. We are planning 6-8 baptisms THIS month!!!! woohooo!! Beaver is on fire. We pray that we are still worthy of miracles.

Well we got to go! We get to play V-Ball this week!

Mom... I love you like all the miracles I have witnessed this week and that was a looooot!
I hope the family is doing well!
Until next week.

Ps Don’t know anything about new President...We get to meet him this week!

Best Spanish dish ever! Mole (say it with a Spanish accent!) haha  It came straight from Mexico! Literally!  Yuuummm!!
D&C 80:1 Verily, thus saith the Lord: Go ye, go ye into the world and preach the gospel to every creature that cometh under the sound of your voice.
                                                                 New Mission Car!
        You can take the girl out of the country..but you can't take the country out of the girl!


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