Sunday, July 7, 2013

Transfer? District Leader :)

Welcome to ________....                                                     6/24/13


Oooooooooook Bailee CANNOT be losing teeth already!!!!!!! That’s not fair! Life is going by waaaaaay too fast! That was suchhhhh a cute picture. I love getting those pictures and looking at them. They make me smile!

 Did Bud say if he got my card or not? I hope so! It was funny!

 So the picture with the TALL Elder...that is Elder Captain. He only came to that baptism because he helped me teach Robert when he was in our area. Robert wanted us all there. It was such a special event. Elder Captain just keeps getting taller too! I hate standing by him because he makes me feel like an ant!

This week we are getting our new Mission President :( We are all sad with the leaving of President Leonard :(

Oooooookkkkkkkkkk Drummmmmm rolllll pllllleaaaaaase! Where will Sister Larsen be going next!?!?! Any guess!?!?!?



 BEAVER UTAH! …..hahaha yes, I will for sure be in Beaver for another 6 wks. I will have spent half of my mission here. 9 whole months. This is the max anyone has stayed in one area in our mission. Not sure why I get this honor hahah Soooo this is how it went.... President has been asking me for months if he could split my area. I told him no numerous times. There is no way! There isn’t enough work. He then asked me if he could make it Spanish and English area separated. I said no. there’s not enough work. Then this last time he came to me and asked if I were to put missionaries in your area to do “activation” work would you let me. I counseled with our Stake President and we finally came to an agreement that we could use Sisters to do activation work. Soo.. as of this week I am now Beavers Sister District Leader and am in charge of the new Sisters coming in. I have to show them how to do everything and train them on how to work with wards. I also have to go on “splits” with them to make sure they are staying busy and being used the way that President has intended. It’s kind of complicated. I am keeping Sister Rodriguez which is also a weird thing because I was her trainer and that doesn’t happen either. She is supposed to have a follow-up trainer but I guess that’s me! Hahaha She seems to be fine with it and wanted to stay in Beaver so I guess it all works out. I am stoked to be part of all this new craziness that is happening in missionary work. I am a little surprised I am still in Beaver...but it’s okay. I have had many offers for a house. No worries...If you find that I don’t come home from my mission that’s because I will be a “forever missionary” here and I will have a house that members gave me and I’ll just live here permanently. Hahaha We joke all the time about me buying a house, its funny. I would have many jobs in line for me as well. Hahaha The people here are great and our Stake President actually begged our Mission President to keep me here, soooo I guess that’s why I’m still here. We have had loooots of success in this area and things are growing more and more.

We found 6 NEW INVESTIGATORS this week! That’s the most we've had in a long time. We are actually getting 200 families moving to Beaver for a power line that is coming through the town and so we are getting more and more people to teach! We were supposed to have a baptism yesterday but he is still struggling with Word of Wisdom, so we'll just keep trying :)

So hear this story... When I was with Sister Bo., we tried knocking on this one door many times but the family never answered! So we just stopped. Well the other day...we get this call that we need to go visit this lady because she is looking for “Jesus”...We said Okay! We can help with that! We go to the house and whooooa it’s this house we tried knocking on before. We knocked and no one was home but we turned around and they were just driving in. The mom saw us and just busted into tears. We told her that her friend has sent us and said she needed some help. She welcomed us in and we started talking to her...well Sister R started talking to her, I just listened to them speak Spanish 30 miles a minute!....anyways... the home had a very dark feeling, the family was crying, it just didn’t feel right. The mom kept showing us pictures of her daughter and telling us about’d think I mastered Spanish already being here for so long buuuut I haven’t ;(.... I was trying to understand but it was so fast I missed a lot. Well, l after a prayer with them we walked out. Sister R says can we go home? I need to just go home for a minute. I was like what why? We need to go visit people! But I took her home. We got home and she just sat on the chair and didn’t have anything to say. I was trying to figure out what was happening... She finally started telling me the story. The mom has met with missionaries many times but never got baptized because she just wasn’t sure about everything. She said I should have got baptized a long time ago. She then told me about why they were crying. Apparently this is common in the Mexican Culture... this lady’s daughter was living in Cali...She was stressed about some stuff so she went to go get help. She went and saw a “witch” or a “magic specialist” it’s different in Spanish... She apparently paid this man a lot of money to get help and eventually fell under the man’s spell. She left her family for some reason no one knows. She came to visit her family here in Beaver and when she got here she started doing crazy things to her family. She got upset with her mom and told her she had sold her mother’s soul to the Devil and she’s giving him her siblings too. After that, the mom freaked out! She was so sick from hearing that she had to quit work because she couldn’t function. The mom said that who her daughter was has died and she has become this new person that isn’t good. ….uuuugh! It gives me the chills writing this again! It freaked us out talking about it. I don’t understand it fully because I’m not used to hearing things like this but Sister R said things like that happen all the time in Mexico. People get help from “witches” all the time and then crazy things happen. What’s sad is Satan isn’t even in this family’s home...they are good people. BUT because they are dwelling on what the daughter said and they are thinking about Satan and him taking their soul  they have invited him to be there. We have been praying with them almost every day and we blessed their home so that they could be protected. It’s amazing to me how Satan works. He really is sneaky and does things that are ridiculous. I hope he feels bad because instead of the family giving in to his ways...they turned to God and Jesus Christ and now are becoming stronger in the gospel than ever! I wish these word could even explain this story properly, I hope you understood the jest; it was such a crazy experience!

Also this week.... Remember how I told you about my eyes and I thought they got sunburned? Well the itchy went away for a while then it came back fierce! I was dying! I could barely see and I sneezing and I felt like I had a cold but my mind didn’t feel was weird. I was really confused as to how I supposed to be feeling. I stuck it out of a while but then I had to do something about my eyes. I went and talked to President Robinson our Stake President who is our pharmacy guy :) and he gave me some eye drops to use. He said it’s just allergies. So finally they started feeling better again. But then we went running one morning and I felt like I was breathing out of a straw. I was dying. I couldn’t tell what was wrong with me. Sooooo finally Sister R made me talk to one of our doctors while we were at church... He looked at me and said you have “Hay Fever”...I said what in the world is that?! He said your body is having a severe reaction to the the pollen and all the cotton in the air. I said oh great! He said it’s common around this neck of the woods. Hahaha So now I have to go get a shot today to start helping it get better. He said the shot should make it go away and I won’t have to worry about it for the next 3 months. Yippppeeee!

 Glad you like your necklace :) I looooooove you!

Well that all for now! I hope y’all have a superb week and stay out trouble ya 'hear!

I’m off to go milk my cows that are waiting for me.

Ponder this one this week: Ether 12:27

I love you more than you know.

Mom...I love you like.... I JUST LOVE YOU!
Pray that I can take care of these Sisters and help them to love Beaver just as much as I do! :)
Pray for our new Mission President too!

Sister Larsen






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