Sunday, June 23, 2013

Cole and Daniel the "Dragon" Both looking spiffy in their baptism white! :)

Welcome to Beaver...Dragon at a Baptism?!                                             ‏                       6-17-13

Dear familia,

Well exciting news from Beaver!

This week is Transfers…we get our call on Saturday… I’m pretty sure I’ll be leaving. President came into town this past week and talked to me about it. My entire Stake Presidency and our High Councilor talked to him individually and asked that I don’t be transferred. President Leonard, said “Well Sister Larsen… I think if I transfer you I will have 5 angry men in my office! What should I do?” I laughed. I thought it was funny and also an esteem boost that they would ask President specifically and personally to keep me in their homes. I told President, “I love Beaver, will forever have it in my heart, but I also want to do what the Lord wants me to do. If he wants me to do work somewhere else or teach another Sister somewhere else, then I would love to do that also.” I’m not sure what he will do, but I guess we will find out on Saturday.

We had a great week…a really great week….We had TWO baptisms!

Wednesady we had Payton’s baptism. She comes from a less-active family that is trying to get back into the church. Payton got the opportunity to be baptized with her 8 year old sister which made it fun for them. We were very excited to teach both of them because they are very smart girls. They love going to church and wish their mom would take them more….sad. They are currently going with their grandma who has also been inactive for the past 20ish years. We hope we can help make changes in this family and strengthen them. I would love to see this family fully in the gospel.

On Saturday we had Cole Fletchers baptism. Cole is a son of Pamela who we recently baptized in May. We were so excited to be able to teach him. Pamela told us after she was baptized that she wanted us to teach her boys. At Coles Baptism we not only had him, but we also had “Daniel” Remember Daniel?!?!? The Lizard?? Daniel didn’t get baptized, but I got to hold him by the font so he could watch. THAT WAS A FIRST! I thought it was pretty cool! We actually made a white bowtie for him to wear while he was at the baptism. Cole thought it was silly but Sister R and I thought it was hilarious! We had a good time. We are now trying to get Aiden…Cole’s brother…to be ready for baptism. Aiden calls it getting “abatized!” hahahah we are currently waiting to see what bishop decides due to his learning delays. We are so excited to see this family come around. The husband is the only one now who is holding back, but he is more open than ever! He’s not sure if the church is for him, but he is willing to try if he gets to do his way. We know that with the experiences his family is having he will see the happiness and blessings and he’ll want it for himself. The day he gets baptized will be an amazing day. The family just announced they are having to move again :/ so I hope I can keep in contact with them and be able to see all the changes happening : )

This past Sunday we went to church and in this ward there were two farewells. One of the farewells was a girl that has helped us a lot and so I knew her pretty well.  Her parents joined the church when she was one year old. After the meeting we had a man come up to us… he said, “Hello Sisters…so where do you live?” I was caught off guard and didn’t really know what to say so I asked him do you live in town? He said, “No… I am the missionary that baptized Bri’s parents. You’re in my area!” Ooooh my goodness that was so cool! We talked for a few minutes about the area and all the changes that have happened since he served. He and I also talked about our love for Beaver…He understood my love for this place. It was great! I told him I have been here for 7.5 months and he was amazed at the worked that has happened. He told us, “Sisters… I never would have thought I would be here today for this. I never would have thought I would be able to see my work come full circle. ITS WORTH IT! Stay in contact with those you’ve taught and one day you’ll be able to see it all come full circle!” I don’t know why, but talking to him and seeing with my own eyes his life come in full circle… got me really excited. I thought that was the coolest thing ever! I can’t wait to see the people of Beaver in the future and see what they’ve become. I can’t wait to see these people go through the temple and become stronger than ever! Missionary work is so awesome. I heard this week from a talk, “Salvation is not cheap. If it were… it wouldn’t mean so much to us.” No wonder missionary work is so hard! We are giving people salvation. We are helping them reach the highest level of happiness! This is so true. I think about all the things I’ve gone through with people and the struggles we’ve had together and wow! It’s been hard! Buuuut oh so worth it! I love this work! The more dedication we put into learning about Christ, the stronger our relationship with Him will be. Is it worth it? Is going to church every Sunday at 8 am worth having a relationship with your Savior? I would hope so. I hope that someday everyone will desire to have a relationship with our Savior and will be willing to do anything to have it!

Family… I’ve been studying this scripture lately… I would like you to ponder on it… think about what it is saying and see how you can apply it to your own life. I want to hear your thoughts this next week : )

Alma 29:1-3
1 O that I were an angel, and could have the wish of mine heart, that I might go forth and speak with the trump of God, with a voice to shake the earth, and cry repentance unto every people!

2 Yea, I would declare unto every soul, as with the voice of thunder, repentance and the plan of redemption, that they should repent and come unto our God, that there might not be more sorrow upon all the face of the earth.

3 But behold, I am a man, and do sin in my wish; for I ought to be content with the things which the Lord hath allotted unto me.

I hope all is well. Miss you all.
 Mom… I love you like alllllll the fresh strawberries we’ve been eating… yummy and sweet!


Until next week!

May you all feel our prayers!  <3
Sister Larsen


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