Sunday, June 2, 2013

Spanish Baptisms! :)

Welcome to Beaver... 7th Spanish Baptism!                                  ‏                                  4-29-13
Dear Familia...

 Mom...sounds like you had a crazy fun weekend! Glad you got to meet all your relatives and have yummy food! I wish I could have been there with ya!
(Webster Family Reunion in the Gila Valley over the weekend)

Sorry if y'all are confused about my companions. I’m still getting use to my new one and stillll introducing her to everyone. ha!

Tell Aunt T I said hello. Miss her!

Well this week was the best week ever! Sister R is doing well and is a good missionary! Training her has been a breeze! We do have our differences, but they don’t affect us too much so that’s good. We just get up and get to work. Mom, I think I have been in Beaver for too long. So not only are you and your friends trying to find me a husband...but now everyone here in town is. I had 3 more marriage offers >:/ hahaha I might even become a reverse polygamist and have like 7 husbands sometime soon. It’s crazy! ha
Well Lalo and Jorge got baptized on Saturday and confirmed on Sunday and ordained on Sunday to be priests and will be going to the temple this Saturday to do baptisms and then they will be passing the sacrament on Sunday! Talk about welcome to the ward!!! ah! We are soooooooo happy for them! I told Sister R ...that’s what happens when you wait 7 years to join the church :P These were Sister R’s first baptisms in the mission! woot woot... Now L&J are able to do alllll things within the church. It’s pretty amazing. I have been thinking a lot about these boys and why we were there to teach them. They have been studying the church for 7 years and how come no other missionary could get them to commit to baptism. I know without a doubt that all things happen for a reason and Heavenly Father’s plan is on his timing. I also learned that it’s because of them I had to learn how to better listen to the Spirit. There were many lessons I had no idea what they were saying but I could feel the spirit guiding and directing me to know what to say or how to help. Teaching these two boys has been the biggest highlight of my mission. I know that I have been in Beaver for so long so that I could see all these miracles play out. I love teaching here. I love being part of this community and helping those that I see. We also found 4 new investigators this week.

Oookay talk about timing... So there is this lady...we tried talking to her when we first got into town and she would always say... "Oooh come when you see my car. Stop by whenever you want." She would never make a real appt. So then this week we went to get gas and this guy walked out of the store and said hello to us. His son is in the West Indies mission and so I talked to him about "Elder Medley" and said my friend knows of your son, blah blah.... Then I asked him..hey do you know anyone that we could go talk to today? He said why don’t you go talk to that girl inside the store and see if you can start going to her house. I’ve talked to her about church and’s a shot. We said well why don’t you come with and introduce us to her. So we all went in and woooooah, guess who the clerk was? The lady who we had tried talking to months before. She knew who I was and so right off the bat we started talking about what we do as missionaries and whatnot and then she said, “well why don’t you come over tomorrow afternoon and we can talk.” :O...whaaat!? OK! So we went over there the next day and she says so I’ve been to church before...I really like it and I would like you to teach my whole family! I need my boys to understand these things and know who God is. My husband my not be super into it right away but we are working on him. Let’s make this a weekly thing. Could you stay an hour? ....Sister R and I had no idea what to say. I had no idea what to say. I was blown away! I can’t help to think what did Heavenly Father do to help prepare her? Why is she different now then she was before? I’m still it because Sister R is here now? I will never know these answers I don’t think...but I do know that Heavenly Father is in charge and he knows what is best!
Ooooh remember Tyler...our first baptism here in Beaver... He got ordained to a Deacon on Sunday too! I was soooo excited to see that! Annnnd his dad who has been super inactive got to stand in and be part of it. It was super cool!
We have many more miracles happening as we speak and I know that as long as we stay obedient and we continue to work hard that Heavenly Father will show us all things.

This last Sunday we almost got 5 less active families to church...we didn’t end up getting that many but we tried. Maybe next week will be the week! :)

Pamela is on her way to getting baptized this week or next week. We are excited about her. We should have 3 baptisms for the month of Mayo! Wooho!
Ooooh speaking of, did you know that Cinco De Mayo means nothing to the Mexican people??? We celebrate it because we say it was their freedom or because they won the war. That’s not even the right day! They celebrate it in Sept! ha! I just think it’s funny! We have a ward that is trying to do a CDM party and all the Spanish people are confused and ask why? They keep calling us crazy Americans! hahaha! You should ask your kids about it!

Well this next week is full of lots appointments and temple dates. We are getting the Familia the temple this week and they get to take their own family names! Miiisssssssionary work is amazing!!!! :)

I love being here in Beaver! I love my mission!

 Mom...I love you just like I loved watching Lalo and Jorge get baptized, confirmed, and ordained!
Well I think that is all I can think of! It was an amazing week. 

Love you all      xoxoxoxoxo
Sister Larsen

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