Sunday, June 2, 2013

Meet the other Sister Rodriguez...from Mexico City!

Welcome to Beaver... Meet Hermana Rodriguez!                                  ‏                                   4/22/2013

 Dear familia,

This week has been a whirl wind of a week... It seems like I haven’t even slept and these past 3 weeks have been just a blur! Hermana Rodriguez (Honduras Sister) went home :( I miss her, but she seems to be doing a lot better and getting the help she needs. On Tuesday I had to drive down to St George (drove through a blizzard) and dropped off my temporary comp and get my new comp. It was soooo weird to be back in the city! I was so lost! I forgot how to get to the VC annnnd there were soooo many stoplights! I couldn’t believe how much I actually missed Beiber Town. I’m pretty sure I’ve decided I’m going to live in a small town my whole life. This city thing is too crazy for me! Well, I finally made it to the Mission office and I got my new traineeeee...Hermana Rodriguez...confused yet??? hahaha join the town! We came back and I started introducing her to everyone again and everyone is soooo confused. They keep asking me "Wait, we already met her?! We thought you were getting a new one!" hahaha I did get a new one. She is from Mexico City Mexico and is not 19, she is 24....phew! hahah She is a great missionary. She knows almost perfect English, which is very helpful! We have also found many things in common like we both played sports, we both love to travel and try new things, etc. most importantly we both love to teach!! She has been able to teach our Spanish Investigators by herself and she has been doing such a good job. We are both excited for our Spanish brothers to get baptized this Saturday!! woot woot!!!

This week we had two very disappointing moments. Neither of our baptisms went through this week :(...that is the first time I have had that happen to me. We are not sure what to do now, but we are going to move forward and help build their faith more and pray that their day will come. It’s all in the Lord timing and he will make it happen the way it’s supposed to now.

 This week we also had our last mission conference with President. It was sad. He and his wife will be leaving the end of June and we will be getting our new president then. It will be a sad day for sure to see them both go, but we are excited to see what the new president will bring. I never thought I would be able to say "I loved my president" because at first I never even saw my president and knew nothing about him, but now that I have been out for some time, I have really learned how to love President Leonard. He is a great man and loooves his missionaries. He has set the bar high for this mission.

Well not much else to say for this week...we had so much going on I can’t seem to remember it all.

Glad to hear everyone is doing well and dad is able to get around and do fun things again. Glad chance survived his trip! haha ... and Leah! Mom...AIMs over....score! Now you have time to "relax" ...hopefully! Give the family my loves buuut esssspecialy my girls! :)

 Hope gramps J is doing better :( He’s had a rough couple of months :( hopefully they can figure out what’s going on.

 Tell Gramps L that I hope his heart starts feeling better too!

Tell Grammy B That I love her and all the goodies that she sends me. Tell her I like the banana cookies she sent that one time...they were the best...they don’t come fossilized. haha Maybe she will start sending some veggies ;) I am officially on a diet! I had to put away 3 skirts :(

Mom I love you like alllll the rain drops I have seen in the past three days...and that been a lot!

Love you all and miss you...your letters are the best!

                                    Sister Larsen and "new" Sister Rodriguez is sitting below her

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