Sunday, May 12, 2013

It's A Girl! :)

Welcome to Beaver!.... New announcement: IT’S A GIRL! :)           ‏                       4-15-13

Dear Mom,

 Mom....we are going to Manti after I am done with my mish. It’s amazing! You will loooove a live session! It keeps you awake ;) Yessssss another temple. We already knew about it, but couldn’t tell people. It’s going to be pretty cool! They are also adding on and remodeling the St George Temple. It’s going to look so nice! Manti is gorgeous!

 Oooooooook so you’re probably wondering what this whole "It’s a girl" thing is..... Well let me tell ya. I have had a rough transfer! Sister Rodriguez is an amazing Sister...but (Moriah asked me not to share all the details of what happened to her companion on the blog, so I have deleted much of this email. This is the much shortened version, Sister Rodriguez went home.)

She just kept asking me why is this happening to me? Why am I so sad and not feeling well? I had no idea how to help her. I just kept thinking about.... wow....I know why I was sick on my mission now. I had to learn so that I knew how to take care of her. I also had to watch Sister Bo struggle and try and find a place for me to stay so that I knew how to do it. Everything that has been happening to me lately is now all making sense. Heavenly Father knows what we need. I realized this week why we as missionaries have been called "Two by Two"’s so needed! It was tough trying to do all the things by myself and try and remember all the things that needed to happen. This work needs two brains to function. Well in the end.... I have a Sister with me right now who is waiting for her visa to go to Argentina sooo she is a baby out of the MTC and I have been kind of training her name is Hermana Romero. She is a great missionary and talks to eeeveryone! She loves to work and really does preach Christ’s gospel. She really helped me this week. I will be sad to see her go, buuuuuut tomorrow I have to go to St George and will receive an "official" companion that is coming straight out of the MTC. She is one of the first 19 year old sisters. She is coming from Mexico and speaks both English and Spanish. I am OFFICIALLY a MOM in the mission! I will be training a new missionary! Oooookay I said I was scared when Sister R came, but now I am really trying not to stress out about this. I never thought I would train hahaha This means I will be in Beaver till at least June. Good thing I love this place! :)

Welp that’s the big news for this week :D

 Also we have two baptisms this Saturday! woot woot! And two next Sat! Things in Beaver are flying by! President must really trust me. haha

 So please keep me in your prayers that I can be a good mom and teach this Sister well.

 Family I love you and miss you. Looking forward to Mother’s Day!

 I hope everyone is healthy and doing well. Did Leah get my thank you card?

 Mom...I love you...liiiiike... I loooove the idea that I am going to be a mom! haha My brain may be kind of fried! haha buuuut I love you looooooots! I can’t wait to tell you how things are going and tell you about my greenie! :)

Have a wondrous week! Mom, I love your motto!

Remember, you don’t need a nametag to be a missionary!

Sister Larsen




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