Sunday, April 14, 2013

Meet Sister Rodriguez...from Honduras & Road trip to the Manti Temple

Welcome to Beaver... We're on a Whole New Adventure!                4/8/13

Deeeeear Mommasita….

 Ooooh it is sooo good to hear all the updates and also to be able to write you finally! This week was ….good…buuuut long.

 So Tuesday I got my new companion Sister Rodriguez. She is an awesome missionary. She just speaks Spanish annnnnd I don’t haha  She is pushing me more and more to speak Spanish and it’s good but I have no idea what I am saying :P Nor do I have an idea of what she is saying haha Her Spanish is a lot different than Sis Bo’s so it’s like I’m learning all over again. Our cultural sides are very different, but we are adjusting. I feel like most of the time I am training her even though she’s been out 14 months. For the first part of this week she cried because she didn’t want to be in Beaver and she didn’t want to be in an English area. This is her first English area. It’s tough but I think we are slowing getting over that and she is seeing that she can do it. She put 3 people on date for baptism so far, so I think she is doing well and needed around here. J

Sister Bo is now in Huntington Utah…it’s northeast of me about 2 hours. She is working on the Spanish work out there. Her companion is Sister Kim who is Korean…haha…but she speaks English so that won’t be an issue ;)… we miss each other like crazy. We got to see each other on Friday and it was really hard to say bye again. I can’t believe how close we got and how good of friends we have become. I know she’ll be one I’ll never forget.

GUESS WHERE I GOT TO GO ON FRIDAY?!?!?!.... MANTI UTAH! Yep I got to go to the temple! We had our mission trip and we got to go up north. It was the coolest thing I have ever seen. It was a live session which was waaaaay different but I liked it because I stayed awake and I could really ponder on things that were happening. It was a reeeeallly pretty temple. I wish we could have stayed there allll day. We will have to go as a family at the end of the year. Have you gone to a live session before? Have you been to Manti before?

CONFERENCE! Oookay it does not feel like it should have been conference! That means I have been out for two conferences on my mission and only have one more left. Ahhhhh! I officially hit my half way mark on Thursday and about had a fit. It was a little shocking to me! Time is flying by sooooo fast. This conference was a little different because we didn’t have to be at the VC …we got to watch it with our investigators and RC family. My comp only understood 1/3 of it so she was asking me a lot of questions about it. I was sad she didn’t get most of it. IT WAS AMAZING and powerful! All of the talks were like a hit to the heart. We need to do better! We need to be better people and stand up for what is true! My hand went into a huge cramp because I was writing so many notes. I had so many different thoughts going on while I was listening and trying to decide what I should share with my investigators in our next lessons. I couldn’t tell you which one was my favorite because I like of them for different reasons. I was surprised by Bednar because he was pretty stern this time and usually he is calm and smooth. He was passionate about his topic. It was great. Annnnd of course…..HOLLAND! Oh my, he is good! Even though it didn’t feel like it should be conference it was and it ended up being really good. I am glad we got to watch most of it and take notes. I know that I didn’t get to hear Anderson's so I will have to wait to read his….BUT I love that quote you sent me….that’s my motto ;)

Well I’m not sure much else is happening around here…

I hope you know…I love you lots!

Mom…I love you as much as I loved the MANTI Temple…and that was quite a bit ;)

PSS…DID YOU HEAR ABOUT CEDAR TEMPLE! That means we will have THREE temples in our mission! CRAZY!


 Family… You mean the world!

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