Sunday, April 14, 2013

Transfers came and went...Sister Larsen is where??

Welcome to ___________ Where the Surprises Never Cease!  

Thank you for the Easter notes :)

 I am feeling better, still blowing my nose all the time but that will hopefully be over soon. Glad you liked my story. I was trying to tell you in a way that you wouldn’t freak out ha-ha it was not fun but it wasn’t that big of a deal. ha

 Mom, I am so glad you got to talk to Sister McInelly! Isn’t she just awesome! She is one of my favorites here in Beaver. Her husband is the one we’ve been working with. She didn’t tell me much about your conversation but I hope you were able to give her some love. She really struggles. If you’d like...keep in touch with her. She is really an amazing lady! I think you two would have a lot in common. My birthday dinner was great! We had Mexican food...surprise ha-ha...but it was good and then we had ice cream cake! yummm yumm... I am now on a no eat diet so that I can fit into my clothes. We also had a party at our recent convert’s house. They are Hispanic...can you imagine what that was like....yeeea a party! She was upset we didn’t tell them so two days later we went over and she cooked us some awesome food! We are now trying to get this family to the temple and get them to do baptisms for the dead :) It’s awesome! The dad just blessed the sacrament this past Sunday...In Spanish in an English was awesome!!

Glad you all had a good Easter. Ours was okay. Not too special. It’s funny because for some reason every Easter I can’t help but to think about Steven and the Easter we had with him. That was my favorite. I thought about him all day and just thought, I hope he is doing well. I pray that his life is everything he wishes for. I hope he is happy and loves where he is. I miss that booger! I hope to see him again someday.

 I hope Grandpa Jack understood his "lesson" on us being Christians ;) haha

 I did get my card....thank you! You’re funny! We loved the card. I wear my bracelet ;)

 I was going to write Leah about her card....I did get it :)

 Soooooo Familia.... Can you guess where I am?...Yep! Surprise! I am still in Beaver for another transfer (number4). I have been here for 4 months and will be here for another 2. Sister Bo will be leaving me behind :( new comp is Sister Rodriguez or Sis R ha-ha she is from Honduras and speaks little English. I don’t even know the language! We were really surprised by this call this time. I really felt it was my time to go. I guess Heavenly Father thinks there are still people here for me to touch/teach. I am so scared about the language barrier. I served with her in the VC and she knows very little English. I fell like the last couple of transfers were my time to learn and to grow and now it’s my time to teach/strengthen my companion. I don’t really know what to think...but I will keep you updated next week and tell you how it goes. I am going to miss Sis Bo tons...but I know we both need new adventures and new experiences. Everyone here in town is sad about the split. One of our bishops said "NO! You’re like Peas and can’t have one or the have to have both!" haha we laughed. We have gotten lots of comments like that. We even made a bishop cry. He wasn’t too happy to see Sis Bo go. Tomorrow is going to have tears I’m sure. ;)... I am so grateful I got the opportunity to serve with Sister Bojorquez. We had a lot of learning experiences together. She really is a powerful missionary. I know that I have become a better missionary because of the things I have learned from her. I am excited to see what happens with Sister Rodriguez.

This week in Beaver was a little slow. It was Spring Break for the schools so many of the people we have been working with have been gone this whole week. We did find a new investigator. Her name is Audrey. She has had a very interesting life and now wants to turn it around and make a better life for her and her son. She has met missionaries before because her son met with them and got baptized about a year ago. She does have word of wisdom issues, but other than that she is so receptive to the Gospel and the knowledge it has to offer her. We are excited to see her reach baptism. This week we also found out that one of our investigators has been exported out of Utah and can no longer come back. That was sad to find out. We hope and pray that now that he is back in California he will find the missionaries there and will continue to want to learn and reach his baptismal day. Along with the few we are teaching, we are still trying find. We have asked the Ward Mission Leaders to better help us in these efforts. Now that it is spring time around here... we are also trying to be out in the open more, walking, and talking to all those we see.

Well time to go....time to pack!

 Mom...I love you like Mary loved her son. She knew what his role in life was going to be and yet she still had the strength to go through it all with him. She was there till the very end. She could have given up on him. That is true love. I love you mom! I hope you have a great week.




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