Sunday, April 14, 2013

A Whole Family Baptism...Happy Day!

Welcome to Beaver...Where 73 is considered HOT!‏


 Dear Mom, dad, brotha and Sista...

 Transfers coming up….Will Sister Larsen be leaving Beaver?

Yeah it’s not totally for sure...but president mentioned it. I’m really sad about it, but I know the Lord will provide and help me with whatever I am asked to do. I reallly love it here in Beaver. I hope to be able to come back in the future. We still have two weeks here though so we are going all out! :) Beaver has been PERFECT! We haven’t had our coats on or anything. Sadly because we haven’t shaved in about 23 weeks :0 Weeeee still have to wear tights. hahahaha people are going to think we are crazy if we don’t. So the reason we haven’t shaved is because we only get 5-7 min showers. Just enough time to wash my super long hair! It’s crazy.

Annnnyways....this week....

 We found a new investigator...but we have to drive about an hour to get to her. It takes a good chunk of our day, but it’s worth it. She is pretty knowledgeable of the church and gospel. We are hoping to see her get baptized this next month :)

SATURDAY! BEST DAY EVER! The Ramirez family got baptized!!!! ALL 5 :) We saw them every day this week and even got to eat dinner with them. Sister Ramirez is an amazing cook! We had pupusas and sopes. Yummmmm! I will send you a picture :) haha ....then on Friday they had their interviews. Our district leader was impressed with how prepared they were. It had nothing to do with us. They were already prepared when we got to them. Then Saturday was our big day! Friday night, after his interview, the youngest boy said..."Sister Larsen, I don’t want to get baptized!" I asked him why not? He came up with some excuse and walked away. He was just being a kid and changing his mind back and forth. Saturday night when it came time for the actual baptism... Fernando, the same kid, was soooo excited for it to be his turn. He got in the water with a huge smile on his face. when he came out he says "Sister Larsen! That was great! I’m glad I did It." hahaha all I could do was smile! I was so excited and happy for him. I knew in my heart that he would feel the spirit and know that what he was doing was right. The whole family had smiles all around the whole night. The Dad especially was so proud of his family. The mom said...I could not wait any longer for this day! I’m glad it finally came! Yesterday, the dad also met with the bishop to talk to him about getting the priesthood. He passed his interview and will be getting the priesthood to start passing the sacrament next week. How COOL is that?! This family is on the road to true happiness in the gospel! I know we will be long-time friends. Sister Bo and I are already planning for the day they get to go to the temple! :) We are definitely going to be there!

Yesterday bishop also asked us to help another recent convert of about a year to help her get to the temple. We are shooting for some time in May. So no matter where I am... I hope I get to go with them. We are so excited for this lady. She has been fellowshipping (being a missionary) people with us since we got here. We know she is ready for that next step.

This week we also taught Lalo and Jorge...they are brothers from Mexico. They have worked with many missionaries over the past several years. They have also attended church for the past 7 years. They live with members and love the lifestyle that they live. Most of the missionaries that taught Lalo and Jorge taught them in English so they have missed probably half of what was really being taught. So this time when Sister Bo and I started teaching them, we decided to teach them in Spanish. Until this week we have been struggling to put Lalo and Jorge on date because they'll say "someday" "someday, I’ll do it" ...This week we were finally able to talk to them about baptism again and Lalo said YES! He said he wants to have these "good" feelings all the time and he wants to have the life his "adopted family" has. He says, I want to have a wife like Sister’s so cute. Jorge has been waiting for his brother, so he said yes too. We are so excited for these brothers. We are planning on April! They know so much about the gospel and know that it is true.They will finally be able to have all the blessings baptism brings : )

That’s all for now... trying to find new people to teach:)

So on my mission I have learned that even though I am out here teaching people these things I know to be true... I still need to build my testimony and know that the things I study are true. So every time I study I pray and ask my Heavenly Father if the things I just read are true. It’s amazing to see what he shows me. When is the last time you ask Heavenly Father if the BOM was true or if the things you are learning is true. Try it! I want to hear your experience :)

Well Family.... I love you like alllll the pretty purple flowers in our front yard! Sister Bo says they are weeds, but nonetheless they are pretty ;) Just like my family! If you have any updates pictures you want to send me :)


Sister RueRue Larsen Bailees picture!! Thanks!!!

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