Sunday, June 23, 2013

The Best of Times, The Worst of Times....

Welcome to Beaver...                                                            ‏                                                                6/03/13

Dear Family,
Eyes are better...

Thanks for your email. Good to hear about all the crazy things that are happening. Hope everyone is starting to feel better there. Mom, I am so happy you were able to make it to the temple :) We wish we could go every week! I am glad you got the time to think about your “blessings”... It’s amazing to think about. Each day we reflect on the things that happened and we talk about our miracles. Trying doing that each day as you go to bed and talk to Heavenly Father about them. When you talk to Him about them, he is more incline to give you more :) Blessings go from large things to small things like you have seen. I am so glad that you weren't in your car when all that happened. I pray each day my family is protected and taken care of. That is a blessing for me to see :)

Well this week has been the best, worst, greatest week of my mission. I have had to rely on the Lord more and more this week as the days have gone on. To start... Sunday we had 2 of our 12 investigators show up to church :/ even when their fellow shippers came to get them. Then we also found out that a lady that I have worked with since Dec....She helps take care of us with different things... she was trying to go on a mission and she was at the doctor and they found out she has Breast Cancer. :(

Then Monday was Memorial Day and luckily it was a P-Day I have never taken a nap on pday before and I fell asleep for about or even over 2 hours. I felt bad for my companion, but when I woke up I felt a ton better. Then when it was time to go out and teach we just kept praying that someone would be home for us to talk to. Sadly we didn’t see anyone. Monday night we heard sirens for the first time around town, but never heard where they went. We didn’t think much about it until we heard it closer to our house. After spending a day in the woods riding 4wheelers and swimming and having a great day with family...our neighbor across the street came home and fell on the floor and died. It broke my heart. I had just talked to him last Friday and didn’t even realize that would be the last time I would ever talk to him. I have worked really close with this couple and his wife is actually our RS president. I couldn’t help but to hug her and cry. 16 years ago they lost a daughter in an accident and almost on the exact date she lost her husband. That was shock to the community. It took me a while to realize that I needed to change. I need to cherish the moments I have with people more instead of just brushing it off and thinking it another day. We never know when things will change and when a life may be cut short. I think now how I can better cherish the moments I have with people.

THEN Thursday night.... the MOST AMAZING thing happened!!!! My investigators I have been working with since DECEMBER FINALLY GOT BAPTIZED!!!!! Robert has been an interesting character to work with. Did I ever tell you about him? He asked us one day...Okay well if God is Jesus' dad...then who is God’s dad? We got many questions like that one. Most of them we didn’t know how to answer and when we would tell him to pray about it... he freaked out. He didn’t like that answer. Robert went from not believing in God to believing in God and believing that He could help him. Robert is also the same man that didn’t show up to his baptism last time...remember me telling you about that? Yeah...We kept working with him and tried really hard to get him to reach baptism and HE DID IT! He finally got baptized! I got to speak at his baptism and wow! Roberts’s baptism was the most spiritual and happiest baptism I have had so far. The spirit was so strong and Roberts’s whole demeanor has changed. The moment he came out of the water he was a changed man. My heart has never felt so much joy. I thought it was going to jump out of my chest! Elder Captain was able to join the baptism since he helped teach him at one point. We both couldn’t stop smiling. He was also able to be confirmed at his baptism and Elder Captain got to be part of that as well. It was way cool! Robert also got ordained to be a priest on Sunday. This is an event I will never forget!

Thursday during our baptism our bishop got a phone call. He decided to decline it and said he would call later. Our bishop is an attorney and works with the police dept. here in Beaver... We later found out that that phone call was one no one wanted to hear. We found out that another one of our bishops (we have 6) another bishop I have worked really close with and know very well... His son was out with friends having a good time and drowned in the nearby reservoir. Talk about the best worst day ever. To top it off...their daughter was getting married the next day. Talk about the worst best day of your life. Wow!! THAT was a shock to the community! He had graduated high school just a week earlier. Again, cherishing the moments you spend with people because you never know what will happen next. I have thought a lot this week about Our Saviors Plan. It’s been comforting for those closely involved to lean on that plan and understand we see our loved ones again. It’s been amazing to see the strength these people have to work on moving forward and know that our loved ones are in good places and one day we get to go there too.

I am grateful for the gospel and the love and comfort it brings to our lives. I am grateful we get to talk to our Heavenly Father and ask for strength to keep going- we don’t have to feel like we are talking to the wall. We get to actually talk to Him and he is there to help us.

I love being able to teach prayer to our investigators because I get to see the power it has in their lives and how it slowly but surely changes them.

This week we also had a lady call us and ask us to come over and teach her....miracle! She had only been in town for two weeks and ran into someone who had our number and gave it to her... we are now teaching her. Heavenly Father loves us!
Even through hard times or difficult times...our Heavenly Father is always looking out for us. He knows what we need and he knows what will help strengthen us.

t’s been weird to be in Beaver for so long, but I truly love this place. President asked me the other day how I felt about it and I just sat there smiling. One of our bishops asked me the other day “Sister...I think your time is almost up here, huh? When do you think you’ll go?” I started crying. I’m not sure why I started crying but I did. I have never loved a people so much in my life. I’ve been praying a lot about asking for help to truly love these people like the Savior would and I realized right then, Heavenly Father has been helping me to love these people one day at a time.

I am so grateful I chose to come on a mission. I’ve been reading my Patriarchal Blessing as well and in there it says that I will help those I go and serve but I will also help people if I stay. I am glad I have been having these experiences here.

I’m sorry if this is all over the place and kind of a sad email this week. It’s been an interesting week for us. We continue to look for the goods things though.

Family I love you lots! I hope each of you feel my prayers and know that I love you!

Mom I love you like …. I loved seeing Robert FINALLY get baptized! :D

Sister Larsen

                                                                 Robert's Baptism

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