Sunday, June 2, 2013

Trip to St. George to take a family to the temple :)

Welcome to Beaver....We will now be taking a special trip down to St George!  ‏                         5-20-13

Dear Familia….

A week already! Geesh! Time is flying by!

Mom…the sister I told you about is currently in Scottsdale…she might come to Mesa but since the boundaries are getting changed she might end up in the Scottsdale mission :(

Speaking of St George… Tim’s family is moving there….and Tim got married in March, cool huh!? A little sad I didn’t know buuuuuut that’s life right? We all move on eventually.

What a week for Sister Rodriguez and I! We have been presenting the Book of Mormon more and more with our investigators and recent converts and it’s been amazing to see their growth and conversion. We have one particular investigator who we were following up with on prayers and reading and she said that she got down one night and prayed about God and if the things she was doing were right and she said “all I got was this feeling. I can’t even describe it, but I think it was good.” We had the wonderful opportunity to teach her about the Holy Ghost and how he talks to her. It’s VERY new for her since she hasn’t had any religion of any kind in her life before, but she understood and is now focusing on that feeling each time she learns. HOW COOL! I was very excited about this lesson because our previous lessons with her family have been a struggle because everything is so new to them. They have even started talking about baptism even though they have no idea what it is means and we haven’t been able to talk to them about it : ) The spirit works in amazing ways.

Sister Rodriguez and I have been working on focusing on the Spirit and listening to him during lessons. Not only has it been a good learning experience for her, but also for me. As we take our time to listen to him and think about what he wants us to say…things go smoother and better. So the other day we were driving by and we saw our investigator outside, so we quickly stopped. We hadn’t seen Ana for a while so we had to talk to her! She said she really needed to get her car cleaned out and didn’t have time to sit down and talk to us.  Soooo since I can’t talk to her very well (in Spanish)…I cleaned the car while Sister Rodriguez began to teach her the Plan of Salvation and about church. Ana came to church for the first time this Sunday! It was pretty great! I was excited to be able to serve someone and also to be able to teach her at the same time! Hahaha ;) 

This past Saturday we got the opportunity to take Francisco & Yolanda to the St. George temple to do their family baptisms. WOW! What an opportunity that was! It was truly amazing! Seeing them just glow and have this happiness overcome them was just priceless! We also got the opportunity to go outside and look around the temple and teach them about Eternal Families. They are excited for their day to come next year and made sure we were going to be there :) How special to see this beautiful family come closer and closer to Christ and realize this all is true happiness. We took them into the Visitor’s Center and showed them the Christus (Big Christ statue) and also took them through a movie called “Gods Plan for His family”. We made them cry.  That is one of my favorite things to do for people ha-ha  It not only showed them the importance of the temple, but it also solidified their testimonies of family. They know that family is important and now they want to work harder in the Gospel to get to the Temple! I will be in Utah A LOT this next year : ) We get to take Pamela to the temple this weekend and take her to do her family names! Wooot woot! I am sooooo excited! She just can’t keep it in, the fact that she gets to go to the temple. I love it! Pamela is also another person I will be going through the Temple with. She and I have created a special bond and now her husband is coming closer and closer to wanting to learn more about the Gospel. We will be baptizing her kids at the end of the month!  : )

We will be having 3 baptisms in the next two weeks! It’s going to be amazing month for us here. I can’t believe how much Beaver has grown and I have had the opportunity to be part of it! This has been such a blessing to my life. All of these people here will forever have a place in my heart.

Well not much else has happened. Today our apartment is getting remodeled so we that is pretty exciting. It needed a facelift. Hahaha

Well mom….I love you to pieces and I miss you tons. I love you as much as I loved seeing someone brand new to the Gospel do Baptism for the Dead for the first time! You have no idea what that feels like. Preeeetty amazing!

Hope ya all have a great week. Don’t work too hard!


Sister Larsen








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