Sunday, June 2, 2013

How Much Do You Treasure the Gospel in Your Life?

Welcome to Beaver... How much do you treasure the Gospel?               ‏                         5-6-13


 I caannnnnnt wait till Sunday! Actually I forgot all about it till today when we walked out of our house and evvvveryone asked us when we were talking to our moms! ha! This week has been nuts I can’t wait to tell you about it. Soooooo Sunday is a supppper busy day for us. We have church and appts till 6pm :( Soooo I can’t call you till then. We will be going over to President Robinson’s again :) Sister R gets to Skype and I will be in the other room calling.  So I am allowed to call you on our cell phone or if President lets me call on his or you can call me. Our cell is ….... don’t get too excited and try calling early ;) hahaha ...PS  I only have 45 mins. sharp! (Missionaries can call home on Christmas and Mother's Day. Looking forward to my Mother's Day this year, for sure!)  :D

SALT LAKE!!!!! Wooooow Kiryn and I will have lots in common now and we can share "Utahan" stories :) Tell her I am so happy for her! Tell her when she gets there she will fall in love and she will soon come to find that this is the place for her. I can’t believe she is going I am so proud of her! :) Tell her she is going to need soooome WINTER gear! That’s for sure- it’s brutal there. Beaver has been warming up thank goodness but we are getting another storm today so it dropped to freezing. We are so bipolar! .....MOM! Tell Kiryn to make sure that the clothes are CUTE aaaaaaand the skirts have to cover her knees WHILE SITTING not standing and make sure they are comfy and work worthy....we missionaries get on the floor a lot and teach lots of kids.... just heads up! She will soon understand. (Kiryn Judd is my niece, she received her mission call to Salt Lake City, Utah and will report the beginning of June.)
I got Kort's wedding announcement. It was super cute! I’m happy for her that she is finally making this step. (Kortni Judd is another niece) Lots of exciting events ahead!

Tell Leah and Chance I am happy for them on the new house :)
 I haven’t heard from Tim in months ;( I can’t seem to find her or my letters are going to random places. I have been thinking about her lately... I’m sure she’s just busy. I hear from others that are in Flagsstaff and its super fun to hear all their stories. Crystal is all grown up and has a house now and Mike is married...lots are having babies. Liesel is in honeymoon heaven ;) ha! Don’t worry...I won’t be getting married anytime soon :) What if I moved to Mexico? (Timothy is a friend of Moriah's..she is a girl, in case you are wondering who "Tim" is)

Well this week flew by for us as well. We had a surprise BAPTISM!!!!!! I realized this week why I have been in Beaver for so long. Not only did Heavenly Father want me to see all these amazing miracles, but he also wanted me to teach Pamela and help her get to the waters of baptism. Pamela has been an amazing investigator to teach. I have learned so much from her and her relationship with Heavenly Father is incredible! Originally we had her on date for May 4th but because of different reasons with family, we kept changing her baptism date. Last Sunday we officially decided with her that her baptism would be on the 11th of May. The following Tuesday we had an apt. with her and in the middle of the lesson she perked up and said "No Sisters. Sister Larsen, I need to get baptized this week! I need to have the Holy Ghost with me more. I think it will help me to understand this Book of Mormon more!" "Oh and after my baptism can we get this temple stuff figured out...I need to go!" ... Sis Rodriguez and I were a little surprised and yet excited at the same time. We weren’t really sure how to react, but we knew that Heavenly Father answered our prayers and made everything right. It makes me think of how much I take for granted the Holy Ghost. Am I desperate to have the Holy Ghost with me like she was? How about yourself? I think for those of us who grew up in the church, we forget how blessed we are and how amazing the Holy Spirit really is. We managed to get everything together in 3 days and on Friday we had a wonderful program. I was impressed with the ward- we were worried no one would come due to short notice, but the room was full and the support, they gave her on her big day was overwhelming. Pamela’s husband who is not a member and didn’t want anything to do with our teachings came to the baptism and also came to church the following Sunday. We thought he would only stay for Sacrament...but he stayed the whole block! He said he is really reconsidering the option for us to teach him. My heart grew in happiness and almost leaped out. He hasn’t wanted us to teach him the whole time we taught his wife! After church was over he said he loved Sacrament and Sunday School, he really "felt God" there. As missionaries church is the number one place we strive to get our investigators. It’s one of the only places we trust that our investigators can feel the spirit and trust the teachings.
This Sunday we also got our family of 4 to come to church. It was the first time they had ever been to church! :) The dad only stayed for Sacrament but the mom and one of the kids stayed for the whole block! We were able to go to Sunday School with the mom and she loved the Gospel Principles class. We are having to work really slow with family because none of them have had any religious backgrounds and the dad has never even "thought" about God before. It’s definitely a change but one we are enjoying. We are having to think harder about the lessons and be sure to have the Spirit with us when we teach. It’s been good for Sister Rodriguez to see how investigators can be on such polar opposite ends of the learning.

Sister R and I are having a blast and loving it out here :)
Gotta go! love you loooooots. Tell the family I love them and look forward to hearing from y'all

 Mom I love you like allllllll the minutes we put into putting Pamela’s program together... that was a lot.

Sister Larsen

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