Sunday, August 11, 2013

Fish again......Poor Sister Larsen ;}

Welcome to Beaver....This may be the last day you get to visit!‏      
Dear Familia!

Ohhhhhhhhh happppppppy biiiiirthday to my little one! I can’t believe it! Where has time gone!? It’s going by way to fast I can’t even handle it.

So the 24th here was a blast! It was crazy! Glad you got those pictures...The members insisted! I told them they were going to make you cry! They laughed and said good! ;) hahahah Sister Yardley the lady that was in the picture with us, she is one of my very best friends here. She is practically our mom! She takes us to lunch very often and makes sure we are taken care of. She also found us people to teach so that’s great too! :)


Glad you got Sister R's card! Yeeeees please get my passport ready! We are going to have a blast! :D She wants to take me to ALL her houses she has around the country of Mexico ;) I know I’ve always been Mexican inside but now it shows on the outside :) hahaha I’m afraid that if I leave Beaver I will forget all the things I have learned. I’ve decided to take a Spanish class when I get home :) So I can be better!

Sounds like things are getting back to its busi-ness! Summer here is also coming to an end and everyone is trying to get all the fun in as much as possible so it’s pretty bare around here.

Romans 8 has become one of my favorite scriptures. You are exactly right...there is nothing that will separate us from God’s love. He will always be there and will always love us. We can teach people that God loves them by the way WE treat them. We are Gods instruments, we need to treat others the way HE would.

 will be talking to President Aug 1st. We also have transfers this week :(

This week in B-Town!

Monday Sister R and I got the chance to go to “COVE FORT” it’s a church history site... It was pretty cool! We got VIP tour since we were missionaries :) We got to see all the cool things and go places most people don’t. The tour guide was super nice. Going there reminded me of the VC in St. George

There was a lot of similar history we talk about down there.

Okay so I think I am scared for life when it comes to FISH :( …..remember how I told we were going to have fish from our Bishop who went to Alaska??? Soooo our dinner is at 5pm... We showed up to their house and his wife forgot we were coming over even though we reminded them... and we got there and she says oooooh my goodness! I haven’t even started! We thought oooh great! They live in the middle of nowhere so it wasn’t like we could contact someone and then come back so we had to stay there and watched her run around and try and cook. The salmon was still frozen and she was trying to defrost it with hot water. I was kind of scared. We went out and petted their horses for a while. She finally called us in for dinner and she had made “Salmon Alfredo”...I thought ooooh I’ve never had this before this should be good... I looked down at my plate and the salmon was still RAW! She says I’m still learning how to cook this stuff hope it takes okay! *smile* I looked at Sister R and just smiled. We had 10 minutes left to eat the whole meal and then we had to go. I ate my whole plate is about 8 minutes and then we headed out. We got in the car and I thought I was going to puke! Not only did I just eat a whoooooole plate in 8 minutes....but it was RAW! Lesson learned: I’m never eating fish again! :P People are trying to kill me here! Thank goodness for prayer! :) haha

Funny story! In Germany there was an Elder.... He went to an Investigators house for dinner. At the end of the meal the family asked him how he was feeling. He said “oh fine, that was great, thank you” The mom then goes on to say well good! It’s true! We were reading in the Bible about the Lord’s missionaries and how if they are faithful no harm shall come upon them. We wanted to see if it was true and see if you were a faithful we poisoned your food!” WE believe what you’ve been teaching us because you’re a faithful missionary! …...hahahahahaha I died reading that! People are crazy!

So this month we have had the privilege of seeing 5 people come to the waters of baptism woooohooo right? ...This month in the last week we have also seem 6 people drop us because of different reasons so as of right now we have 2 investigators we are still working with. That is the lowest number I have seen while being here in this area. It makes me a little sad, but I also know that Heavenly Father is going to help us find more people to teach and also find those miracle people that are ready to listen!

Like ROY..... Roy is a man we are teaching. He started meeting with us because he wanted to learn about God for his kids. So he could teach them how to have good morals and be good people- he wasn’t really interested for himself. We said “that's fine” and continued to teach him. We gave him a BOM and he told us he was going to only read it to his kid during bath time so they could be calm and listen to what he was saying ( his kids are 2 and 9 months) we said “okay” and continued to teach him. This week we went to an appointment with him and we were expecting to only talk about 1Nephi and that was it. We followed up on what he read and he says “sorry Sisters... I read after bath time and so now I am at chapter 8. We sat there and smiled...knowing in our hearts that Heavenly Father is helping him to feel the spirit. Our next appointment we talked to him again about his reading and he says... “I’m at about chapter 11...Sisters I can’t put the book down. It’s so interesting!” He then goes on to say that he has decided that “this learning” is not just for his kids now.... He wants it for himself and that he really wants to know. He said “SISTERS! I also prayed for the first time...out loud...with my eyes closed!” We said what did you pray for? He said he asked for help for his job interview so he could do a good job ….he said I did so well in my interview AND I got the job! We asked him if Heavenly Father had answered his prayers. He agreed that he had. WOW!!!!!! Heavenly Father is so great. We had faith that He would help Roy and Roy didn’t even know what was coming. We are now teaching him at a whole new level. It’s amazing. He also decided to stay for the whole block of church yesterday. Miracles! To most people these things may seem small, but seeing this man’s heart soften more and more each day as he reads and learns about Jesus Christ and prays to our Heavenly Father.... is one of the great miracles we as missionaries get to witness. I feel so blessed to be able to have these opportunities to watch these people and watch them grow. It helps me to grow right along with them.

This week was our baptism of BRAXTON! It was sooooo good! Sister R, the Elders and I sang “Teach me to walk in the Light” and we made everyone cry. I hope it wasn’t because of how bad I did... I hope it was more because of the spirit! Hahaha I got super nervous and couldn’t sing. I told Sister R it would be hard for me, but she said Heavenly Father is just making your weaknesses stronger hahaha I just laughed! It was such a spiritual baptism. Braxton is such a smart kid...I hope that his family strives to continue to be more active and help him to learn more in the Gospel. When Braxton went in for his interview with our District Leader... Our DL asked him what the most important part of Sabbath Day is...most kids say primary or singing or family time....Braxton said the Sacrament! I was so proud of him. His connection with the Holy Spirit is so strong it’s amazing to watch for a 9 year old.

This is Braxton on his big day!

Well I think that's all that happened this week. It was a crazy week!

 hope School and such all goes well this upcoming week.
I love and miss y'al

Mom....I love you like I loved making alllll the butter we made on the 24th...and that was a lot! I thought of you the whole time :) Instead of using baby food jars we used "sample cups" from the hospital....don't worry I made sure they hadn't been used first :) hahahahahahha

Enjoy all the storms you’re getting....I know we are :) PLUS we don't have to wash the car as often! hahaha

Peace* Love* Happiness!
Be nice to others and treat them the way our Heavenly Father would treat them.

You don't need a name tag to be a missionary!
Sister Larsen






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