Sunday, August 11, 2013

More Miracles in Beaver, Utah!

Welcome to Beaver... Its Pioneer Party Time!‏                           

WAIT! I’m confused! They celebrated early this year! I thought they celebrated ON the 24th?!?!

Sounds like you had a blast though! POOR Alyssa! That is so sad! I can’t believe that happened! Sad to say but I laughed :P  Glad they got there safely though. That is going to be a good story for their marriage! Hahah “Learning opportunities” :P

I can’t believe Alana is WALKING she isn’t even old enough to do that kind of stuff!!!!’re is moving so fast and our family is growing in soooo many ways! I’m sad I'm missing some of those things but I know they will be there when I get home.

Okkkkay extending... We were supposed to meet with President this week but we got rescheduled for Aug 1st so I will talk to him them and we will know what my plans are going to be. Yes an extension is only a transfer BUT that is 6 more weeks I get to help someone. I don’t have to go back to school in Flagstaff officially till next Aug. so when I come home I’m supposed to take a CC class and then find some kind of work. I would love to find something that is in the health or in home care kind of stuff. If you see anything or find anyone that is in need of that kind of help, let them know I’m interested. I know I will need to find some more mula for school. Mom... I’m really struggling what I should do with my life. I recently sat in a meeting with an apostle and as I was sitting there and for some reason I got this impression I need to be a stay at home mom. I need to take care of my “many” children. But then I also thought about how the prophets have counseled us woman to get an education and have something to fall back on. Soooo I was thinking. I know I need to finish my Sports medicine. I can’t let them down and tell them I'm not coming back...that would be a waste. So I know I'm going to finish that. I also was thinking about my master’s and how it’s going to be in Education. I could just do substitute teaching while my family is growing and I would have more flexibility. I know I said I would NEVER be a teacher...but in the end... hahaha I think that’s what I'm supposed to do. This lady and I are talking and she asked me the other day what I was going to school for I told her sports medicine. She asked me if I was ever planning on a becoming a teacher...I just sat there and laughed! I couldn’t believe she was asking me that. MORIAH was never going to be a teacher! Hahaha She told me she thought I would be a really good teacher and that I should reconsider it. So ever since then I’ve been thinking about it. I’ve been thinking about my life a lot lately and how Heavenly Father has changed it so mannnny times. I feel like he keeps putting me on these paths to teach me something and in the end He’s going to make me something amazing. I hope I can keep up with the lessons and apply them.

Funny you ask about fish....We will be eating fish tomorrow night for dinner with our Bishop who just went to ALASKA! Soooo I’ll be thinking of Paula and Frank when I eat it! :P

Soooooo this week! We had an amazing week!!!!!!

The Familia Magana..... got baptized!!!!!! The mom, daughter and son.... The dad was present and realllly felt the spirit. He now wants to start the lessons and really learn for himself. We are so excited! This family is just amazing. The program was pretty much all in Spanish and woooooah! The spirit was so strong! We had about 4 nonmembers show up to the baptism...two of them being former investigators that recently dropped us. We got to talk to them about the baptism and they said it was “very spiritual and different” The family asked our Bishop to baptize them and he got the opportunity to try it in Spanish! It was sooooo cool!

Then ANNIE got baptized!!The same night! That was another baptism that one of my best. It was sooooo full of the spirit. She just cried the whole time and was so thankful that her day could finally come. back up a little... We had a lesson with her earlier in the week and went over the baptismal questions with her. We thought she was going to fly through them and just be solid! We got to a particular question that if anyone says yes to that question they have to have an interview with our mission president. Well when we got to that question with Annie she said yes....our hearts sank! We were so sad. We finished the questions and then talked to her about how she needs to meet with our president and he will decide if she can get baptized on Saturday.

We called president to ask him for an interview and he told us he couldn’t make it to Beaver but he would maybe be able to talk to her next week. I kind of got bold with him and said President she has planned for Saturday and if at all possible she would like to make that day. (Our President is aaloooot different then the previous one, anyways) I said is there any way we can get her to see you before then. He said the only way to do that is if she travels to St George (2hours) or Cedar (1hour)...Annie doesn’t have a car we said. President then said if you can find a member to take her I will see her if not then I’ll see her next week. Gaaaaaah my heart sank. It was 4:45 and we had an appt @5 and she had to be in Cedar at 6:45. We called everyone we knew and NO ONE answered their phone. Then one of our RS presidents finally answered and she seemed really busy we told her our situation and she ended up saying I’ll call you back in a few minutes. It was now 5pm...Time for our lesson... and she called us back! She said she would take Annie to Cedar....MIRACLE #1!!!!! Then Annie talked to our President and told him her situation and what happened... She told us he got quiet and just sat there. She then spoke up and said President...If there is no forgiveness for me and I can’t get baptized because of this, then I know I have chosen to join the wrong religion. President then looked up and said... “You’ll be good to go for Saturday!” end of story. I couldn’t believe Annie said that but she was right. She had repented of what she did and she had moved on....MIRACLE #2!!! She called us on her way home and just bawwwwwwled! She was soooo happy that she could get baptized and finally get rid of all those things she had done and get rid of her past. She was ready to move forward. I will never forget Annie and the things she has taught me this past month. Her desire to learn and be close to our Heavenly Father is just amazing. She is going to be an example to many in this town and also show our wards that it’s not about being perfect in every way...if we are trying that’s all Heavenly Father asks of us.

This week was full of emotions and lots of crying.

Remember Lalo and Gorge? The Spanish brothers we taught a couple of months a go???? The youngest brother just told us on Saturday that he is thinking and planning on trying to go on a mission! Ahhhhhhhhh I just cried! He said he is really scared and doesn’t really know what to do or what missionaries even really do and so we talked to him for a while and really tried to encourage him. Lalo the oldest doesn’t feel like he can go on a mission because he’s older and he wants to get married :) Both choices are amazing!!! ahhhh I love these boys and I can’t believe how much they have grown in the past couple of months. They still have the “newbie glow” :)

Another miracle that happened on Saturday …. so there is a house I knocked on a couple of months ago and she was not interested! ...but this week we were asked to knock on it again. I didn’t want to because I didn’t know what else to say to her. Well we went anyway...a new guy answered the door. He is renting a room from the family and is staying for a couple of months. We started talking to him and he became really interested in what we were telling him. So we set another appointment to see him on Sunday. So we show up on Sunday and the lady answered the door. She automatically said I remember you! I said yes how are you?...small talk.... I then said well we are actually here to see Craig today, is he home. She finally let us in! MIRACLE #1... We finally got to sit down and started talking to Craig... we started our conversation right where left off the day before.... the lady never left the room! She stayed and listened to our whole conversations and also asked looots of questions. She also practically bore her testimony about Christ and what she believes. It was incredible! At the end of our discussion we were asked to come back and talk some more!!!! MIRACLE #2!!!!! Whaaat Heavenly Father is so amazing in His work and how he guides and directs us. He knows when the right times are and how everything is going to work out. If we but listen and let him control it... it will ALWAYS work out! We are going back to see this family and we are hoping to continue to teach them :)

 love this work! I know that everyone is in need of it and could benefit from all of the happiness our Heavenly Father has in store for us!

PS....JESS IS GOING ON A MISSSION!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! AHHHHHHH!!!!!!!! ;D love love love!!

Mom....will you study Romans 8: 38-39 and think about its message. What is it trying to tell us?? :)

The world is great. Life is great. YOU are great!

I love you family and hope you are doing well. Tell Buddy I’d like to go on a vacation with him with all that mula he’s got!!! :)

Mom.....I love you like I loved watching 4 people reach the waters of baptism and start a new life! Wooooohooooooo!!!!

Our pioneer day is the 24th Sister R and I get to be pioneers and make homemade butter and bread and give it to people :) It’s going to be great! Good thing I’ve had practice making that homemade butter :)

I’ll give you updates on how the day goes :)

Thanks for all the pictures :)

Until next week! May God be with you!


Mom remember Sam Martin... from Flagstaff he was dating one of the girls in my apartment. He was kind of a funny character kind of guy?? Oooookay anyway... we were eating with one of our Bishops this past week and we were talking about their son who just got into to the mission field. They asked me, “hey didn’t you say you lived in Flagstaff for a while?” I said yes. They said well his Trainer is from flag! I asked what his name was... they said ummmm Sam....Sam Martin. Idk just some kid. My jaw just dropped! They said uuuuuh do you know him?! I yessss very well actually! They showed me a picture they had gotten of the two of them. I just died. Wow! My world is sooooo small! When I left Sam didn’t want to go on a mission and because he is the institute teacher’s son everyone was just shocked! BUT he went! And now he has connections to Beaver! CRAZY!!!!






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