Sunday, August 11, 2013

Making Tamales! Yummy!

Welcome to Beaver...The Thunder Storms are Amazing!                   ‏          7-15-13


BOX WAS FANTASTIC! Thank you so much! We have been sharing all of our goodies with our investigators....especially the Spanish ones :) It’s been great! Sister R loved the shirts ;) haha Thank you for the face wash AND mascara! That was a good surprise! :) Thank you thank you!!!

So mom...I've been thinking... I've been praying about this often but I don't know what my answer is yet.... I've been thinking about extending my mission. If I do,  I will come home at the end of Dec. If I don't, I will be home before Christmas. Now I know you'd probably want me to be home for Christmas...BUT I want you to really ponder on it and let me know your feelings next week. I want to do what the Lord wants me to do. I love this work and if I get the chance to do it any longer I would be so blessed! I know that not really something you wanted right off the bat...ha

We are looking forward to our “24th” it sounds like it’s going to be like Pima's.... They go BIG here! They even have a station for us in the parade ;) We are excited! This place is so amazing and it gets better and better! :)

I can’t wait to hear all about your Pima adventures!

So this week.... We had a busy week! We are working with Annie and the Magana family trying to make sure they are ready for their baptism THIS SATURDAY! We are so excited to have 4 baptisms!

And as we know there is opposition in all things... We finally got in contact with Thelma and her boys... It had been over a week since we had seen them and we were worried because they had already missed one baptism date and we were trying to put them back on date. We had a good long chat with Thelma while we were waiting for the intense thunder storm to pass... Sister R and I ended up leaving in sadness. Thelma explained to us that her husband doesn’t want them to get baptized :( We were a little taken back by it. The husband doesn't join in the lessons but he also said he doesn't care what they do. We've even asked him what happens if they get baptized and he said that’s fine they can do whatever they want. But in the end when it really came down to it... he doesn't want them to do it. Thelma and her husband are also not married and we asked her if that's something she wants...she said yes...but he's never asked me. It was sad to hear that. It’s sad to see how simple Satan works. Not being married is such a simple thing and yet in Heavenly Father’s eyes it’s huge! We are planning to still work with them and read the BOM with them and we hope that that can show Josh the dad that they really do want to get baptized :) the small and simple things can bring great things to pass :)

Yesterday we also found a new investigator. His name is Roy. He has never had church in his life and he's never really learned about Jesus Christ. He has had a rough past, but turned away from all the bad things when we he realized he needed to be a dad and a father to his two kids. He now is such a great dad and really loves his kids. Right now he is only interested in learning about church stuff for his kids, but he says he hopes that eventually it all sinks in and he can become a “believer”...Sister R and I said we can definitely help you become a “believer” hahaha... He loved church yesterday so that is a huge start. He said he will be coming every Sunday. This man is going to become a believer!

Again, I see how Heavenly Father works... He doesn't give us everything all at once. But as we work for our learning he makes all things...everything...possible! This man has so much potential! We are excited!

So the other day... We were walking around and we ran into Annie. A thunder storm started rolling in and it was about to pour. As we were talking this HUGE thunder came crackling in, it was so loud! Annie looked up to the sky and said “WOW! Sounds like God is moving the furniture getting the mansion ready for us!” We lauuuughed... it was funny! But then I got to thinking about it later. Wow! How amazing is this woman. She understands God more than I do. She is so close to him and His gospel already and now the things we are teaching her is just putting gas on her fire. Annie is the most amazing investigator I have ever been blessed to meet. The lessons we have with her just get better and better. I'm pretty sure she invited the WHOLE town to her baptism ;) She tells everyone she sees. I love going and teaching her because actually she teaches me. The gratefulness she has towards our Father in Heaven is humbling. Yesterday after church... she reached into her bag and got out two purple pens, she knows that's Sister R's and my favorite color...she said I found these in a box I had. I want you to have them. We tried to refuse, considering she doesn’t have anything to begin with but she insisted. She said I have so much...I must give. Why is it that those who don’t have much or anything at all still gives to others and still serves...but those who have everything don’t do either. It makes me think about life a lot more. No matter what situation I may be in... Am I still going to be giving? And am I still going to be willing to give everything I have and still feel blessed? I’m not sure what the future is going to bring me...but I know that no matter what happens... I want to be like the Savior and still give when there may not be much to give at all.

I think about you mom... You are always giving- even in times of struggle. You may not have much, but you still help those around you! I love that about you. I know that is a Christ like quality that everyone can see. I am so blessed to have a mom that can show me how to be a good person, loving, and also Christ like.

We may not be perfect nor close to what we think we “should” be, but I know that our Heavenly Father loves us anyway! He knows us so perfectly and knows what we need. He wants to help us, but sometimes he waiting for us to ask. This week as you go about your day, ask Heavenly Father to help you be more Christ like. Who knows what he may show you or teach you :)

I came across a scripture in D&C 18: 13-19 it was a really interesting read. As you read it... think about the tools our Heavenly Father has given us to help us in His work. What tools do we have to strengthen ourselves?

Ooooooh I got to make HOMEMADE Tamales this week! Pictures :)

I think that’s all... I can’t wait to tell you about the baptisms this week!!! It’s going to be amazing!

Mom...I love you like allllll the rain drops we've been getting here because then it’s not sooooo hot :)


 love you all! May god bless you in your adventures this week :)

 Until next week!

Sister Larsen

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