Saturday, November 23, 2013

I am Thankful for.....

Welcome to the Fields... We just might meet our goal of 10!‏                           
 ‏                             11/18/13

Hello Family and Friends....

This week has been whirl wind! I'm pretty sure my weeks are feeling like days and its going by soooooo fast!

I have been thinking about Jess all week! I met a lady whose son is there ( in the Philippines) and they couldn't find him for a while...BUT then they found him and he is safe! She was having a hard time especially because they wouldn't let them call or anything. But I know Heavenly Father will protect his missionaries. I have heard that Jess’ mission isn't really near the mess. Did you know there are 22 missions there? That's crazy! Even if she will be going near the mess...Imagine all the love she can give those people and give them hope. She will be doing a lot of service....HOW GREAT IS HER CALLING! I would love to do that!

I’m sorry things at school have been hard! I know you will do always do! :) I can’t even think what math is anymore hahahaha :)
Speaking of school, I got the picture of Ana, it made me sad. She looks so different :( My heart is so full for her, I keep putting her name in the temple. I hope she and her family can feel my love for them from all the way over here. I hope to be able to see her when I come home too.

So have you thought about when we can come back here? When are you done with school? When can I plan to see these amazing people again? Also I will have a baptism when I come back so I wanted to make sure we could coordinate that :D

No more travels for Chance?
Glad Leah is keeping busy. I have been thinking about her a lot this week.
Bud and his millions, I think I've decided to go work for him and not finish school :P hahaha
But really I am going to need a lot of things to do when I get home. I might follow you around like a puppy. hahaha

Mom, I loved the quote. That's a good one! Our Heavenly Father is good! Our Savior is good. I love them both and know they are here to help us. It’s because of them we can experience greatness! I love thinking about all the things our Gospel provides for us. It’s so much!

This week we found a new investigator! His name is Jeven. He is super smart and ready to get baptized! WE put him on date for Dec 10th....Yep! That is my last day! Can you believe it!? I'm super excited for him and I know it’s going to be a good day. I wouldn't want anything more than to see one more son/daughter of God come onto the straight and narrow path of righteousness :) HOW COOL!

This week we will be having Lake and Edge's baptism! We are super excited for them! They have been working hard and yesterday we asked them if they are ready. They said "OH YES!!!!!!! LET’S DO IT!"  We are so excited! This family is going to be solid in the gospel. The dad is still working on getting over his Word of Wisdom issues but the moment he does that...everything is going to be awesome for this family!

This Sunday we were able to get a lady to church who hadn't been in 8 years!!!!!!! You thought we were excited to see should have seen her husband’s face! He looked like he just won a million dollars! It was sooooo cool to see! The joy we get from small and simple seeing our loved ones come to church.

Exchanges with the other Sisters have been so good for me lately. Not only have I been learning how to be a better missionary/person/leader…but It’s been keeping me busy and motivated. You would think its super easy to just work hard since it’s been that way my whole mission... but sometimes it’s the small things Satan tries to creep in and tries to destroy everything. I am so grateful for my companion she has been so patient with me and helping me. I am grateful for it! I know when this time comes for her (going home) she will better understand. I just pray we can continue to work hard together and get our 10!!!! :)

I love my mission....
I love people....
I love Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ!
I love knowing everything is going to be okay because God has a plan for us.
I love knowing we can pray whenever we want!
I love that prayer is a 2 way communication!
I love that Every time I walk into someone’s home, I have the privilege of exchanging their spiritual rags for spiritual robes and help them become something greater!
I love knowing trails aren't meant to just push us, they are a sign to us showing us that God knows we are ready for growth.
I love I can see everyone as "Gold"... we all have a purpose here.
I love the people I have become friends with and will forever be friends with.
I love the priesthood and the opportunity I have as a woman to benefit from it.
I love that God trusts me... I may not trust Him always...but He will never fail me.
I love that I know I am a child of God.
I love that I get to try all sorts of crazy Peruvian food! :P
I love my mission...

Funny quotes form this week:

Sister Larsen, “Gage, what does it mean to you that we only worship one God?"
Gage, “Well Mythology isn't true then!"  hahaha

Richard, "SISTERS! I have always wondered...."
Us, " Yes Richard...what is it..."
Richard, " I have always wondered which one tastes better.....a black cow or a brown cow?"
hahahaha we died laughing!

This was such a great week! :)

Well, family I hope and pray that all is well with you! May you know that I love you and pray for you each day! ...even those who are far away.

Be a good Christian this week....LOVE those around you. Pray for ways you could be more Christ like :)...Did you know that Meekness is one of the most crucial attributes one could have? Did know also that if we are meek it doesn't mean that we are just means that we act in kindness. Interesting thought... Keep that in mind. Dare to be different than the world!

Thank you for your love and support!

Mom, Dad, Bud and Leah..... I love you!

Speaking...and more speaking....Becoming a "speaking" Pro

Welcome to the Fields....                                        ‏                                                          11-11-2013

Dear Familia...

Your pictures are super cute! Those dresses are super cute!! They have hoods! :)
I loved the "turkey" :)

SISTER HARDY called you! I am so glad! She is an amazing person! She does a business called "Thrive" It’s a way of doing food storage. I wanted you to know about it so you could look into and see what you thought. They have loooots of food that is gluten free :) Good for Miss B. If you get to her about it. I think it’s something you would like!

So this week we had amazing lessons with our investigators!
Lauren and Richard are an older couple from Cali who moved here. We have been teaching them for several weeks now. This week we started the Plan of Salvation and Richard was soooo excited to learn about it. We talked mostly about Earth Life and the things we need to do to prepare to meet God. Richard came to the conclusion that if he was going to keep the spirit with him at all times he would need to read and pray each day. He said...when you leave it goes away...but then it comes back when you come back. I want it to stay.... I think I need to pray! All I could do was smile. I said exactly! We also tried to commit them to baptism....Richard said ....Wait...shouldn't we go church first before we get baptized? I said YES! That is why we invite you each week to come to church so you can one see how we worship and also so that you can continue to learn. He looked at Lauren and said well...It looks like we are going to church! THEY CAME! :) I was so excited!!!!

This week was Stake Conference. We were asked to speak. Luckily, Stake President just wanted one of us so Sister D Spoke :) We both had to sit on the stand and just sitting up there made me nervous. Bob, our recent convert of two weeks also spoke with her. He did such an amazing job and his testimony was so powerful! Not a dry eye in the crowd! We were so proud of him! This year’s Stake Conference was all about missionary work and Members being missionaries. It’s amazing to see how much emphasis the 1st Presidency is putting on missionary work. Our members are catching the spirit and they are now calling us more and inviting their friends to different activities. It’s so amazing!

Sister D and I are working hard trying to solidify our 10 baptisms for the transfer! We have two this upcoming week, Lake and Edge.... they are amazing young men and are going to make a great add to the God kingdom!  WE are still working with Nancy...She is struggling with doubts from Satan and is worried what her family is going to think. We pray that her heart can be softened and she can see that this will bless her life.

Sister D and I concluded that by the end of our missions we are going to be master public speakers. We had to give another training to our Zone this week! I think it’s finally getting easier and easier as we go! hahaha

Funny story.... This week we didn't have a dinner one night. Sister D and I were trying to figure out what we should do. We sat there and all the sudden she says ...I WANT STEAK! I said I haven't had that for over a year! Soooooo we decided to go to Texas Road House. I hadn't been to a restaurant in like a year! It was kind of awkward because we just walked in ourselves. I think people were looking at us funny because usually missionaries come in with members. Well, as we were sitting there deciding to order our waiter came up to us and instead of taking our order he started talking to us as if we were "normal girls"....AKA “Flirting” with us. It was at that moment I realized that I had become a really awkward person and all I could think about was my missionary badge. We blew him off like it was nothing. Then after we ate we took pictures. He decided to be in our pictures with us hahaha We left him a card and instead of "leaving our number" we left a scripture for him. hahaha Sister D said ...Sister Larsen, this is just a preview for you and your future in 4 weeks. I just laughed. It was a good dinner and It reminded me of all the times we went there as a family and all the fun memories we have at a Texas Road House.

The other picture is a picture of the St George Temple that a ward made out of Popsicle sticks.... Each stick has a name on it. Each name is someone that the youth took to the temple to do their work for. HOW COOL IS THAT?!?! There are 9000 names!!!!

Well, I think that's it for this week!

Love you all! You are amazing!
Mom..... I love you like alllll the pomegranates that we've been eating.... They are sweet like you!


Last Halloween in St. George...Sisters looking a little "skeleton" like...

Welcome to the Fields...                                   ‏                                   11-4-2013

Dear all,

 Halloween was pretty low key this year. We had to stay inside starting at 6 pm. Several Sisters came over to my apartment and we just had a craft party and hung out. At the Visitor Center they had a party for the Sisters who serve there.
Your Halloween looked sooooo awesome! Leah looked soooooo good! I was impressed! I showed all the Sisters around me hahaha She is so talented! The girls looked so good too!

This week was kind of a low key week. We are in the process of finding new investigators. We have about 10 different families we are working with and about 5 that are less active. Since we are full time now we are able to see more people and the members are now calling us and asking us to come over to their house so we can help THEM with their missionary work....THATS NEVER HAPPENED! It’s so cool to see things changing and the members getting excited about us being in the area.

This week we saw many miracles:
One of them being....we had been trying to contact a family for several days. On Saturday we had planned to see this family later in the day...but then all of the sudden we felt we need to go at that moment. So we went over and literally as I was about to knock on the door this woman opened the door, we scared each other hahaha... She knew who we were and just started talking to us. She told us she was just getting ready to leave but that she wanted us to come back. She told us a little of her story and how she just recently got divorced and her kids have been going back and forth between the two of them and in the mess she had not been able to get her son baptized. Sister D and I just smiled. She said, “I know he has to do the lesson,s so if we could start doing that, that would be great!”
I don't know if I told you last week...but Sister D and I made a goal of 10 baptisms before I leave. This young boy will be number 5 :) .....5 more to go! Heavenly Father is so amazing! He knows when we have goals and when we work hard towards them...he will help us to make it happen! This month is going to be full of baptism pictures :)

Another miracle! This week one of my recent converts...Sister Denhaulter... we went to her house one day to check on her and she said...Sister Larsen! I am ready! I have come to the decision I have to do my parents temple work!  My heart just leaped out of my chest. I asked...what happened?!
Sister Denhaulter’s parents were verrrry abusive and they were extreme alcoholics. She had a rough childhood and many times in her life her parents threatened to kill her. She has always had bitter feelings about them and could never find a way to forgive them. She told me this past conference she was able to go to conference and be in the presence of the prophet. She said she was sitting there and all of the sudden this impression came to me. She said I felt that God was telling me that I needed to do their work so that I could forgive them.
She went on to say that she wanted me to help her get the needed paper work. So the next day we went over and I taught her how to do all the "Family History" stuff and we got her papers all printed out. Halloween morning we were able to go to the temple with her and witness this miraculous day. Before Sister Denhaulter got in the water she told everyone in the baptismal room her story.... Everyone was crying.... and as she went down we could all feel the power of forgiveness and love.
It’s so amazing to be part of this great work. Even for those who aren't physically here on earth. Just like the gospel blesses family physically here on earth...It also blesses those who are beyond the veil. I am so grateful I got the opportunity to see and be part of such an amazing event.

I can’t wait....I mean yes I can...anyways.... I would love to go to the open house of the new Temple. Everyone here is talking about it and we are sending people down there for it! It’s going to be awesome! We get updated notices about it...It looks gorgeous!!!!!

Everyday gets harder and harder as people realize that I only have 5 weeks left. I try to not let it bother me. I know that all good things come to an end eventually. I will be leaving with about 10 other people. All the Sisters I was in the MTC with are going to be leaving with me as well...It will be neat to start and end together....funny...we are all STLs right now too! How cool is that?

Well not much else for this week!
Glad to hear all is well!

Love you all!
Mom... Love you like I loved the blueberry chocolate!!!!!!!!! :)

Don't be afraid to open your mouths... share the gospel... you never know whose life you could change!
Ps....Is the temple in your plans for this week?!? I hope so!

                                                      Boy, Sisters, you have lost weight! ;)

Last Transfer of Sister Larsen's Mission

TRANSFERS!                                                            10/29/13


Sorry I'm a day late.... Because of Transfers we had to take the Tuesday P-Day.

Sooooo this week is transfers! CAN YOU BELIEVE IT! This has been one of the hardest transfers yet! Many of the missionaries I have been serving with for my whole mission are now leaving :( It’s amazing to me to see all of these wonderful Elders and Sisters and be able to call them friends :)  I love missions!
I can’t believe I have been with Sister D for 6 weeks now. I feel like Sister Anderson just left and it’s only been two weeks! Wow! Time is just flying by! It’s making me sad, but I am also loving every moment!
Our transfer call is..... We are staying in the Fields... and now we are full proselyting! So we will no longer be at the Visitor Center. I can’t believe I have spent more than half of my mission out of the VC. We are super stoked to go full proselyting. Our area is 10 wards and really needs the full time attention. We are praying for miracles and the opportunity to baptize 10 people before I go home :) 

This week has been one of the best weeks of our transfer!
On Thursday we went out with some members. We usually go out with them once a week to contact people in their ward. Sister Murray said, “Ooookay Sisters, we are going by the spirit tonight, who should we go see?!” We weren’t really sure, but then I got this idea. I started to point to people we needed to visit. We first went to see the Messengers and talked to them. Then I wasn't really sure who to go to next. I said one name and then all of the sudden another name came flying out my mouth. I said we NEED to see the "Ward" family. So we went to their house. We weren't sure why we were there or what we were going to say. They opened their door and Sister Murray says, "Hello I’m Sister Murray, these are our sister missionaries, WE have a message to share with you tonight, can we come in?" Sister D and I were in shock. We had no idea what to do. We had no message and we knew nothing about them! We talked for a few minutes and the Murrays talked, we were trying to get to know them... then all of the sudden Sister Murray says well Sisters...It’s time for your message. What do you have for us tonight? Sister D and I were in shock. I had nothing. My mind was so blank :/ I was sad because I didn't know what to do. But then Sister D got her scriptures out, sat there for a moment and started talking. She started talking about the introduction of the BOM. We had them read Moroni's promise at the end and then asked the husband and wife what their testimony means to them and how it’s helped them in their life. The wife just started to sob. She talked about her testimony has literally kept her alive and how if it weren't for her testimony she would have ended her life a long time ago. I couldn't believe it. We then sat there and listened to husband. He began to tell us how he served a mission but no longer has a testimony of the BOM and how he doesn't need it in his life. WOW! Sister D and I had no idea. I then opened my mouth and these words began to come out. I testified of the power of the BOM and told him that all the choices he is making right now will forever effect his children, we then committed them to reading the BOM and praying to know if it is true. They both said they would do it. I don't remember much else that happened that night. Even as we were returning home, we were trying to remember what had happened. We know Heavenly Father really needed us to go to that home at that time and that moment. I am so grateful we listened. I am so grateful for the spirit and the feelings He gives us. Heavenly Father is so mindful of us and he loves us so much! This family now has the opportunity to change and become more engulfed in the gospel.

This week too someone came and told me a story. Last year when I was in the Fields....we went by that house. It was supppper dark and you could tell they were most likely not there. Our members who were with me and Sister Anderson did not want to go....but I had this feeling we needed to. So I walked up to it all by myself. They later followed. After a few minutes this lady answered the door and was super grumpy! She didn't want anything to do with us. I sheepishly told her that all I wanted to do was leave her with a message and that for some reason we needed to be here tonight. She denied us and we walked away. ONE YEAR LATER..... that member saw the same lady in a store. The member walked up to the lady and said hello! How are you? Do you remember me? ...they talked for a few minute and the lady eventually told the member that she was very sorry for the way she acted towards us that night. She went on to say that that night she and her husband had been in a big fight and they decided that night that they were going to get a divorce. She said when I opened the door I was hurt and I was trying to get my kids to bed and I didn't feel like visiting....she said BUT I will never forget that night. Even though I was rude, those Sister missionaries brought me hope that night and I realized that God loved me and that I was going to be okay. I will never forget that!! As the member was telling me this story I couldn't help but to cry. My eyes filled with tears and I then remembered that Heavenly Father loves us so much! He knows what we need even if we don't know it yet. I am so grateful yet again that I listened to the spirit and I was able to be an instrument in God’s hands. I will never forget that event. I don't know what happens too many of the people we come in contact with, but I know what happens is for a reason!

This week we had the best baptism ever! BOB got baptized! His wife did not get baptized with him, but she will soon! :) We are planning a trip with them in two years to go on "the life of Joseph Smith" hahahha and Bob said he can’t wait to meet our husbands :) hahaha Bob is now getting ready to go to institute and wants to graduate :) He's only been a member for a day! He is also speaking with us in Stake Conference :) He is excited about that! He ran up to us and said, "Sisters...I got my first calling!" haha this couple is so amazing and so prepared. Heavenly father loves them so much!

Oooooh this week we also taught primary! IT WAS EXHUSTING! hahaha I have a greater appreciation for those sisters! :) I hope that I get more experience in life before I have to do that! haha

We also ran into the "Piano Guys"...they LIVE in our area! We taught their son in primary actually! haha it was super cool! They are awesome!

Well Family...I love you with all my heart. I know time is going to fly by and I will be seeing you again. BUT pray the time SLOWS down :) That would be great!

Mom....I love you like...I love the rain we are getting! It’s been so nice :) I just love you!
Love you all!

                                                                        Bob's Baptism

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Sister Larsen and Sister Davila....two amazing Sister Missionaries :)

Welcome to Washington Fields...‏                                                 

Hello all...

I met someone the other day that is from Mesa who knew gramps. He worked with him in the schools back in the day. We started talking about Mesa and he asked me who I was related to... we ended up talking about Judds and then to Gramps. He asked me how he was doing. I told him he was doing great and remarried, etc. It was crazy to see we made connections. My world is officially super small!

Sister D is a good companion! :)

This week we had Zone Conference...It was really amazing! We learned a lot about how we as missionaries can better work with members. So not only are you learning how to work with missionaries, we are learning how to work with you :) haha Sister D and I got to do a training on how we can better provide service to those around us. I've always tried to serve others around me, but now I have a greater love for it! I know service is the true key to other hearts. Even in marriage, as we serve our spouse, our love can become greater and our family can be stronger. I learned a lot at our conference. I love hearing from others and learning how to be a better person/missionary.
Speaking of being a better person/missionary. This morning I read about Amulek and his teachings to Zeezrom. It’s in Alma 11. If you haven't read it lately... go read it. Think about how his example can help you in your life. I know for me I think of Amulek as a powerful and confident person. He KNOWS what is true! I know that as I have been on my mission I have grown to be similar to him, but I know as I learn more throughout my life and I learn from my husband, someday I can be just as powerful and confident as Amulek! I got really excited about the scriptures this you get excited to read your scriptures? I love this gospel. I love that it is a gospel of change and that we have the opportunity to change and be better each day. I know if I can change and I can be a better person, so can those I come in contact with :)

Sister D and I work hard together! We are striving to see more and more miracles! We are planning to have a baptism this week! :) Miracle I tell you! His name is Bob. We have been working with him for about a week now. We have met with him almost every day. He is soaking everything up and just loving the things we are teaching him. We taught him the Word of Wisdom the other day and after we taught him he gave up everything and hasn't gone back to it since. We went over to his house and took away all of his and his wife's coffee. I tried to take their coffee maker, but they weren't willing to let that go. haha The wife said she needed it for her sister. We talked to her about being an example to those around her. I hope to get it tonight :)  As we have been teaching Bob, he has never heard anything about Mormons...but he knew he wanted something more in his life. Every time we teach them he just gets excited and says “I have feeling again!" I know this is good!  Bob comes from a military background and has been struggling to feel like he would fit into our "culture". He said he hates to tell people he was in the military because now days...people criticize him and some people even have said he committed a crime by killing people. It’s been really hard to try and get him to understand he didn't commit a crime, it was for military purposes. So last night we had Bishop go over and talk to him and help to understand better how we feel about military service. Bishop helped him so much that now he is 100% planning on getting baptized THIS Saturday. We are hoping his wife follows him and wants to get baptized this week too :)

Remember my miracle baptism, Bailee? This week I have been having a really strong feeling to go visit Bailee and see how her family is doing. We went over last night and they were all home! It was a miracle! We talked to them for quite some time mostly to catch up and see how they were doing. Then towards the end of the conversation we asked them if there was anyone they knew who would be interested in learning more about Jesus Christ. Bailee's brother raised his hand and said... "I'm ready! I want to learn!"... Bailee started to cry and said "I will be right there with you and I will be at every lesson. Let’s do this!" It was such a powerful moment. Their mom who is less active just stood there and smiled. It was so cool for me because now after a whole year I get the opportunity to teach and be part of this family's life. I hope that by our efforts and with the Lord, we can get this family to the temple and become an eternal family for forever! I feel so blessed to see these miracles and be here in St. George. I can’t wait to see more these in the next 7 weeks.
I know as I continue to do the things Heavenly Father needs me to do, I will be able to say I did all that I could and I did my best!

I hope you all have a great week!
Love you lots!

Mom...I love you like... I love taking coffee away from our investigators! Who likes that stuff anyway!? J

May you have health and strength this week! Heavenly Father loves you!

Sister Larsen

Life is so GREAT!

Welcome to Washington Fields....‏                                                               

Hi familia!

 I loved hearing about the things you learned from conference. It’s so amazing to see what we can learn from simple sermons. We have been talking about Conference all week and it’s been so uplifting :)

Ahhhhhhhh Dec. 15th......THAT JUST HIT ME! Gosh.... Time is flying by so fast :(
(Sister Larsen will be home on Dec. 11th and will report in church on Sunday Dec. 15th)

This week I got to see the hand of God really working in our lives.
On Monday we taught a family who has been struggling to meet with us consistently. We taught them about the Proclamation to the World and emphasized the fact that they need to teach their children about these things. We told them that if they did not teach their children that they as parents would be judged for it. It was a super powerful and intense lesson. We committed them to church for this week. I taught this family a year ago when I was in the area and we couldn't get them to church for the life of us, so finally after a whole year she finally came to church this week! We were soooo excited! We also forgot it was ward conference this week for their ward...but Bishop got up and started talking...he emphasized his talk to the parents and how they need to protect and teach their children. He stated that if we do not teach our children and protect them that they themselves would be judged for it, I couldn't believe it! He stated everything we had just said day before. We were praying they were listening and that they understood the importance of teaching their son. I couldn't believe it. I knew then the things we had taught them were true and were true for them. It made me think of the scripture in Matthew 16, “But if he will not hear thee, then take with thee one or two more, that in the mouth of two or three witnesses every word may be established."  Heavenly Father knows His servants and he knows what people need to hear.

This week also we were able to find 6 new investigators! It was so great! We finally were able to make appointments with a family who we had been trying to meet with for many weeks.
This week we also went tracking in a new area that we found. We found this older couple who just moved to St. George. The woman was a little quieter than the husband and the husband said the wife had read the BOM before. We asked if we could come by again and talk about the BOM...they said sure. So we went over there, we were there for two hours...not only did we talk about the BOM but they had sooo many questions about the church. It was so cool! We set another time to meet with them and they are so excited to learn more. They are now reading the BOM together. Heavenly Father gave us a miracle finding these people. We invited them to come to church; they said they will when they know more...we are excited to teach them more so that we can get them to church :)
Bob and Nancy are doing amazing! Bob came to church this week and said he has never felt so "at home" before. He loved that people remembered him and that they were happy to see him there. His wife was sick and didn't make it this week :( ...This week we were supposed to see Bob and Nancy at the VC for a lesson, Nancy wasn't able to make it, but Bob did. I had to go to Brigham Young's home for the day, but Sister D was able to teach him. At first he was really closed and didn't say much but then all of the sudden he started to pour his heart out and tell her all the things we was worried about or that he struggled with. She talked about Jesus Christ and how He can help us and He can be the one to help us heal. She then asked him if he would be willing to follow Jesus Christ and His example. Bob said I know I need to. She then put him on date for Oct 26th. THIS MONTH :) He said yes. She told him to go home and pray about it. Last night we had a lesson with him and asked him about his prayers and how he felt about getting baptized....He said yes I prayed about it... and I am getting excited and comfortable with it. We are excited to have a baptism this month!!!! :)

Life is so great! Mission is awesome! And miracles are real!
I love you all! I pray for you always!
Mom, I love you like I love teaching, preaching and calling all to repentance!

BE A MISSIONARY! You'll be blessed...I promise! :D

Sister Larsen

"Doubt your doubts...before you doubt your faith." October Conference 2013

Welcome to the Fields...Cooler Weather                                  ‏                                       10/07/13

 I’m really glad you were able to see Elder Holland's talk. I thought about Leah a lot during that! I know that can be a help to her. I'm glad you were able to connect to it too. I know that I thought about "taking time out for ourselves" was a big one that I think we both needed to hear.
I also really enjoyed Elder Bednar's about tithing! What a powerful talk that was! Wow! I know what he said is true! I've seen it in my own life and I know that I’ve also seen it in those who I’ve been teaching. It truly is a protector!

I love hearing Utchdorf's talk about being welcomed in the church. This church is not for those who are perfect and it’s not for those who know everything. We must rely on our faith and not others. There are so many people in this world who "don't feel welcome" in the church. I hope they know the knowledge we have is for everyone! The knowledge we have is from God. We aren't perfect people....BUT we have a perfect church to teach us how to be perfect.
“Doubt your doubts....before you doubt your faith.” Our faith is sometimes the only thing that gets us through the hard times...Satan knows what we have questions about...he knows what we struggle with…he will try to get us to forget the truth we do know and make us think about all the other things that don't even matter. Yes, it’s okay to have questions and maybe some doubts...but don't let that get in the way of what really matters. Families can be together forever. There is life after this. We are sons and daughters of the most high being...our loving Heavenly Father.

Oh conference was a good time for us. I love hearing the amazing messages! We got to watch Saturday morning with a struggling less active family...and after the session was over...the mom just sat there and pondered the things that were said. The only thing she could say was "WOW" She said it’s been 12 years since I have seen conference and that was amazing! We sat there with smiles on our face and then testified of the importance of following the prophet. She knows they need to be better... and now she feels like it’s possible.

This past week we were able to teach Bob and Nancy. Did I ever tell you about them? They have been reading Work and the Glory books. When we visited her this week. She said, "I just can’t believe it! . Those people are just amazing. They all had to go through so much. I'm learning more and more about Joseph smith and many times I find myself thinking that I am him. I have the same questions that he did and I want the same thing he has. I want to know what church is true and I want to know how I can best follow God.” My jaw just dropped! I couldn't believe what she was saying. We said, "yes in many ways you are him. WE know how you can have the same blessings he does. We can show you how to follow God and be the best person you can be!  We are having lunch with them again this week and she is inviting her sister to listen in on the lessons. So not only is she wanting to learn more but she is also inviting others to learn with her. She is already a missionary and doesn't even know it!
People here are amazing me more and more. I love seeing how people can be so prepared.

My goal is to go home and be someone the missionaries can rely on to help fellowship those coming into the gospel. I want to be the member whot goes out and is a member missionary like the prophet has asked us to be.
I think the prophet was inspired by my saying, "You don't need a name tag to be a missionary" :) They mentioned that in conference.

So I’ve also been thinking about when I go home. I’m not sure if I want to go to YSA right away.  I’m thinking I want to stay in the family ward for a while. Soooo for when you get home, if you could talk to bishop, I would really like to have a calling when I get home. I need to go to institute and I need to find a job. I do not want to be sitting at home. So if you could help me with these things I would really appreciate it :)

This week we had another Zone Conference. Sister D and I had to give a training to the other missionaries. This time it was on the Holy Ghost. As we were planning I felt really good about the training but I knew the moment I got up to the group to speak I would get really nervous. I told Sister D that I get really nervous in front of people. I asked her if we could pray about it and pray I could do what I needed to do. So we prayed that night and then before we got into our meeting we were in our car and we prayed again. We prayed specifically that we could say the things that He wanted us to say and that we wouldn't be nervous. In our meeting we were sitting there waiting for it to be our turn. It finally came to our turn to train and I thought I was going to get nervous. I got up and I was perfectly fine. At no point in our training was I nervous. Usually I get chocked up while trying to bare my testimony and when it came time to testify of the things we were teaching, I was perfectly fine. After the training I sat down and just sighed with relief. I knew Heavenly Father had answered my prayers and He helped me to do something that was hard for me! It was a really good feeling!

I love my Heavenly Father and I know he loves ME! I know that he loves ALL of us no matter what our beliefs are or what color we are... HE LOVES US!
For anyone who doesn't know that this is true... I invite you to pray about it. Ask Heavenly Father if this is true and then sit still and listen. I know He will answer you in a way you will understand. I know He will be right by your side.

This world is filled with so many thoughts and ideas. What happened to going back to the basics and simple? I know that it is by the small and simple actions of praying, reading scriptures and going to church that will forever make us happy.

Family... I love you lots and I miss you much!
I hope you have a great week! Don't work too hard...take time for yourself :)

Mom...I love you like I love feeling the cold breeze on my face in sunny St. George! What a great feeling!
I will pray you feel better too...I put your name in the temple.

Sister Larsen

Finding a cell phone and other small miracles. :)

Hello from The Fields.....‏                             9/30/2013

Gooood Mornin’ !

Whoooooooooaaaaaa  you just blew my pants off!  I cannnnnot believe Tasia got baptized! That is the greatest thing I have read about this week! Wooooooooow!  I knew it would come someday! That is soooooo awesome! Please tell her I am happy for her! She looks amazing and has the new glow within her. I love seeing others happy! I love hearing that she is preparing for the temple....what a wonderful goal to have! This gospel is so true! More and more people are understanding it and they are seeing this really is the Lord’s way. Wow!

Soooooooo glad you got to the temple this week! I bet that was a neat experience to see Jess go through the temple. I wish I could have been there. I’m glad she got my email. I hope that it helps her. She's going to be a great missionary!
This week we also got to go to the temple. We went as a mission trip. It was a really intense trip for me. I loved being back in  the Lord’s house. I have been super stressed about different things happening here and when I walked into the temple...It all just went away. It was so nice. I finally felt calm and peaceful. I tied to focus on the promises we make while we are there and I tried to listen to the things the Lord needed me to do.

I went to the temple "again" asking about my mission and really trying to listen to again for my answer of whether or not I should extend. I know were not supposed to ask questions more than once....but I have been having a really hard time accepting the fact that Heavenly Father doesn't want me to. I again was told that I shouldn't. When I got into the celestial room...I sat there for just a moment and then began to cry. It hit me...this is my last mission temple trip! This is my last time seeing most of these wonderful missionaries. I never would have thought in my life I could look out at almost 100 people and be full of love. I never thought I could love so many people all at once. I have been praying my whole mission to learn how to love people and at that moment I realized that Heavenly Father showed me how. He had been teaching me this whole time and I didn't even really see it. I also realized how grateful I was for my mission and how I was so happy to have learned the things I have. I also realized that for someone who doesn't really cry over "mushy" things, Heavenly Father has softened my heart and now I cry over everything. It seems like everything this week that has been happening, I have been crying happy tears. hahaha I know this sounds silly. I am so grateful for my Savior and the love that He as for me. I know Heavenly Father is so aware of us all and helps us in the ways we need. I don't know why I have to come home...but I do know that I am learning to lean on my Heavenly Father and gain faith and trust in Him. It’s probably been one of the hardest things I have done so far on my mission. I find myself talking to people and they say, "Ooooh you go home soon!"....I hate hearing that! BUT then I remind myself it’s okay and everything is going to work out. Heavenly Father is in charge and apparently He has something greater for me coming. Now it is time for patience to see what it may be.

 This week I got to go back down to Kanab/AZ for exchanges! I love going down there! haha
This week we met a little old lady...her name is Dora. She is German and very feisty!!! haha We first contacted her and she said "I HATE MORMONS!".... “AND MISSIONARIES!" Sister D and I just laughed and started talking to her about her life and trying to get to know her before she completely kicked us out. As she started to talk about her life and the things she had done...her face just lit up. We could tell she was happy about something. The next thing we know we are in her house and she is showing us all around and talking about her family and showing us all the things she had crossed stitched. Then we went into this room, she had been talking away and explaining all her things... and all of the sudden she starts saying "oh my goodness, oooh my goodness! Is that you cell phone?" We said, “No mam' it’s not.” She said, “You are a heaven came here to help me find my phone!” “It’s been lost for 3 days now and now you helped me find it!” Siters D and I just went with it...we said, “Yeeeaaah you're right, if we hadn't come you wouldn't had found your phone.” She got so excited! She asked us to help with some other things around her house so we set up a time to go back. We went back couple days later and started helping her with the things she had asked. After we were done she sat us down and made us eat her ice cream. hahaha  As we ate our ice cream we started talking to her about church and about Jesus Christ and her beliefs. It was a good talk and she agreed to go on a church tour with us so she could see what it’s like to come to church. She has been so excited about us coming over lately. Saturday after the broadcast someone gave us flowers so we took them over to her and I thought she was going to have heart attack she was so happy! She decided that we are nothing like the “Mormons” she had met before and she decided we are a heaven sent here to help her. I love seeing the power our love overcome bitterness. When it’s the right time, Heavenly Father always makes things work out in a positive way. We are going to keep trying to teach her and see what Heavenly Father has in store for her :)

Did you get to see the broadcast on Saturday? It was a good one! I love our Prophet! How bold he is! I really felt his love as he was speaking to us and testifying of our Savior’s/Heavenly Father’s love. What did you learn from the broadcast?

Family... I love you! I hope you have a great week!
Mom...I love you like I love the temple... I know you know what that feels like! :)
You’re the greatest!

Sister Larsen

Visiting Teaching similar to a mission call...

Welcome to Washington Fields... MIRACLES are real!                   ‏                                                  9/23/13


I saw Visiting Teaching in a whole new light this week! For many woman of the church...they get married before they can go on missions.....the Lord is sooo smart! He has made it possible for woman to be married and go on missions....and that's through VISITING TEACHING! WOW! What if each woman thought about their visiting teaching as being a mission call? Everything you do as a VT is the same exact thing we do as missionaries, we uplift and edify. We teach and spiritually strengthen others....that’s exactly what you do also! What if Sister D and I waited till the last of the month to get to know our investigators...what would happen if we decided to not do our duty and not go visit those that are around us? What a waste it would be! What a waste your calling would be and if we waited till the end of the month to go and uplift those Heavenly Father has asked us to take care of. VT is not just because and it’s not just to give you something else to do, VT is the Lord’s work and we must strengthen those around us. Let us all rethink about how we are serving the Lord. Is it with all our heart or just some of it? I love the thought of visiting teaching. I know it is inspired and I know it is for good! Heavenly Father loves his children so much he has given each of us loving and supporting friends.

I can’t believe Jess is going to the temple!!!! WOW! Time flies by! I hope it’s a good day for her!

I’M GETTING A "NEPHEW" !!!?????? ahhhhhhhhhhh! That's so crazy! :) WOW! I am so happy for them!
(Brother and wife are having a baby in the Spring....don't know if it's pink or blue...yet.) We are excited!!

So this week as been a whirl wind! The first day Sister Davila got to St. George the bus was was supposed to be here at 5 but it didn't come till 6...we had a lesson at 6 haha! I grabbed her off the bus, made the Elders take her stuff to the VC and we drive off to our lessons. I told her I was sorry for the craziness. We ended up having a really good lesson with the Iverson boys. We taught them about baptism and why we get baptized. We did a really cool experiment with soap and pepper...they loved it! I love doing experiments with kids because not only does it make the lesson fun....but it also helps them to understand things better. The Iverson boys are 13 & 11 and come from a broken home and their dad has been less active since he was young. BUT the dad wants to come back to church so we are trying to prepare him so he can then baptize his sons :) Its super cool! We have been teaching them for about 2 weeks now and we have seen many changes already. Many people from the outside world would probably disagree, but the spiritual changes and the softening of the hearts is huge! :) I love watching people decide to change their lives because they know that the can have something much better!

Things in our area have been going pretty slow...we feel like we never get to be in our area because of our different duties. But this Sunday our Zone Leader announced we need to have a Zone fast. They said we need to fast for our goals and pray that we may find those who are ready. So yesterday Sister D and I fasted that we may find those who are ready to learn.  We had been thinking about all of our potential investigators and praying that at least one of them would be ready. Our night was pretty slow and we didn't have any appts. so we had to go out and contact. We were about ready to contact this woman and our phone rang. It was one of our ward Mission Leaders. He said Sisters, “We had a couple come to church last week and this week. We are having a fireside they are attending...we would like you to come....please tell us you can come!” We said YES we can!!! When and where???... So we went to the fireside, we had no idea what it was even about it.... it ended up being a lady from Northern Utah. She happen to be the great-great-great granddaughter of Joseph SMITH! Yeah the real Joseph Smith! The guy we teach everyone about! It was soooooo cool! She talked about all the things that happen to the family after he died and how his family actually fell apart. Only 1/3 of his posterity are members of the church. She herself grew up not knowing who a "Mormon" was! It was a really interesting talk! Things I never even thought about nor even know happened. I think we all think that everything about Joseph and Emma's life was perfect and the Lord blessed them with everything they fact that wasn't the case. We learned about all the trials Emma actually endured. When I get home I am going to find this lady’s book she wrote. It took her 15 years to write it! She goes all over the world talking about her life. ... we were a little worried about the nonmembers who came to the fireside because we weren't sure how they were going take the info.... at the end of the fireside...they said the loved it and they want to meet with us to learn more about the gospel! Yesterday he went to the Mormon Church and then we went to the Catholic Church. He said the Catholic Church was a waste of his time. He also said that whatever we have...he wants to be converted, talk about being prepared! Woooow! This couple is so prepared by our loving Heavenly Father.

Another miracle! Sister D and I were trying to find a family that one of our bishops wanted us to go visit. We ended up knocking on the wrong door and found a family of 10! This family came strait out of Colorado City about 2 weeks ago and has been hiding in their house trying to figure out what to with their lives. At first the wife was really guarded and didn't really want to talk to us, but when we told her we just wanted to get to know the people of the community, she broke down and started to talk to us. She told us that her husband had been "shunned" for about 3 months and while he was out he started to research and learn about the people he had been living among. He went back to Colorado City and grabbed his family and decided that he needed to move his family out. The mom then said...I can’t believe it! Everything we did there was wrong...our leaders have lead us astray! My heart just sank for her. She is in complete despair. She said she would love to send her kids to school but they don't know how to go to school...the shock of everything is too much. We invited her to church and I thought she was going to have a heart attack! She got really nervous and started to laugh...she said,  “Ooooooh  Sisters, I am a silly dumb woman who just stays at home! I don't go to church!”  We reassured her that she was not silly nor was she dumb and just because she stays at home to take care of her kids didn't make her silly or dumb. As I was talking to this family I couldn't help but imagine this family coming into the gospel and doing great things. I kept imaging this lovely mother... teaching others...and I imagined her just sitting there and realizing that this is the real truth. I know that was my imagination...but I had a feeling that it could happen! I know that Heavenly Father is preparing this family for bigger and better things! Everything happens for a reason. I pray that I get the chance to teach this family and help them the way Heavenly Father would want me to. I pray they feel loved by those around them and the feel like the can be part of this great world.

Oooh I love this gospel! I love that it is true! IT HAS TO BE! I know that Heavenly Father loves us so much that he wants us to be happy so he gives us miracles! I know the Book of Mormon has power....beyond anything we can actually imagine! This gospel is the light and truth! Jesus Christ is all powerful and enables us to do hard things :) I love that! I love that I am able to do hard things. I am grateful I don't have to do all this on my own. We are never alone.

I love you all. I hope you do great things this week :)

Do all that you can to uplift those around you! Be a missionary!
Mom...I love you like I love finding people to teach! What a miracle it is we are in the gospel!

Sister Larsen