Sunday, September 22, 2013

Sammy's Baptism, Preparing for China & other marvelous works...

Ooooops I don't think I told you my P-Day was Monday!                             ‏                           

Hi mom!
Sorry I didn't tell you my p-day was on Monday. It will be on Monday for the next 6 weeks.
TRANSFERS! I will be staying in the Fields, but training a new Sister Zone Leader. My new companion is Sister Davila...she is like 4ft tall :) hahahaha She is a good Sister and I am excited to work with her. Sister A “dies” tomorrow and will be flying home! Crazy how time flies by! I can’t believe it’s already been 6wks. ahhhhhh my brain is just on fire! The other Sister Zone Leaders and I asked if we could go to Hawaii for a week then we'll come back hahaha. I forgot what it’s like to work with all Sisters.
So this week was a pretty normal week. We had dinner with a potential investigator family. The dad is a minister and the wife is a "Healer" in her church. They are greeeat people with really strong Christian beliefs. They like that we focus on families so we are trying to use that as a focal point. We had dinner with them this week and spent 1.5 hours eating and talking about religion. It was pretty cool. It’s interesting to see how different conversations can be when their over dinner :) a lot calmer...nobody can really bash you over dinner. J
We are also teaching a less active family (the Lewis Family) they have been LA since the parents were 9 yrs. old. That was a long time ago. They are just now getting back into the grove of things and I would say they are now one of the strongest families in their ward! They love going to church and they understand that it’s a good thing. The other day we were teaching them about Sabbath it’s not just going to church. We played a game with them called Sabbath Day Jenga. Each block has an activity on it and after we pick it out of the stack we all have to decide if it’s a good activity to do on Sundays. So there are things like “rock concert", "swimming", "reading a book", "taking a nap", etc.... The Lewis family only has one daughter and she is hilarious!!! So it was my turn and I picked out "RUNNING"... So I asked "is this a good thing to do?" Everyone thought about it and Sister and Brother Lewis said no, Sundays can be your day off and you can take a rest from running. We all agreed accept Ella the daughter, she shouts and says..." SISTERS! WAIT! WHAT IF YOUR LATE AND YOU HAVE TO RUN TO CHURCH?!" She had this concerned look on her face. I could tell this was a real concern. I could not help myself from laughing! In the end we all just cracked up laughing. We made an agreement that if we were late to church and we needed to run that that would be okay. I just love kids. I love teaching them and seeing them grow in their knowledge. I love hearing all the funny things they say and all the concerns they have. It takes me back to remembering that this gospel is so simple. All we need to do is follow the simple "rules"/ keep the commandments and we can be happy! It’s a no wonder the Savior tells us many times in the BOM to become more like children. Children know how to do things simply. They know what's important and they know how to say sorry. I am striving this week to be more like a child and think simply. This week with transfers and crazy things with the Sisters.... I got so stressed I made myself sick. I am getting over it now, but it taught me that I need to just "Let go and Let God!" I need to just give it all to Him and allow Him to take care of it all. I hope that as I pay more attention to it and I continue to pray for it, that I may learn to be simple minded and allow Heavenly Father to control it all.
GUESS WHO GOT BAPTIZED THIS WEEK!?!?!...Sammy! Hooooly was the most intimate/special baptism I have ever been to. The spirit was so strong! She had the opportunity to bare her testimony at the end and I my jaw just dropped! Her testimony was stronger than most of the people who were in that room that day. Her power and conviction of the Savior and the Holy Ghost was just amazing. I am so grateful for the opportunity that Heavenly Father allowed me to teach her. Even though it was not very long, I know that we crossed paths for a reason. We got to help her reach baptism and at the same time she inspired me to want to be better. I know that Jesus Christ is the great gift we can have in life. I have seen it in her life. She got the opportunity to start over and completely change her life for the better because of Jesus Christ. I hope one day to see her go on a mission and give others what she's been given. I know that because of what she has learned and the feelings she has felt she can be a great instrument in God’s hands to change the world.
 Interesting thought, we ate dinner with a family the other night...their daughter is in an immersion class- so she has half day in English and half day in Chinese. We asked the mom why she didn't put her in the Spanish immersion class... this is what she told us...
She said Sisters... I know that this is for a reason. There are thousands of Utah kids getting this opportunity to learn Chinese as children. When the day comes and China opens up to missionary work, my child will be prepared to serve and she will be able to teach the people without struggling with the language. Woooooooow! What a concept! Heavenly Father is working in mysterious ways and in subtle ways. We have no idea what is going to happen in the future. I was told by our VC director that when asked about the future...the apostle have been spending most of their time preparing for China. ha! China, they say that when China opens...the world will change, the church will change, nothing will be the same! That is such an amazing thought. Mind blowing really! I love this gospel, I know that it is true and when it reaches the hearts of ALL people, they too will come to love it. My heart is so full this week. I love teaching others about Jesus Christ and I know that he can help them too!
Well I love you all! I hope you have a great week! Hope you feel my love and know that I am with you always!
Mom...I love you like I loved seeing Sammy get baptized! :)
If you haven't been to temple this month already....GO :) Its time!

Sister Larsen

Mission Conference with Elder!

Welcome to the Fields... It’s White and Ready to Harvest ;) BAPTISMS!!!‏                                           9/10/13

Ooooh glad you got to talk to Sister Woolley…. She is such an amazing lady! I hope they are around in December because you will have to meet the Woolleys!
Temple is open during December and it’s all decorated, but not like AZ haha
We were in Colorado City with the polygamists when we were in the AZ part of the mission.
Okkkkay so this week has been theeee longest and BEST week of my whole mission! So the whole week Sister A and I had to coordinate getting all the Sisters to St. George and getting them a place to stay for the night, etc… Then the BIG DAY finally came! SATURDAY! We all woke up at 4 am…got ready…got on a bus at 5 am and headed to Salina, Utah! It was a bus ride of 3.5 hours. For most of the trip we tried to sleep so that we would look refreshed for the meeting. We finally arrived at the church building and if you haven’t seen 180 missionaries all get together…you’ve missed out! It was crazy! There were hugs flying everywhere and lots of happy faces to see those you have grown to be friends with. I got to see Sister R and that was super fun! I got to see many other missionaries that I haven’t seen for a long time. It’s like going to a family reunion haha anyways… It got to be time and we all found our seats. At 8:50 Elder Bednar, Sister Bednar, Elder Clayton and his wife all walked in! HOW COOL! The Clayton’s said a few words and then Sister Bednar said a few words and at 9:10 am Elder Bednar took over. We thought he was going to “talk to us” and tell us all how to be better missionaries and what not… instead he went on to say…Elders and Sisters…. I gave you 3 talks to read… I hope you read them! It’s now time we have a discussion about them. For 1.5 hours we discussed what each of us had learned and we got to “talk with” Elder Bendar. It was so cool. He taught us the pattern of learning and how we must learn by the spirit…but most importantly we must teach by the spirit. We must teach by the spirit so that our investigators can learn by the spirit. Then the second half of the meeting we had a Q&A with him. He gave us an opportunity to ask him questions. Many people asked deep profound Qs. I never got the opportunity to ask him a question, BUT I went to the meeting with many personal questions in mind and all of them were answered. It’s amazing to see that even though I never outwardly asked my questions, they still got answered. They got answered, the spirit was able to teach me and help me to receive my own revelation. In the end…Elder Bednar's final thoughts were…Elders and Sisters… I hope you know that you don’t need an apostle to answer your questions…you don’t need an apostle to tell you what to do. The Gospel is simple. Keep the commandments and be good boys and girls and Heavenly Father and the Holy Ghost will tell you the rest. WOW! That really made me think about how I need to study harder, I need to be better in tune, I’ve got lots to work on. This experience was once in a lifetime—this email does it no justice. I wish you all could have been there to experience it all.
Sammy is getting baptized this SATURDAY! We are really excited for her! I can’t wait to see her officially on the path of righteousness. The straight and narrow.
This week I also got the opportunity to sit in on Missionary Leadership Training. This is a meeting for all the Zone Leaders in the mission. We were trained by our Assistants and also by President and his wife. We then had to take all the info. to our Zones and train our other missionaries that we are over. Sister A and I got to do our trainings with the Elders, it was super fun! Sister A and I got the opportunity to train our missionaries about “Desire”  I’m not sure if you remember, I hate getting up in front of people to talk…so I was super nervous to do the training, but we did it and it turned out all right. I was proud of myself.
I learned this week that the Atonement is not just for our sins…it’s also not just for our emotions…it is also for helping us to do hard things. WOW! That just blew my mind. I never thought that when I was doing hard things I was using the atonement. So getting up in front of others to do trainings is using the atonement… I am allowing Jesus Christ to help me in my needs. I hope you think about this the next time you are about to do something. If it is something hard for you…just jump…do it because you will allow the strengthening power of the atonement to help you! We are meant to do hard things. This world is all about doing hard things. Learning this made me feel all that much closer to my Savior.
The gospel is simple! Come what may and love it!
Mom, I love the experience you wrote about, what a good learning experience that is. As you strive to look for the good in each person, allow Jesus Christ and His atonement to help you. Don’t be afraid to ask. When we feel like we can do things all on our own… we are letting the atonement go in vain.
Family, I love you lots. I thought about y’all many times this week!
I hope y’all have a great week and remember that you are never alone. There is someone always watching over you.
Mom…I love you like…..well I would say as much as meeting an apostle of the Lord…buuuuut I love you more than that! …oh and we got to shake his hand J
Peace, Love and Happiness!
May God be with you!


Cleaning the Lord's house...

Welcome to the Fields...                                                                            9/03/13

Dear mother and others….
I saw many people I knew this week. It was kind of crazy! I spent some time with the McClures the other day….that was so good to see them. They are great people. We talked about their daughter. It was a really great experience. They are so strong and really have a testimony of our Savior and of God’s plan. I was inspired by them. They really love Buddy and talked all about him as well. It was cute! They told me all about Matt too hahaha… Great Great people!
Mom, if you can find me something to do when I get home that would be great. I know that the time will come for me to come home and I can’t wait to see everyone… I just can’t think about it right now.  I’m still young in the mission! Hahaha
This week was an exciting one! Last P-Day  Sister A and I got the chance to clean the temple again. They had us “tighten” all the screws of the chairs… Sister A asks… “If Heavenly Father tightens his screws…Does that mean I have to too?” Hahaha It was pretty funny! The Temple is an amazing place! I can’t believe I have gotten the chance to clean the Lord’s house! It brings me lots of joy.  I know that the Lord appreciates all that we do for Him, but most importantly…when we take care of our personal temples and follow the Word of Wisdom, I know that Heavenly Father has given us these guidelines to keep ourselves in the best shape possible.
This week we got the chance to go to President’s home and have a “Girls night” with President’s wife. We had lots of fun, but also learned a lot about how to better present ourselves to others. Because of the trends and such lots of the Sister's clothes are a little on the short side haha… I feel “homely” compared to these Sisters, BUT I know because I have followed the guidelines given…I have been blessed and have seen many miracles. Sister Center is such a good mission mom. She really does love her Sisters and wants the best for us. Since I have had the chance to work closely with her these past couple of weeks, I have learned a lot from her.
This week Sister A and I got the chance to go on exchanges again…. Guess where we ended up?!?!?! ARIZONA!!!!! Hahaha yep! We got the chance to visit the Sisters on the AZ strip. It was awesome! As we traveled, we went from 108 degrees to 78…it was beautiful! I was in heaven and so was Sister A. She said she felt like she was in Virginia! I told her I was about 100 miles from my home of Flagstaff. We were tempted to keep driving hahaha JUST KIDDING! It was such a fun trip. The Sisters that serve there are really strong and love to work. They get to work with the people in Colorado City. Let me tell you…How crazy! I never would have thought I would serve in a mission in my home state, it was pretty cool! We took many pictures! ha-ha
SOOOOO GUESS what is happening this week?!?!?!?! We are having a MISSION CONFERENCE! A whole MISSION is coming together and we get to hear from an apostle! They won’t tell us who….but we got 3 talks from Bednar…so we are all guessing it’s going to be him. We are all preparing mightily for this. We can’t wait to hear what he is going to say to us all to help us be better people and missionaries! I can’t wait!!!! I have a feeling he is going really hit it hard with us. We are also getting President Holland in a town by BEAVER. Ahhhhh HOW COOL IS THAT!?!?! Those people are lucky!  He is going there to “Train” the auxiliaries and then will be spending Sunday there to speak to them in church. He will be speaking with a Return Missionary who has been home for 2 weeks, hahaha poor kid. He came into the VC this week and he said he’s super nervous!  I can’t wait for this week! It’s going to be awesome!
WE are seeing lots of miracles in our area. We don’t get to spend as much time here as we’d like because we are on splits a lot of the week. We finally met up with a family that we have been trying to contact for 4 wks. now… they were finally home. They are a less active family but they said they need to go back to church so that they can make it to the temple! Sister A and I are suuuuper excited for them! We are excited to see them grow and change.
This week we are planning and arranging for our miracle baptism!! Sammy is such an amazing person! Her testimony of this Gospel is also inspiring! We are excited to see where she goes in life.
So last week did I tell you about the Korean kid that I met? I met this Korean kid who teaches in the MTC… his family lives here in St. George and I said jokingly “HEY! You should go to Beaver! You need to teach my Korean family! They will get baptized, but they can’t really understand English very well” The dad just looked at me with big eyes and said…”WE’RE GOING TO BEAVER THIS WEEKEND!” I said no way! So I gave them Sister R’s info and set them up to go have a lesson with the Moon Family. Sister R told me the other night that the Moon family wants to study the church more, but don’t know how because they can’t really understand it all. Soooooo Sister R set it up that she will teach the Moon family and “Steven” the Korean teacher will be on the phone and translate for them! I’m not really sure how it’s all going to work out BUT I KNOOOW that Heavenly Father really loves the Moon Family! He wants them to be part of his Kingdom….if he didn’t…. then none of this would have happened or come about!! Heavenly Father loves each and every one of us! He knows our needs and he makes it possible! I am so grateful that I was able to be an instrument for him and allow this to come about. I know that in no time the Moon family will have the opportunity to follow the example of Jesus Christ and be baptized by the proper authority.
I love this Gospel. I know that IT IS TRUE! I know that we are not here for just “some” reason…WE are here to learn how to be like our Savior and learn how to get back to Him. I know that Temples are the only way families can be together FOREVER. I know that if we humble ourselves and we allow Heavenly Father to cut us down, that we can grow back stronger and be a whole new creature. Wow! What an amazing concept! “A NEW CREATURE” we can all be something different.
If you could be different what would you change? Are you willing to let Heavenly Father help you?
Brothers and Sisters… Life is too short to be lost. Life is too short to make bad choices. Life is just too short. Now is the time to make ourselves better.

I love you all! I hope you know that you are special! I hope you know you are a Child of God and He loves you!
Sister Larsen

Miracles and more Miracles!

Welcome to the Fields....Miracle, Miracle, Miracle...They just keep coming!            ‏                        8/27/13

Dear Family!
THE CHURCH IS TRUE!!!!! We had an amazing week this week. Sister A and I went on exchanges this week. I got to stay in the area and had Sister Peart and Sister Keenan. So that day we had 4 phone calls…4 different people told us that they wanted to meet with us!!!!! Gaaaaah that was sooooo cool! We went and visited all of them and in one day we gained 5 new investigators!!!! I was on cloud nine! I couldn’t wait to see Sister A again so I could tell her all about what happened. Friday we had Bailee’s interview to get baptized. Saturday was Bailee’s BAPTISM! It was the greatest baptism I have ever been to! There were 40-50 people there just to see her get baptized. Sister A and I could not stop thinking about how many people she has affected in her life and how many people have played a role in her life to get her to this point. Bailee got to bare her testimony at her baptism and I was just blown away! I have never heard a new member give such a testimony! She even used her scriptures! Wow! After Bailee’s baptism Sister A got the opportunity to meet a new potential investigator who called us and said she wanted to meet with us. We went over to her house and found out she had been meeting with missionaries in Vegas…she said I’ve prayed about it and I already know that my baptism is supposed to be on Sept 14th so if you could make that happen for me that would be great! Hahaha Sister A's and my mouth just dropped. We asked her if she really knew and understood who her Father in Heaven was? She sat there and bore her testimony for a good 5 minutes! Sister A and I just stopped talking. Everything we had thought of or asked her felt like a dumb question because she would just continue to bare her solid testimony. Just like Bailee, both of these girls have been prepared by our loving Heavenly Father. He knows us so perfectly and prepares us in the times that we need. It’s been soooo cool to see these girls and see how much they love the gospel! For those of us who have been in the gospel our whole lives…we tend to forget how special it all really is! These girls have really strengthened my testimony. On Sunday we got the opportunity to eat dinner with the Denhaulters. They are a family that Sister A and I found last year and are now getting ready for their Temple trip in Feb. I CANNOT wait to get back here for it. They are super solid and the daughter who is 15….we asked her if she liked going to church and she said I LOVE going to church! …hahaha I just laughed and then said that is so awesome! This is another family who has just changed my life! They now tell everyone about the gospel…even in the grocery stores, that’s my kind of missionary!  Everything in the Fields is going well and Heavenly Father is sure blessing us. It is the time to prepare and many people are preparing! I am just amazed!  Sister R in Beaver updated me on all the people in Beaver, Roy got baptized this Sat. and Martin got baptized!!!!! Ahhhhhhhh aaaaaand remember Thelma…remember how she couldn’t get baptized because she wasn’t married and her husband told us to wait… Yeeeeeeah apparently she went and got married didn’t tell anyone! SO NOW SHE CAN GET BAPTIZED!!!!!!!!  Goooooodness!! I just love being my Heavenly Father’s instrument! Seeing all these amazing things happen in a world so brings hope and happiness. I am still getting use to the VC…but it’s coming slowly.
Looooved the story about Bailee and Willow. That made me happy!
Got the surprise….thank you! I laughed really hard! I wanted to show her but I decided not to because I’m already on her “bad” list lol
Sorry this is all rushed. I wish I could call you to talk about coming home stuff.  We have a shortened email time this week.
I love you all!
Mom….I love you like all the phone calls we got this week of people telling us that they wanted to get baptized! Hahahaha


                                                                 Notice Bailee's halo...:)

Elder Larsen ?? :)

Welcome to WF.....MIRACLES!!!                                                        ‏8/20/13
Thou Shalt Not Worry..... I will always email you :) It’s so weird to have P-day on a Monday now.
 Things with VC director are getting better. I just stay away from her as much as possible. She is from Cali...
Also things with mission mom are good. I’ve just been really careful of what I wear.
 Sooooooo, the whole extension thing. I’ve been praying about it ALOT and I got to go to the temple today. WOW!!!! I took my question to the temple about extending... I’m not really sure how to interpret my answer...BUT I think Heavenly Father wants me to come home and prepare to "move on" ....Sooooooo, if I do go home in Dec.... I will be going home December 11th.
Please send Ana my love!!!!!!
Sister R is still in Beaver....she is training a newbie and is kind of struggling. Her newbie is super home sick, but I think it will be a good thing for Sister R to work with... it will be a good learning experience. If you’d like you could send her a note :) Make her day! hahaha I miss her like crazy too!
Glad to hear everyone is doing well :D
So this week was a super good one!!!!! We got a phone call from one of our bishops and said I have a girl who is interested in the missionaries. I have a meeting set up Wed. at 7,  be at my house. .....we were like whaaaaaat?!?!?!?!
So we showed up to his house and we met Bailee, I was freaking out! I taught Bailee a year ago with my trainer and she just wasn't ready to meet with the missionaries. She was a cheerleader in HS and just wanted to do the kid thing. I never said anything to her about it and pretended I didn't know her because she didn't seem to recognize me. So we started to get to know her and talked about her life. She said Sisters I’M READY! I want to learn!.... we were so excited! We taught her about "Faith, Repentance, and Baptism" and then asked her if she would follow Jesus Christ’s example and be baptized by the proper authority? .... she said YES! We asked her for the 24th... she said YES! We realized we had 9 days to teach’s been sooooo amazing to see her grow and see what Heavenly Father teaches her through the scriptures. She is beyond solid! We had a lesson with her on Saturday and I asked her if she remembered who her missionaries were a year ago and she started to freak out, she said I thought you looked really familiar!!!...It was a cool moment for us. She apologized for not being ready a year ago. It was super cute! I told her not to apologize.... I said I get to teach you now and boy that is so amazing for me. I said I am so grateful I get to see how much you have grown.
I think Bailee is one of the reasons I got to come back to the Fields... Heavenly Father knew we needed a miracle and He has been taking care of us. Our area is still pretty slow, but we are working on it and hoping that we can get it back up and going again.
I have also been able to go on many exchanges with the’s a blast. I have loved stressing about these Sisters and also helping them to be better.
I learned this week that one of my RC from the Fields...Michael... Remember the kid that was in a foster home and would only let me teach him, he is now in prison. He became one of my good friends while I taught him. My heart just broke and I broke down and cried. That was a hard moment for me, but I know that I can’t save everyone. I got to teach him and then it was his choice to follow or not. I think the biggest thing that made me sad was that he is only 16. I can’t even imagine. I pray that one day he will remember what he learned and he will find Heavenly Father again.
I am starting to "like" the VC again. Sister A and I got to take a tour with the YW... we got to teach about Revelation. We had a great time with it and we made it really fun. The girls loved it. At the end they all wanted pictures with us. It was cute. I am amazed at what the youth knows these days!!! Goodness I am nothing like them. They all KNOW the gospel and really believe it. I am impressed every time I get to talk to a youth. I hope one day I can be like them.
Well life is amazing! The church is true! Heavenly Father lives AND Jesus Christ knows us better than anyone on Earth!
Mom....I love you as much as I love miracles!!! AND that's ALOT!!!!! Heavenly Father is so good!!!!
Be good to those around you! Be more like the Savior.
Read J. Smith's testimony in the BOM and pray to strengthen your testimony in him. ALSO.....GO TO TE TEMPLE!!!!!!
You don't need a nametag to be a missionary!
Sister Larsen

PS....Sister A calls me "ELDER" Larsen     


Back in St. George & Zone Leader

Welcome back to the Fields... IT’S HOT!!!!!                                               8/13/13
Being a Zone Leader is a ton of work...but fun. It’s been about a week since transfers and I have already gone on 2 exchanges and have had to take care of several Sisters.
Sister A and I have been doing well. She hasn’t changed much...but I think I have and I have learned how to better handle it. It’s been fun. VERY different, but good.
SISTER KIA called you?!?!?!?! I LOVE that lady!!!!! She is a good woman and helped us a lot. Her daughter is a good missionary...I was sad to see her come home but I know that when she’s better everything is going to work out for her.
Since I talked to y'all last...
Wed I made it to St. George and itssssss hooooooot! I’m dying haha everyone says "you’re from AZ you’re use to this, right?"....not after Beaver... haha. I look like a hot mess everyday!
Thurs. We went out to our area and we went and found our families we were last working of them is struggling big time right now and the son went LA :( we are trying to see what we can do to help him come back.
The other family... I left WF right when we put them on date for baptism and were getting them all ready. We saw them and the mom just cried! She said she cried because we weren’t at her was cute! They are super solid and are planning their Sealing date! I’m soooo stoked! It’s going to be amazing to see this family finally come together. The dad had been LA for 25 years and now is SOLID in the church. Heavenly Father really changed this family's life!
We also saw the Feesagos...not sure if your remember them...we baptized their kids and got them reactivated...they are now LA :( uuuughhhhh! It's frustrating to see that but I know that we can come back and help them better than what we did before.
I've been thinking about why I am here and why in this area again... I’m still not sure buuuut I know that I am a waaay better missionary than I was before and so is Sister A. We are going to work hard in this area and be bolder. We hope that we can see miracles and change this area.
Being back at the VC is super hard. I have had a couple of break downs. I hate not being in my area, I hate sitting there when no one is there, and I’ve already gotten in trouble. We got new directors... the director’s wife... I was talking to her the other day and I’ve never talked to her before. She asked where I was from and I told her AZ. She said ooooh so where? I said Mesa...She said actually went on a mission? Cause those Mesa girls never leave mom. It’s like their stuck to their moms. Wow I was offended! I said we're not ALL like that... she said "I don’t believe you"... I had to walk away! I was amazed she would talk to me like that. Then the other day she yelled at me for some other silly reason...THEN her husband got after me. All the Sisters think Sister A and I are crazy because we have no idea how to do anything and we are always late to meeting because we never got told what time to be at them. They just assumed we knew about them... it’s just been crazy! THEN our mission presiden’st wife went out with me last night and told me that my clothes were too tight and that I needed to think better about what I wore. I need to think about what others are going to think about me. I thought...I’ve been wearing this whole mission and it’s been fine. I know I've gained weight....but I didn’t think it was that bad. Soooooo now I have to try and find different things :(... I don’t know what to do! 
I told Sister A that I have had everything good in Beaver and I have seen much success and now I have to go through the refiner’s fire... It’s been tough! Trying to set an example for 16 other Sisters and try to help them with all their problems... maaaaaaan! I am learning lots more and I am trying to rely on my Heavenly Father more. I know that I pray more and I keep songs in my heart... it gets a little easier.
Also going from poor poor people to RICH people is a tough change. In the Fields... the members are not very humble. We had a man tell us the other day that if he wasn’t in Utah with all these rude people he would join the church. All we could do was laugh. I looked at Sister A and said we are in a whole new world! hahaha
I pray that I continue to work hard I show Heavenly Father how much I want to change this area...that we will see miracles.
Today for P-Day... some of the Senior Missionaries that Sister A and I knew before... they asked us if they could take us hiking. I was grateful for that tender mercy! Sister A and I had a great time getting out and not stressing :) The 2nd pic... I cut open my knee saving Sister A's life. She almost fell into a pool of water and I had to grab her...this was the result!
Well....I love you all! I hope life is treating you well and you’re happy!
Mom.... I love you like I love hiking.......AND missionary work! :)  

Hope you have another great week at school!