Saturday, January 5, 2013

Best Water in Beaver!

Welcome to Beaver...where we have the best water!                                              12/17/12

Dear Family :)

Yesssss it’s been snowwwwing :) I love it! It’s not like Flagstaff though… it snows and then it all melts away pretty fast. Glad you have been getting rain… this land needs it.

Glad you got your shopping done. Thaaaaank you for the special things and I will looove the stamps!! I can’t believe they are going up again! That’s okay about the music… we are trying to get some from members… but I don’t care…anything church. We have a CD in our car and apt. don’t worry about it though… we’ll keep working on the members hahaha Granny gave a Tab-Choir CD – I opened it early hahah we were desperate. We love listening to’s better than what we come up with ;)

So I should already be on your Skype system. I would just need to call you. I might have to create a new one but I’ll just find you…idk it’s not too tough. Our Stake President is letting us use his i Pads and we get to spend the day with their family. It’s pretty cool…I guess if Skype doesn’t work out…I can always just call :D …no matter what I just want to spend the holiday with my family! I can’t wait to hear you all and see how you are all doing! I miss you all like crazy. I have been thinking about everyone a lot this week for some reason and thinking about how lucky I am to have to you all. I am soooo soooo blessed. Mom, I always thought your letters were normal and everyone got them from their family… my companion doesn’t ever get anything from her family :/ It makes me sad… I feel bad now showing her my letters and things because she doesn’t get the same. You should send her a letter. Her name is Hermana Bojorquez :D

Grandma sent her a whole X-mas package :) so nice if her!! Tell gramps I just got his letter and card :) THANK YOU!!!!

We have only been getting little bits of the story in CT… thank for sharing that little story! Made me cry! I hope everyone there is doing well and I know this is going to be a tough Christmas for them this year. But I hope if anything they rely on the Savior and reach toward him for comfort.

Soooo Beaver! Oh man! This has been a week! I am exhausted!

Last P-day we spent allll day trying to find food hahaha we finally got everything we needed and then went home for an hour and fell sleep! We spent the night teaching lessons and also trying to find our referrals people are giving us. This week in the last 4 days…we got 30 referrals. We don’t know what to do with ourselves! Everyone expects us to contact them right away too so we had to tell our Ward Mission Leaders to cool their jets! We are finally done eating at the Christmas parties for dinner which is nice- so now we are going to members houses. Here in Beaver we cover 3 trailer parks… and lots of houses/fields. We officially have 3 progressing investigators who we are teaching and hopefully one of them will be baptized this Saturday! He is an 11 year old boy. He looooves coming to church and loves reading his BOM. He can read it better than I can! Our other investigators will be in the next month.

We are working with this lady right now who was excommunicated from the church and got into smoking and other things :/ but we are helping her quit smoking. When we got to her she was smoking a pack a day and now she is down to 2 a day. We are hoping she decides to completely stop by Christmas. Wouldn’t that be a great gift to her family? She wants to go back to the temple and be on the right path again… I hope to see her get there!

Sis B and I are the only ones here in Beaver…. Alone haha …when we have meetings we have to travels about 2 hours to get to other missionaries. Sis B and I are the only Sisters around which is a huuuuge change! We have about 5 Elder companionships in our district. And guess who is in the area next to mine?!?!? ELDER CAPTIAN!!! Hahaha small world. He is a great elder and picking up his Spanish really well. My Spanish however…..ahhhh…. its soooo hard and confusing! I think the Lord is helping me understand it because I get what they are saying but I can’t speak back to them! I am learning convo words and a prayer right now. One of our investigators made me say a prayer the other night and I was soooo nervous. It was bi-ling! Hahah I looove it here in Beaver… It’s a whole new kind of missionary work around here. I actually get to be part of my community and I get to know all the people around me. Everyone knows where we live because that’s the “missionary house” Its soooo different than St.George. We have spider friends and lots of other friends we don’t like haha it’s a very old building – but I love it! It keeps us warm! All the people here in Beaver are soooo excited to preach the Gospel – it’s a little crazy! We had a man who went up to someone and told him ‘I’ll be back in 2 weeks to baptize you!” … aaaaah what!? It doesn’t work like that! We had to have a training yesterday for our ward missionaries on how to talk to people and how to share the gospel without scaring the person. It’s kind of funny and all we can do is laugh about it…but really it’s making it a little difficult to talk to people. I hope soon my Spanish might kick in…even though I’ve never spoken it before :/ hahha its fun though!

Well family I hope everyone is doing well and loving the season. I hope you all get to spend time together. Don’t take it for granted!

I was reading in the bible the other day (Romans 12:3)  For I say, through the grace given unto me, to every man that is among you, not to think of himself more highly than he ought to think; but to think soberly, according as God hath dealt to every man the measure of faith.

…this world is a crazy place these days! Everyone is starting to only think of themselves. Now more than ever we must think soberly of our selves… become humble and meek like little children and be an example to all those around us. In the New Ensign this month… there is a talk that Elder Perry gave in there he says…. If we are living next to our neighbors and living a life that doesn’t make them question or be curious… then we are not doing what we are suppose. Many people here in Utah don’t like looking at the church because people think too highly of themselves or they are hypocrites. It’s sad really. For those of you who hold a Temple Recommend… don’t be afraid to live it worthily! Don’t be a afraid to be different! Live a life that makes people question why you are happy? Why you are different? Why you are a good person. Be that example so many people need!

Love you like the Nephites (people of 3 Nephi) loved seeing the signs of Jesus Birth… It saved their life! And that’s HUGE! :D


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