Saturday, January 5, 2013

Merry Christmas from Beaver, Utah!

Welcome to Beaver...where it’s Christmas Eve??? Holy Cow!‏                                               12/24/12

Dear Family!

 Sis B. does speak English! Hahaha She is bilingual…mom don’t you know Spanish???….try writing her in Spanish! Hahaha

I will be SKYPING at 10 am. We are going to Stake President's house and he won’t be home till 10. I hope that works and I get to see you all!!! I ammmmm sooooo excited! It seems we can’t talk to the members much because that’s all they want to talk about is how we get to talk to our families- it kills our focus.

Okay so I will probably just use one of theirs that is set up on their IPad…I don’t remember my log in stuff so I will just add your name …. Keep a look out for me!!!!

This week was crazy! We met a ton of new people and taught all about the true meaning of Christmas.

Sis B and I joked last night… every night we came home smelling like a bar.. smoke and alcohol… everyone we talked to was smoking…so now alllll my stuff smells like it and my jackets reeeek! We are buying Fabreeze today haha ….the great thing about all these people we talked to they are all wanting to stop smoking and have a better life. They want to either get back into church or start coming- it’s amazing!!!!

We found 2 new investigators this week and we are teaching a family of 5!!! They are Spanish speaking so teaching them is a blast/a chore. Sister B has to translate everything I say and everything they say haha we just leave laughing because sometimes it makes the lesson crazy. It also makes them a little longer than usual too. That’s okay though. They family has great questions and is learning great things….they have been taught false doctrine in the past by missionaries and so we are trying to fix that and help them to learn the truth.

This week I almost got eaten by a dog!!!! We walked into this yard and I went through the gate first and Sister B was behind me and all of the sudden this BIG dog bolts out of nowhere and jumps up to my face….. Luckily I was in a flowy skirt… I kicked it in the face and made it go away ;) hahaha It was scary but we still knocked on the door and tried to talk to the lady that lived there….she wasn’t home : ( …. We went back another day! Haha

This Sunday we had all our Christmas programs. We had to attend allll of them…that’s 7! Hahaha we obviously missed some of them… but we went to the morning one and they had each auxiliary sing a song and because we showed up they made us last minute sing a song…. It was awful! Hahaha Sister B and I didn’t know what to do. It was kinda crazy…. Ooooh and remember how I hate to sing! Hahaha

GUESS WHAT??....we found a little dinky thing that will print our pictures!!!! Wooohoooo I will send you them so you can see Sister and my Onsies : ) we had fun taking pictures!!

Thanks for sending me tree pics! Sad I can’t see it in person but I will be there in spirit! I hope you are having a great Christmas this year. Everyone looks so great and happy!!! I can’t believe how much Buddy’s family has grown! CRAZYYYY!!!!

Mom and Dad…read 3 Nephi 1 with the family. It’s about the first Christmas and what it really means! As you read it… try and feel what they felt. Think about what this day really meant for them as generations of believers. I hope you can see what Christ’s birth did for them and eventually for us. I wish we all lived as if Christmas was tomorrow. If this special spirit was around all year along we would have a changed nation! Christmas is not about the gifts… it’s about the family and serving others. Christ showed us the perfect way to live… let us try and live like Him. Dare to stand alone and stand out!

Loooooove you family!!! GUESS WHAT??? Sister Larsen is having a Whiiiiiite Christmas!!!! We are getting hit hard right now :0 wooohooo!

Well, Mom, I love you….I love you as much as Sister B and I Love teaching about the TRUE meaning of Christmas to the people here in Beaver!

MERRY CHIRSTMAS TO YOU ALL…. I LOOOOVE YOU LOTS! I hope you are having a wonderful time of the year!

 Don’t forget you don’t need a nametag to be a missionary!  : )



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