Monday, January 21, 2013

Como Estas? & Do you want to be my wife?? Yikes!


Welcome to Beaver... Where frostbite is a nightly scare!‏    

Hola Familia….

 Como Estas? …. Mi a bien!

As you can see …am getting there! I am learning about 5-10 new words a day and Sister Bo pretty much only talks to me in Spanish now. Which isssss harrrrd! I make her make her break a lot and tell me what she’s saying hahaha …. I am learning to pray still and learning the First Vision in Spanish. I am understanding more and more what people are saying but I still get lost a lot too. It’s amazing how much the spirit helps though. There have been a couple of times… we had a lady that just started crying… she said “She doesn’t even say anything…but I know what she wants to say is good” … Uhhh … Yeah we all started crying. The spirit is amazing!

Mom…did you get my card? I sent you a card saying I got the box! Loooooooooooooooved it!!!!!! Good grief! Thank you thank you…and I just got the head band! Looooved it toooo! That is what I was trying to get you to find in my closet… so it’s perfect. My Ears reaaaaaly love you today. Its beeeen freezing! We have been in the negatives for the past week and the nights are killer! My feet just die :( … I almost got frost bite the other night but I made Sister Bo let me go home and put them in a warm bath :( yeeeah its crazy here right now. I love the snow but this is bitter. We get canyon wind and it just goes to the bone.

Mom…thanks for sharing about “Mount Moriah”… I was teaching a family about that the other night… they were member’s lol….

I needed that reminder. Even though things in Beaver have been really good, for some reason I have been feeling down. I think it’s because I haven’t been sleeping…not sure though. Speaking of being mighty… I got told this week that I was a “Bulldog”…apparently I am really bold and to the point…well I knew that haha… I guess I should work on that…?

This week was interesting. Transfers came and we are both staying in Beaver.

Sister Bo and I were asked by a Member whose gone Anti- … to join him in polygamy and be his wives… hahah we just laughed and then awkwardly played it off.

Theeeen we went to dinner and the son of the lady we were eating at asked me “Welll I’m looking for a wife… want to be mine?” ….uhhhh all I could do was laugh…I’m pretty sure my face was purple. He was totally serious. Then the mom says well I’ve heard of sisters going home early to get married.  He was 21… I asked him if he served a mission he said no... I asked him if he was going to school...he said no… I asked him if he had a job...he said no… I said then you’re not doing much are ya.. sorry. Sister Bo just laaaaughed and laaaaughed! It was crazy.

We finally went to the cheese factory and looked around… wasn’t too exciting of a place but we got free samples.

Last night we were talking to an old lady and it was freezing… she didn’t have much and her hands were old and cold…so I gave her my gloves. They were big thick ones I got for Christmas from a member. She didn’t want to take them but I put them on her and she got so happy. I said now that you have them on me can’t take them back…they’re yours… enjoy. It made me feel good. I’ll find more gloves somewhere else.

Today you should see what I am wearing…. It’s ridiculous! I have an undershirt, a modbod and a sweater, TWO pairs of tights on… They are so tight! :P … and socks and my shoes and a scarf and my jacket and now my head band! Its -8 right now WITH the snow :P

Beaver is still growing and we are trying to find more and more people each day. We are trying to have 2 baptisms this month and we already have one. We are really praying we find someone else to teach.

I have been reflecting a lot on life this week and how things have been for me. We were at a member’s house for dinner and they asked me how I got on my mission and why I was here. I told them my story and what happened to me. I haven’t talked about it for a long time and as I was talking about it..I realized… wow! I am so glad I listened. I am glad to be here learning about the gospel and sharing my experiences. I am soooo glad to be in a bubble right now and not have to worry about things. I still worry about school and stuff from time to time but I know that once I give it all up and let the Lord direct me in His work, everything will work out the way it’s supposed to.

I know that the Lord puts us in places right where we need to be right at the time we need to be there. I know that He is in charge of everything. What a glorious plan this life is!

Welp…still in Beaver…still learning Spanish!

I’m loving it!

Thank you for everything you have given me! Thank you for being who you are.



 Mom I love you like my ears love my new headband.... and THATS A TOOOOOON!!!!! :D

1 comment:

  1. Let Moriah know to wrap her toes in plastic grocery bags before putting them in her tights and socks. It'll help keep them warm! Also, tell her to NOT BE AFRAID TO SPEAK. The best way to learn a new language is to speak from day one, regardless of making mistakes. We learn to communicate by making mistakes!
