Saturday, January 5, 2013

Baptism in Beaver! :)

Welcome to Beaver...WE HAVE A BAPTISM!!!                      12/31/12          
Holaaaa Familia!!

 Como Estas? Ready for the New Year? I can’t believe it is already 2013! It will be a year in Feb. that I made my decision to go on a mission. I feel like I should still be back in that time. These past several months have been so surreal for me. I can’t imagine what my life would be like if I were still at home trying to go to school. I would have missed out on a lot of amazing opportunities. I know that I am here in Utah for a reason… I haven’t quite figured it all out yet, but I know in due time I’ll see.

Christmas was a nice treat to “talk” to the family : ) Mom I would love to have you all to ourselves on Mother’s day. I was sad I didn’t get to talk to you much but I loooove being able to email you each week and share with you my love.

Glad to hear things went well with dad and that he is home. I’m still not sure what they did to him….???

 I hope he’s not in too much pain!

Sorrrrry to hear about grandma! That sounds sooo painful! Glad she got home safe!

Glad Christmas was a great day… Glad it was low key…that makes it nice!!

That sleep over sounded like a blast!!! Lucky giiiirls! I think about the fact you are a grandma almost every day because we talk to a lot of grandmas… and it just makes me happy! You are sooo good to and for those girls. They are lucky to have you in their life. Mom… I think you are a very special person! You do so much for all of us around you. I am so grateful to call you mom, Please don’t cry!

As far as BEAVER… Christmas made it tough for us this year. Sister Bojorquez and I missed out on about 3 days of teaching time because all of our investigators are still out of town and when we try and knock doors people are still busy from the “holidays”. People here celebrate Christmas till the New Year it’s pretty crazy!! We are hoping that once New Year’s passes us all our teaching opportunities will return and we get to start teaching more. On Christmas we went over to this lady’s house who we have been told about several times but never could find her house…we finally found it! It was in the woods hiding! We talked to her for about 30 min and ended up teaching her about the Plan of Salvation. She attends the Catholic Church on Saturday and the Baptist on Sunday! Haha We asked her if she would attend ours on Sunday instead and she said she would have to think about it. She wants to continue to meet with us and learn more about Jesus Christ and our beliefs. We have met with her twice now and this last time we asked her to pray… She has amazing prayers! She asked for guidance and help to know the truth :) soooo cool! Heeeelllllo! We are right in front of you We taught her about the Degrees of Glory and she said well that’s not in the Bible…the Bible only talks about Heaven and Hell- well I proved her wrong and pulled out my Bible in Cor. where it talks about the degrees and she said, “ well I will have to talk to my pastor about that one…I’ll get back to you” hahaha we said okay! We are excited to keep teaching her. Miracle on Christmas! 

Malinda is a less active friend we have been working with… She made her goal of stop smoking on Christmas :) We went over there and talked to her on Christmas and asked her for allll of her cigarettes- She told us she got rid of all of them and doesn’t have anymore! Woooohooo! We were so proud of her! 

We have two more ladies’ we are working with and just starting out to teach them this next week that we are really excited about. The work in Beaver is picking up and we are getting busier and busier :) This last Sunday we got the opportunity to teach the primary about Joseph Smith. It was really fun and the wards really trusts us. It’s amazing how much help we get when people know us and see that we are here to work. We have come across many people who were just “friends” with the Elders but never wanted to be taught… maybe someday they will want to know more.

This Saturday WE HAVE A BAPTISM!!!!!!! Wooohoooo!! We are really excited for Tyler to finally move forward in the Gospel.

We found a gym here…wooohooo We are going to try it out this next week

Please tell others…if they plan to send things pleeeease no more goodies! I am goodied out! We have so much food and junk around us… we have switched to eating only Carrots ;)

This week I really realized my blessing in life and how much I have/had growing up. We have gone in many houses that have not been kept up and it just makes me sad to see people live in places like that. We talked to this young lady last night. She is 19 and lives with her mom. Their house is a messs…we felt bad for them. We got to talking to her and she was showing us all her collections and what not and all of the sudden she started talking about how she is trying to adopt a child. I asked her why she wanted to do that being only 19… she said welp, I am sick of waiting for a boyfriend and I need something to do!

Hahaha I had to keep myself from lauuuughing. It was crazy! I wished her luck ;) I told her I wasn’t even ready for that kind of thing…but if she was then, more power to her. Can you imagine….needing something to do so you adopt a child?! Hahaha Beaver is a one of a kind place!

Family, I hope you have a great start to the New Year!! Don’t goooo too crazy!!!! ;)

 Mom…I love you like all the carrots I have started to eat….and that’s a loooot!  J



Sister Larsen

 Ps… go look up hymn 215 “ringing wild bells” or something like that… Think about the words. I hope this New Year we can apply this song and bring in all the good we can!



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