Monday, January 21, 2013

Pink Fluff & Other Jell-O stuff!

Welcome to Beaver... Where no house has a number!‏                                                    January 7, 2013

Dear Familia!

Mom….have you ever had Pink Fluff?? It’s like the jello fluffy stuff with stuff in it?? Everyone makes it different and different colors…. Like Frog Eye Salad…. UUUUGHHHHH! We have it EVERYDAY!!!! People here loooove it…. If I have to eat it ONE more time! I am going to throw up hahahaha

This week was a long but fun one!  Saturday we had a BAPTISM!!! Wooohooo Tyler finally got baptized and he was sooooo excited! I had the wonderful opportunity to talk on “baptism” at his program and it was such a neat experience for me. I was talking but I didn’t feel like it was coming from me. There came a point where I wasn’t even really sure what I was saying but I was talking and then all of the sudden I said amen and I looked us and everyone was crying! It was crazy. The spirit must have said some great things because even the next day someone came up to and made a comment about my talk. Mom, its crazy how the spirit works. I was soooo scared to talk and I think he knew that so he spoke for me!

 The spirit filled the room for the whole hour. All throughout the program his parents were teary eyed and could definitely feel the spirit! It was awesome! We are now working on getting them back to church! : ) This family has huge potential and in a matter of time, will get to experience the full blessings of the gospel again. Tyler is so great! Usually he is a shy kid and doesn’t say much… but yesterday he got up and bore his testimony! Whaaaat!? I was soooo smiley. He was the very last one to talk and we were already over time but he just marched right up there and said what he needed to and walked back down… Bishop got up and was teary eyed trying to end the meeting. It was great! Oh and Tyler is only 11! ;) He was so confident up there and didn’t seem scared at all. He was so “proud” to be baptized. It was a really neat experience for me to be part of his story. I can’t wait to see him excel in the gospel and soon receive the priesthood It’s moments like this that make me love teaching the gospel.

This week Sis. Bojorquez and I found 2 new solid people to teach. One of them was a referral that we had been trying to contact for about 2 weeks… we finally caught her home and she welcomed us in her home and we started teaching her. She is so excited to learn and is trying to find a way to get to church instead of working. She wants her kids to go and go to all the scouts/YW they possibly can. Sooo prepared. The other lady we found… we were out late and we were walking down this particular road knocking doors. We weren’t really sure where to go next and we were freeeezing. Sister Bojorquez said lets go to that house… I said okay… We knocked on the door and this Hispanic lady welcomed us in… we ended up talking to her for about an hour. We went from tears to joy back to tears…to come back! She said she has never let “us people” in her home but she felt like she needed our help. When we were leaving she said I feel like I have known you for a long time. How could that be? Why did you come here? Please don’t leave! It was really cool. For most of the lesson I had noooo idea what they were talking about but I knew I could feel the spirit and that’s all that mattered.

Both of these ladies only speak Spanish. I am having a hard time keeping up with them. It’s tough to just sit there and not do anything when you want to say something so badly. It’s like people automatically know I don’t speak their language, so they don’t even talk to me or ask me questions. It’s tough. I have really been struggling with it this week, but I know it will get better, I hope. Sis Bojorquez is trying to keep me in the loop but sometimes she forgets and gets caught up in the conversation and I have to wait till after the lesson to find out what they talked about. I have found that it makes planning difficult for me. I have no idea what happened previously and I can’t read their needs, so when we go to plan for these people... I don’t know what to do/say. I feel like I kind of leave it up to Sister Bojorquez and give up. I am learning more and more words each day but it still makes it hard.

(This is the story of the lady) Last night we had a miracle! We were trying to find this house number and it was pitch-dark! We decided to pull over and walk the street. All the house lights were on so I said why don’t we just knock all the doors and talk to people. So we started and talked to each house. We got the third house… we knocked and this lady opened the door… she said come on in! Sit down! So we did… we said maybe two words and all of the sudden she burst into tears! She told us a little of her life story and then couldn’t stop crying. We asked her why she was crying and all she could say was the she loved her Heavenly Father and Savior. We said yes us to. She said 5 minutes ago I just said a prayer asking my Father for help and asking him what I should do… then you knock on my door! I think you just gave me my answer! Sis Bojorquez and I shared some scriptures with her and talked to her for a little bit. All she could say was thank you! Thank you! She asked us if we would say a prayer with her… she wanted us to thank Heavenly Father for coming to her house… instead we said we think you should say it… this your prayer to thank Him for what he has done for you… it was just a powerful prayer! She was just talking to Heavenly Father and thanking him for all things she had been given. Well Sister and I ended up leaving in tears along with her. It was so cool to think… how would that have been different if we went directly there first instead of going to the other two houses before. Would she have said her prayer yet…would she have been in the same spirit as she was when we found her? I am not sure…. But I know that Heavenly Father makes things happen for a reason. He makes things line up right then they need to be. This lady yes may have been a member, but we helped answer her prayers and lifted up another. It was pretty amazing and something I needed right then too. I think in a roundabout way…it was an answer to my prayer as well.

The past two weeks I have been having some looong nights. I feel like I haven’t slept in two full weeks. More than ever I have been teaching in my sleep and getting up and doing silly things in the middle of the night. I wake up just dead and have to fight my way through studies because I am falling asleep :/ it’s annoying! My brain doesn’t shut off.

        Tyler & Sister Larsen
Well that’s Beaver in a nut shell.

 Mom…. I love you like all the new Spanish words I am trying to learn….and that’s a looooot!


 You’re the best!

Sister Larsen


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