Monday, December 10, 2012

"Pit-Stop" town & one stop light...loving it!

Welcome to BEAVER... where there is one stop light, one grocery store and miiiiiles of farms :) ‏      12/10/12

Hello Family,

Yes I am in a "pit-stop" town. We have one stop light and one grocery store and A DOLLAR STORE :) woooohooo! We bought most of our stuff there today :) I have never seen so many horses and CATS in my life!!! We have a cat that lives on our car. So Sis Bojorquez and I got a brand new car with 100 miles on it- crazy! WE drove it up here and the other night we came out and the whoooole hood of our car had been clawed by this cat. We called our Car Director and he said SHOOT IT! hahaha we could not stop laughing. So our poor car is all sad looking now.

Wed. was our official first day in the area... and allll of our dinner appts have been the Christmas dinners :0 ooooh my! Not only do we eat the food but then they send us home with days’ worth. We had no need for grocery shopping this week. We have been full on meat and tators. Which by the way, is the only thing they eat around here. Groceries here are like shopping in Hawaii... it was a little depressing today trying to buy milk and bread and peanut butter. Milk is 4.99 and bread is 3.99 and PB is 5 something. You would think we were overseas!

 I have had squeaky cheese before...not here yet... and ice cream is everyone’s favorite around here so in the past 4 days I'm pretty sure I have gained 12lbs just from ice cream! Yesterday it was 19 and wind all day with flurries... it was COLD! I have one fleece blanket that I used in St George but here I think I’m going to need another one ;) I have to try and find a place first haha

Tell gramps and granny THANK YOU! I will try and write them too.

So Christmas.... I can call OR SKYPE! I would like to skype so I can see you all but if a call is all you can figure out ;) I am okay with that as well. Tell me when a good time would be for you and the family. I am on your time now with day lights savings. Let me know what you want to do. We have members here who are willing to help us out and are allowing us to use their phones and such :)

Mom, if you are sending stuff in a box like you usually do... can you throw in there my purple sweat pants that are in my closet. And if you the mesh bag on top of closet.... in there is my good gloves and my head bands. We are told that everything is moving in the 15th and we just might get slammed for the month. I found boots on sale for $19 at Wal-Mart before I left St George soooo that is way good. I have been wearing them everywhere :) I think I am okay with the jackets that I have my suitcase is sooooo full so  I don’t think I can have any more clothes to try and transfer around.
Sooooo about my Christmas picture... there is NO place to plug in to even email one to you and the grocery store doesn’t even know what I’m talking about.
I will try and get that to you when I can. I was DEF spoiled in St George... I love it out here though, brings me back to what’s important instead of boats and cars.

Sis Bojorquez is my new companion. She is from Salt Lake and is teaching in Spanish. It’s amazing though... I can understand aloooot of things they say but I just can’t talk with them. I can have a small convo of how are you and such, but that doesn’t get me very far. I wish I would have learned it when I was in school. I pray that I get to stay out here up North for the majority of my mission. I love being able to do missionary work alll day. I loved the Visitor’s Center, but I love it out here more!
We have been trying to talk to everyone we possibly can since we are starting the area over and Sis. Bojorquez and I have officially found TWO new investigators that are ready to get baptized this month. WOOO HOOOO!

Well, more next week about Beaver :) Thank you for all that you do and that you do for me :D I loooove you all.
Mom, I love you like the people here love their new stop light ;) and that’s a looooot!

I hope next week we have more adventurous stories for you and maybe some baptism stories :)
Don’t forget what this season is really all about... it’s not about the gifts and toys.... it’s about families and being loved. You all our loved by your Heavenly Father and he wants you to be the happiest you can be. This is a time of service and love...think of those around you!

Sister Larsen

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