Sunday, December 9, 2012

Beaver, Utah... cows, ice cream, cheese & Spanish

Welcome to Utah... Where Sister Larsen has to learn SPANISH...FOR REAL THIS TIME! :)

 BIG changes around here... Sister Larsen will no longer be at the Visitor's Center in St. George!I have been transferred to BEAVER Utah. Where I will be "Pink-washing" and have to learn Spanish! I will be in a bi-Lingual area :) My comp is Spanish too. Her name is Sis Baroques(?) I think that is how you spell it :)  I will have a white Christmas!!!! :) woooohooooo! Just so you know... I will need to find boots today ;) .I’m am soooooo excited for a new adventure!!! Sooooo I WILL NOT be at the VC anymore as of now. I just wanted to call you and tell you :) ...but I have to wait. It will be a nice change ;)  It will be my companion and I and that’s it! :) ... apparently there is A LOT of pigs and Cows to teach ;) .... and a cheese factory with yummmy ice cream :) I’m going to be fat... Mexican food and Ice Cream :) hahaha I am not sure how long I will be out there, but nothing will change as far as mail :)
Sadly.... Sister Anderson and I have 6 new SOLID investigators that I have been dying to teach allll transfer. Sister A and I fasted for two particular people this past Sunday and then this morning... they called us separately and said they are ready to meet with us :D The power of the Lord is amazing!! But Sister A will have a great time teaching them. I hope that everything goes well for them :) ... it was reaaaaly sad to say goodbye to everyone :( I have been here so long I have made some pretty awesome friends! All the Ward Mission Leaders and Bishops were upset to see me go. It was a good feeling to know that they saw me as a worker and dedicated. The "Fields" now has a pretty high standard for missionaries. J

Other big News.... This past Friday we had a miracle baptism. We made our monthly goal of ONE by 4 hours :) ... We ran into this family and the dad said....where have you been?!? I have been waiting for you for two weeks! When are you going to baptize my daughter??? Sister A and I had no idea what to say we were stunned. We said well we would love to help with that, when can we start?  We Sat down right then and there and started teaching his daughter... we put her "on date" that night and then started to teach her every day after that. We had one week with her and she was baptized! It was soooo cool! JoDee is her name, she is sooo smart and always kept us on our toes. She asked us questions like " So Heavenly Father is our spirit dad...Who is Heavenly Fathers Father?" Or " ooookay so after we are resurrected and become perfect... What if in Heaven, My dad and I are out hunting and someone accidently shoots me... will I forever have that hole in my body?" haha It was sooo funny to hear her thoughts and see how her mind works. Every day we would go back...she would re-teach us what we taught her the day before. We teach adults that can’t even do that.
Heavenly Father has so many miracles up his sleeve. It’s amazing! This transfer has been a tough one for me learning how to find people and right when I leave... They all come... Lesson of patience? I think so.

I love missionary work!!! <3 <3
Sorry this is short... I don’t have much else to say... time to go pack J

I can’t wait to tell you all about my new adventures :)  I hope it lasts for a good while.
Mom and family... I love youuuuu like the Organic Peppermint Oreos from Trader Joes we got :) They were goooooood :)


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