Sunday, December 9, 2012

Meeting President Uchtdorf!

Welcome to Utah... Where you just might see anyone!                    ‏                                             11/26/12


 Got to spend the day at the temple today for P-Day :)
 Wellll it’s that time again…transfers are this upcoming week. When I said fields… That my area… I won’t be in Washington Fields anymore… sorry if that was confusing. I asked to be pulled out of my area and transfer me to another one. I have been in my area for a while and we have no one else we can talk to because they have all told me “no”. I am trying to leave my area to Sister Anderson and she can start the work all over again. I have been asking for a while now, but I’m not sure if it’s going to happen, I might go “full pros” which means that I wouldn’t be at THE VC anymore….well see what happens.

Mom, Sounds like you and grandma had waaaay too much fun together.
 Loooooooved the notes from everyone! It was so fun to read. Please thank everyone for me.
 I did get Paula’s card. Sooo fun to read. THANKS!

This week has been a roller-coaster… Siters Anderson and I have been spending way too much time together :/
 We both are stressed because we don’t have people to teach so we tend to argue a lot recently. I hate the feeling of being a good friend to someone and then all of the sudden it changing. I hope that once transfers come around that will help us both.

So Thanksgiving wasn’t as bad as we thought it was going to be. We had a “healthy” Mexican breakfast. It was prepared by a personal trainer… hahaha. One of our members is on a “diet” …It was sooooo good.
Than we had our VC party and ate lots of food and watched BRAVE… it was kind of cute…but I fell asleep. Then we had a “district” activity and went to the member’s house, the one you got the pic from and we played games sat by a fire, etc… NO food involved! Hahaha we were all STUFFED! Even the Elders didn’t want food haha …most of them had to eat Mexican food all day so they didn’t want anything!

 It was probably the best Thanksgiving I’ve had in a while… since I’ve been away at school.
Wellllll Thursday was a good and bad day…. I don’t know what is in me… but ever since Thurs. I have been siiiick! I didn’t feel good at all but I kept working.
 So Saturday since I was sick… I didn’t go to Brigham Young’s home to do tours, I stayed at the VC. Well we got word the President Uchtdorf was at the Temple. We all waited around to see what would happen. Well I went to the back of the VC and I ran into one of the security guards, we are good friends. He said hey Sister Larsen I want to introduce you to someone. It happened to be President’s grand-son. I got to be the one to take him around and show him the VC, he speaks English and German! As we were going around the VC we noticed there was a lot of people around…we realized it was a German bus. The only person in the building that knew German was him. So I asked him if he would help me and interpret for me… oh and he is 12! ;) So we went around and talked to the people. He was a rock star and answered all their questions and bore his testimony to them. He also gave out two Book of Mormons! He then had to go because his family was done at the temple…
About an hour later…. He walked back in with his mom! His mom was soooo happy and gave me a hug. She then asked me if I would go out and take their family photos for them …. Soooo guess who I got to meet?! Hugged Sister Uchtdorf, hugged some relatives aaaaand then I got to talk to President Uchtdorf! He personally thanked me for taking care of his grandson and allowing him to help me. He asked me where I was from and then thanked me for serving. WOW!!!! Talk about cool! It was so cool to see such a wonderful man of God. His whole family is juuuust wonderful and so pleasant. Some of the Sisters were acting as if he was a celebrity… which is toooootally NOT what he wants! I never felt like that towards him. I just couldn’t believe I was actually talking to him. It was such a peaceful and powerful moment.
I have thought about this experience a lot…. I’m not sure if I was cursed with being sick or blessed because I got to spend the day with such an amazing kid with such a powerful testimony! :) .... This story is better told in my journal so I will be sure to send it to you :) JUST THOUGHT YOUD LIKE TO KNOW :)

Not much else is going on around here in St George.

 Love you all like I loved seeing President Uchtdorf :)



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