Sunday, November 25, 2012

Thanksgiving in St. George...How many turkey dinners can you eat in one day? :)

Welcome to Utah... Where Christmas comes before Thanksgiving                    ‏       11-21-12

Hellllo Hello.... feels like forever since I have written you. We had to switch our P-day for this week because of meetings.

So today is going to be a relaxing P-Day :)

Mom.... Looooooove the box! I loved everything in it. And I did find the $-- THANK YOU. Oooooh and the PJs are SWEEEET!!! :) Sis A was jealous! I will be wearing them to my Thanksgiving party too :) I can’t wait to see the family all together in the outfits. Sounds like a fun year planned.

I Caaaaaaaant wait to talk to you on Christmas.... :) I can’t wait to tell you about everything! I will see where I am and maybe we can find someone who will let us SKYPE. If I stay in the Fields there will be NO problem finding someone for that. I don’t think I will be here anymore though so I will have to play that all by ear. I think my time in the Fields are over, but I am not sure how the Lord feels about it.

If anyone wants to send me anything for Christmas. Tell them music ;), tights, or whatever they want. If they are going to send me a gift card... I would say either Target or Walmart is fine. We have both close and we tend to go to both often. That’s only if they want to :) I will be fine this year. I feel like I have a ton of stuff... but then I look at the other sister ;) haha

Thanks for sending the Forget-me -not picture! That was a good reminder for me.

Well Sister Larsen had one heck of a week! I have been going on a lot of ex-changes and Sister Muir and I got to be comps again ;) That was a blast! It so fun to be around those I served in the MTC with. I’m pretty sure after all the both of have been through... we are going to be friends for a long time :) I love serving with her.

This week we found the OLSEN twins! :) yeppp that’s right we are teaching Olsen twins in our area hahahah not the real ones but close ;) ... They are both Down Syndrome and hillllllarious! Sis A and I have a blast teaching them. They are not severe so they still qualify for baptism :)

Then last Tuesday...this lady called us and told us about her exchange student who will be here for a whole year. She asked us to bring over a German BOM for her to read... so we went over there and talked to the girl... She has really good English. She said I read the BOM with the family in English, but I really want to read the book for myself! ... Wellll there ya go! We are going over to her house tomorrow to have dinner with them and see if we can start to teach her ;)

 Then we went to go contact someone and the next door neighbor caught us and started talking to us. At first he was talking to us about life and asked us the typical questions about our lives. We asked him if there was anyone we could go and contact. He didn’t really have anyone, but at that moment his wife walks out and starts talking to us...he asked her if she knew anyone we could go and talk to... she gave us 4 people to go talk to. FOUR! We were so happy. J

We walked away and went and contacted the original house we went by for... as we were walking back to our car... the couple came out again and said Sisters... actually all those people we just gave you will be at our Thanksgiving. Come have dessert with us and teach the family. We will have 4 investigators for you there. We couldn’t say no... So there will be another house we will be visiting tomorrow for Thanksgiving. We hope we can start teaching at least one person we meet that night :)

Sunday night we had a meeting with one of Bishops and we talked about all the people in his ward and people that may be potentials for us to teach... we left really excited! We went out and found the houses ... we knocked on this door and this man answered he welcomed us in. Introduced us to his family and then sat us was calm.... then all of the sudden he says, “Sisters where have you been?!" very upset like. We looked at each other and said...uuuh well we have been here in the fields... what do you mean?  He said I have been waiting for you to come over for TWO weeks now! When are you going to baptize my daughter?! ... oook so if you don’t remember- Sister Anderson and I haven’t had anyone to teach for the past 4 weeks.... so we looked at each other and said well when would you like her to be baptized? He said yesterday!  He is a convert so none of his kids were baptized and so he was referring to his 9 yr old daughter. He said she knows all the lessons so do what you have to do and then baptize her.

So there it is... The Lord just handed us someone to teach :) That night we spontaneously came up with a lesson and taught her about baptism of course and then asked her to be baptized this month. This is such a miracle!

So we know have 2 people on date for baptism for Nov 30th :) I hope I get to see both of these kids get baptized before I leave the Fields! That would be so awesome!

This week was such a growing experience for me and taught me more (again) about patience and how I just need to give everything to the Lord and NOT STRESS.... I am such a stressful person and I hate it. Letting things go to the Lord is so huge!

Ooooh and I had a crazy dream this week :/ ... I had a dream that I got sent home but I still had my name tag on. It was like I teleported to the house. Except it wasn’t your house you have now... it was a random house. I was so confused why I was home. But I was walking around and I figured well I don’t really know why I am home but now that I am I should enroll back  in school and get things going again. So I went to school and got a new ID...under my name it said "Sister" ...I thought whaaat how did they know I was a Sister?! What is going on? .... well then I found myself hanging out with friends and doing all these crazy things... and we found ourselves at an ELLEN show and I was having fun but I knew I was still a Sister and I couldn’t figure out why I felt so funny. I couldn’t figure out why I felt like a Sister still.... then all of the sudden three men walked into the ELLEN show and came and got me. One of them said to me "You know you’re not supposed to be here." I just broke down and started crying uncontrollably and I said I know! I don’t even know why I am here! Why did I get sent home?! Why am I here?! and and then he walked away ... I followed him to the car and so these three Elders and I were in this car driving away... and out of no where... the man spoke to me and said... sometimes, the Lord teaches us in unusual ways... and then he disappeared and I woke up... I woke up to the middle of the night not knowing what just happened. I was scared and weeping. I couldn’t go to sleep for the rest of the night because I couldn’t figure out what the dream meant. Why would that happen? Why would I have a dream like that? I have never had a dream like that! It was so real.

That is my biggest fear while being on a mission is being sent home. We have had several people this transfer go home. I know I won’t do anything to get sent home, but that dream was crazy.

Well family.... I miss you lots and I hope you know I pray for you always.

Buddy, you’re a stud. I want to see pics of the pizza oven!  Good for you! I hope you aren’t working too hard and are spending time with that little girl of yours. Got any new things going on? Any new pics??

Leah… How are you? How are the girls? How is school going for Miss B? I hope you are feeling better each day and staying busy with your photo shoots. J So happy you are back to doing that!

Well I gots to go.... time to go play ;)

Mom... I love you like our 50 lbs turkey we have for dinner tomorrow :) annnnnd allll the pies :) that’s a ton!





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