Sunday, November 4, 2012

Sistert Tornar is headed home to Paris, France after 18 months of service.

Welcome to Utah... where we can have 5 baptisms            October 15, 2012

Sayyyyy whattt?... yep you read that right!

Hello familia!

loooooved the pictures!!! Sorry I missed Chance's Birthday...tell him for me please :)

 Glad you had a good time eating Pizza :) Mom you are so good to the family even with a scooter ;) ... I hope you have a better week and relax :D

 WinCo is a crazy place I heard!!! They are all over Idaho I guess.

 Glad Leah is feeling good. Everyone looks good in the pictures :)

 Jared’s wedding!!! Crazy!!! Tell them to have fun :) ...and St George is close ;) haha JK I think if I saw Buddy I would cry with happiness and then go home with him.

Well this week has been a whirlwind of happiness :) The Feesago family FINALLY got baptized on Sat (13th) . It was such a great program! The mom was not ready to be baptized but she said she still wants to learn and strengthen her testimony. She said within the next year she will be baptized :) At least she has goals :) Her two boys were baptized and it was so fun to see them both smiling so big afterwards. This family is now one step closer to be sealed in the temple!!!! :)

Sunday we ate at the Lunt’s house and we were talking and then all of the sudden Sister Lunt and I got talking about YOU was soooo crazy!! I just kept thinking how small my world has become. We were laughing about all sorts of things and she told me several stories about you and her on Pom Line  :) it was fun! Glad you got to talk to her she reallly wanted to talk to you hahah ...we took a picture too!! I’ll send that. They are VERY well off her husband is a gyno and works in the hospital. Their house looks like a hotel and they have almost everything you can think of. Luckily they are very humble and down to earth. They are such great missionaries!!! The husband is our Ward Missionary leader...their son came home in Jan and they are sending out another one soon. Fun fun family!! They served us Mexican :) I said now I really feel at home!!! :)

Each day this week we have been praying for new investigators because we have no one teach anymore and every day we have found someone who is interested!!! It is so cool!! We are teaching a young boy now as of this week whose parents grew up in Safford. I’m pretty sure grandma knows their family too. Both the parents are members but they never taught their kids about the church... this 14yr old boy has no idea about God, Christ, nothing! It’s kind of tough to teach the very very basics, but it is wonderful to see his growth and understanding already. The mom knows and feels bad she didn’t teach him anything so she know sits in on the lessons and then tries to re-teach after we leave. She wants him to know everything!

This month before Sister Tornar leaves we have been doing everything we possibly can! It’s been kind of crazy! It’s going to be sad to see her go, but I know she will do great work in France. I will be getting my new comp next Tue. So that’s pretty scary... I could go anywhere and do anything :) I think I will be staying in my area...but I’m not sure if I’m going to train or if I’m going to get a comp that is already out here. I think either way it will be great! This is my first REAL transfer!! I can’t believe I have been out here for about 3 months. Time just flies by!!

Tonight we have a surprise baptism. Hannah has finally decided (after a year) to be baptized!!! :) We are soooo excited for her and we know that this step will help bring her family together again. Shelli (her step-mom) is the one we went hiking with last week :)

Today is Sister Tornar’s and my last real P-day ... we are going to try and make it good :)

 Lots of funny things happened this week, but it is way too much to write and I want to get you pictures. Sooooo I think that’s it.

I hope everyone is doing well and trying to be the best person they possibly can :)

Don’t forget ... Mosiah 14:5 ... that with him we ARE healed... there is always an opportunity to take part in the atonement.  Our sins are a daily occurrence... we must continue to pray for forgiveness every day and then we will see the true love of Christ.

I love you dearly my sweet family! Thank you for everything you have done for me already. Thank you for your prayers and thoughts...I feel them every day!!

Mom.... I love you like...  well I just love you with all my heart!!!

                                                 Brother Brigham and Sister Larsen??  lol

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