Sunday, November 4, 2012

New Companion!

Welcome to Utah...TRANSFER TIME!              10-22-12

Hiiiiii :)

Sheeeeeesh talk about visitors!!! Seeing Ryan was pretty crazy! He looks like he’s doing well. I got to talk to Jared’s relatives too. Soooo fun. Also that night I ran into the Whitney family...I couldn’t believe it! Their kids are all grown up and look so different. Did you remember them? It was so fun to get an update on everyone in that family. I told Ryan I hope Buddy isn’t headed over here I don’t think I could handle that. He said no but he sent me pictures to show you....that was fun to see those. The Eyring family estimated the wedding at 30,000!! They had their flowers shipped in from Holland :0 craazzzzy!!! Ryan said Buddy’s speech was good :) I wish I could have been to all these events! I can’t believe they are alllll married now.

ELDER NIELSON?!?! Wow!!! That’s sooo cool! I had a dream the other night about Buddy’s future! I had a dream that there was a lot in store for him. In my dream he was becoming bishop and then stake president.... Buddy you better be doing all the Lord wants you to...he has big plans for you :)

I CANNOT believe you’re watching the district haha those are the movies/clips we watch to train from.  I don’t think I could watch anymore!!

Sooooo this week has been pretty crazy.

Hannah was baptized on Wed :) and it was such a spiritual experience. Her dad who is a member but anti right now, came and at first he was in this mood and didn’t want to be there. At the end he was happy and started talking to people. Its amazing what the spirit can do to us... we just have to let him in :)

I think in the last letter I told you about a family the "Wordens" they are a new family we are teaching. The dad is from Safford and thinks he knows Grandma. Well anyway... he hasn’t been to church since he was 21 and he didn’t teach his children anything about the church... well this last week in our lesson I had this strong feeling I needed to invite the family to church. I didn’t know what was going to happen, but I just sat there and waited. The young son who we are teaching said, “well mom, well dad, are you going?? " They both just looked at each other and said this isn’t about us...this is about you. He said no I won’t go to church unless you go. The dad got upset and said, “son that’s not an answer, are YOU going to go to church?” This went back and forth for a few minutes and then all of the sudden we realized everyone came to the census to go to church together! It was crazy!!! So for the week Sister Tornar and I prayed and prayed they would come. Sunday rolled around and we walked into church and we couldn’t find them. Alllll of the sudden.... Mom and Trevor (son) walk in and no dad....we were a little heartbroken but we still had hope. The mom said that the dad didn’t like to be late and so he wasn’t go to show. 30 minutes later DAD walks in!!!! I have never soooo happy in my life!!! The whole family was in brand new clothes and looooked GREAT! The Sacrament meeting was perfect (about BOM) and each member went to their following classes :) ahhhh that is success for a missionary...seeing a whole family coming to church and having a smile on their face.

Another investigator we have been teaching since I got here, his name is Tim and he and his wife are a pretty stubborn couple. Helen is a member but doesn’t go because she got offended... anyways... we planned the most amazing lesson I have taught yet!! We had them watch the "Reflections of Christ" slideshow and then we talked to them about their feelings and how the pictures affected them. We told them that the feelings they are feeling right now are only found in church as we learn of Christ and strive to be like him. We committed them to church and asked them if they could join us and experience these feeling again. Tim committed and said he wanted to go and Helen had to work... Sunday came and Tim showed another investigator to church ....YESSSSS! Unfortunately this time the talks were not very good and the songs were the most random songs I have ever heard. I had never even sung them! Tim leaned over and said how come I can’t hear you two singing??... hahaha we said because we don’t know these songs ;) . I was praying so hard that something good would be said. I think I even dozed off and Tim saw me... not a good thing to show your investigators hahaha I told him I was listening ;)  Well after sacrament was over.... Helen’s mother (she came too she was visiting) said well we're going to go now and Tim said aren’t there other classes now. She said well yes but you don’t have to go to those today. He said he wanted to... so he too went to alllll of church on Sunday for the first time!!! gaaaaahhhh.... These people are so amazing and I love being able to teach them!!!

Michael’s baptism is TODAY!!! woooohoooooo!!!!! :)

I was reading in 3NE 27:30 this morning and I came across a really cool verse. Verse 30  "And now, behold, my joy is great, even unto fullness, because of you, and also this generation; yea, and even the Father rejoiceth, and also all the holy angels, because of you and this generation; for none of them are lost."

I was thinking about how personal this scripture can be. It’s because of you mom, you dad, you Buddy, you Leah.... everyone that our Father and Savior are happy and joyful. It’s because of US that people are going to be saved and not lost anymore. It’s because of YOU that this world is slowly going to change. Our Savior has given us soooo soo much in this life! He only asks one thing from us... that is to remember Him. When we remember Him.... all other things fall into place :) We are better people because we strive to be like Him. I hope that when you’re out and about you remember this promise you made when you were baptized :) People are watching us more than ever these days... give them something to talk about... the GOSPEL :)

Ooooohhh and transfers!!! Soooo do you remember that older lady that came up to me at church and said ooooh one of my seminary students from W. Virginia is there? Her name is Abby Anderson.  Wellll small world...she is my new Comp!!! We are staying in my area... and I get to drive :) I think I’ll only be here for one more transfer and then right before Christmas we have transfers again. So now you’ll get to hear about Sister Anderson and my adventures :)

Wellllll I can’t think of anything else :) Life is good and YES I am happy!!! I am learning to love my mission more and more instead of "enduring" it. I think once you get past all the craziness and get past yourself... everything falls into place haha :)

 Mom....I love you…like Utahans loooove Halloween! It’s crazy around here!!






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