Sunday, November 25, 2012

Eating Ethiopian Food in St. George

Welcome to Utah... Where I get to eat Ethiopian Food?                     ‏                                       11/12/12

Hiiiiiiii (with some chattering teeth)

Loooooove loooove the weather outside. It is cool and the nights get really cold. We have had some snow but it’s been specs. All of our mountains have snow on them. It’s a pretty sight. Up north it got slammmmed. I am soo jealous...I want to see Flagstaff!

oooo I can’t wait to see what’s inside my box! :) ...thank you. Grandma sent me another one too. She keeps sending me things that are year supply status... I think she thinks I’m starving around here ;) hahaha I loooove all the goodies she puts in there though and so do my sisters :)

Stake conference sounded like it was pretty awesome!!! Lucky you to hear from those special men of God. Elder Holland is a funny man. He was here not too long ago.

Sister Larsen’s week:

 Monday (last P-day) Sister Anderson and I almost got rear-ended :/ soooo scary we had to pull over and say a prayer because we didn’t. St. George drivers are craaaazy :/

Than on Tue .... So on Sunday we gave a ward our rides/dinners list and we needed a ride for Tuesday morning at 10 am ...we got a call Tuesday at 8 am saying we didn’t get a ride for today... Whhhaaat?? aghhh that’s really tough for us because our area is 7 miles away from where we live. So when we don’t have rides it makes it difficult for us to get into our area. Well last week one of our members told us we could borrow their bikes anytime we wanted. Scoooore! So we got creative!! Stopped our studies and went to find helmets... grabbed a senior sister missionary and asked her to take us to our area and drop us off. For the rest of the day we got on bikes and off we went. LET ME TELL YOU! Riding a boy bike in a skirt + wind = difficult. I picked out a pretty great bike it was perfect for me and the seat was soft. Sister A didn’t choose so well and her bike was messed up (didn’t find till after riding) AND the seat was hard! So the whole time she was complaining about her bike. I jumped off mine gave her mine and I jumped on hers. The seat was wicked! aaagh I have been riding bikes for how long now?? I had such a hard time but I just kept going. We went 5 hours on this bike and about 4-5 miles around. ...we finished our day in our area and I hopped off the bike and could NOT walk :/ my bum hurt sooo bad. We started walking home, hoping to find someone to give us a ride back and low and behold Sister Murray drives out of her street and sees us... she says what are you doing and why are you walking?? We said we were walking home ha-ha...she said no way Jose! Get in! .... So we got our ride home :) ...she even bought us lunch. The Lord loves us and blesses us :)

Thursday we got to eat dinner at the Stucki family home. They have 8 kids from Ethiopia :) .... they cooked all day long and cooked us authentic food! It was sooooo good! Everything is lentil based and is fulllll of FIBER! hahahah JUST WHAT I NEED! :D it was the best meal I have had since I have been here :)

Our area is dying down more and more each day BUT Sis Anderson and I are still working hard to find people to teach. This week was a tough one for me - I hit a wall (mental block) and for some reason I just wasn’t able to function in the area. I think because I have been here for so long and have talked to everyone that we possibly can ... I just broke down. It was a tough moment for me and I wasn’t sure how to get out of it. I got a blessing and everything in the blessing was just what I needed. The things that came out were directed just at me. Now I know that’s what blessings are for, but it was just a different kind of blessing. I know that the more and more I am out here I will see what the Lord really wants me to do. I think day by day I can see my purpose. I just have to push forward and not give up :)

One of investigators... he is a spoiled kid and gets everything he wants. He only cares about himself and doesn’t care about other people’s feelings. It’s really sad. We have been teaching him about faith and how it can grow and how we need to take action. We asked him what are some of the things Faith can lead us to do.  We then talked about how when we have faith it leads us to do good things for others and our self. He then told us how he got kicked out of his class because he cussed out his teacher for telling him not to text anymore... ooooh boy! That didn’t really make mom happy so along with faith we added that faith leads us to be obedient. When we are obedient we can see the good and in the end our faith strengthens...this sounds crazy/ confusing I know...  But anyways in the end we made a deal ...we said if he stopped texting in class for the whooole day we (sis A and I) wouldn’t wear make-up for a whole week. It’s a sacrifice and we are learning how to be obedient. He agreed! hahaha Sis A is crazy and I can’t believe we are really going do it! So this whole week are NOT wearing any makeup and praying that he learns to be obedient :) haha  yeeeah for 10 more min in the morning?! hahaha

Today for P-day we went hiking again in  "Snow Canyon" it was a beautiful place! Lots of red rock and lava rock :)

 Well St George is great place to be! I love being out here and I love meeting all the people.

I still never would have thought I would meet these types of people. There are some pretty amazing people that walk in the doors of our VC. I have talked to people from all walks of life. I talked to this lady the other day that came from an LDS family but got into drugs and now it trying to get her life back on track. It was really cool to hear her story and help strengthen her for one more day. She told me she didn’t want to come in because she was feeling bad but she knew she needed to... she kept fighting herself and finally she said I walked in the VC because I didn’t want to let myself use.... I wanted to stay clean for just more one day. I spent about 45min with her and just talked... many tears were shed and in the end she walked out feeling like she could go out and be a better her. I think this is one of the reasons why I am here at a VC... People just come to me and I never know what to say to them...but I listen. I listen to what they have to say and I am there for support.

The spirit of our Heavenly Father is sooo strong and works miracles. Anything is possible if we allow them to.

Many times prayer can feel like you’re just talking to a wall. But I know that our Father really does listen and he will answer... we just need to give him the time and the chance to.  All He wants for us to be is happy... If we can let go of ourselves for just a moment... we can see all that is around us. There may be bad in the world right now... but I promise you that there is a lot of reaaaallly good too!

Family I love you! I hope you know I pray for you always :)

 Holidays are a little weird this year buuut I know I still have a huge family around me :) Sis A and I have SEVERAL appointments for Thanksgiving: 0 we are going to be FAT!

I don’t know where I’ll be for Christmas...Transfers are the 4th of December.

Thanksgiving we have a HUGE party at the VC :)

Mom...thank you thank you for the package :)

I love you.... like I loved riding my bike ;) hahahahaha

PS...IM GETTING A HAIR CUT TODAY!!!! :) I can’t wait!
Sister Larsen

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