Sunday, November 4, 2012

Fun with New Companion

Welcome to Utah....Where we find alll sorts of people to teach.         10-29-12

Mom, Dad, Budster, Leah and alll those reading this...

 Mom: Glad you got the letter. I toooooold you you needed tissues...I did too. That was the coolest thing I have experienced. Michael was confirmed this past Sunday and it was soooo spiritual. This boy is happier than ever! He is officially my "real convert" I got to teach him all the way through :)

(We received a letter from a foster mom thanking us for raising such an amazing daughter and missionary. Moriah and her companion taught one of their foster teenage boys. The foster mom explained how much his life had changed since being introduced to the gospel and being baptized. It was definitely a happy tears inducer!)

Sister Anderson is a hoooot! ahhhhh I have laughed soo much this past week it’s amazing what a companion can do to you. I think I have made up my laughing for the past 12 weeks ;)  hahaha she gets my humor and I get hers and we work reallly well together. She is trying to learn the area, but there is sooo much to learn. I love being able to teach her though. I never thought I would be able to explain our area because there is sooo much. I love Sister Anderson!

Sacrament: oooookay let me clear this up. The members who said “absolutely not” need to go back and relearn who our Savior is. The sacrament is a reminder to repent and be better. It’s a reminder of our baptismal covenants as well....we promise each week to remember Christ and be a witness of him. Isn’t that what an investigator is trying to do? How are they going to learn what the sacrament is or what it can do for their life if they don’t partake of it? Investigators are in the process of repenting just like everyone else so of course they are allowed to take the sacrament. Each week they get the chance to promise to be may be small steps, but none the less they are striving to come closer to Christ. ooooh and if "members" had to understand the sacrament before they took it, then there would be a lot of people not taking the sacrament. It takes time to develop a testimony of the sacrament. AND why do the members give their young children the sacrament...they don’t know what it is! ahhhh I get frustrated when members think they are better than "investigators" Less-Actives are under the direction of a bishop....members shouldn’t be judging them on their actions. Everyone is welcome to the end...the Lord is the ultimate judge on how it’s going to affect the person.

(The above was based on a question I asked Moriah. We had a discussion in Sunday School about the sacrament and I wanted to know what the missionaries are instructed to teach. Got it! Thanks Sister Larsen)  J

Leah, how are you doing? How’s the family? I loooved the costumes you made. Scccccaaaarrrrry!! I hear you are booked for shoots :) That’s awesome!!

Budster, how’s that little one of yours? I can’t believe Ryan Harding came to see me! hahaha that’s pretty funny. I asked him if you were coming and he said no. I hope work is treating you well and you are doing well with your business :)

Ok so this week:

Michael got baptized :) woooot wooot! Best Monday I have ever had!! ;)

The other days were full of a lot of tracting and talking to people. Yesterday we had a miracle and found TWO new investigators. They are young kids. One of them we have been fighting to get through the parents to get approval and FINALLY last night we knocked on the door and her mom answered and we got to talk to her and she said she could take the lessons on strict conditions. ayi ayi ayiiii...

Then Sister Anderson and I went and taught Trevor. Remember Trevor? Well this time it was the whoooole family. We were having a pretty good lesson and then alll of the sudden Sister Anderson had this feeling she needed to ask Trevor to be baptized. I said no...It isn’t time. Well she did it anyways.... ooooooh boy! The parents flipped out!!! The dad said how dare you ask him that. He’s not ready for this! He is just a boy. The spirit left right away and I was left with no words. I knew I needed to back up my companion but I couldn’t say a word. I just sat there and let her get herself out of her hole. We eventually walked out of the house and Sister Anderson was almost in tears. I felt bad. I wanted to say "told you so" but I knew that wasn’t the right thing to say... I just let her vent and then said "well now we know!” haha We still got invited back this next week but we have to change the way we teach and how we approach things. We are pretty much "just teaching" him right now and then we can see if later down the road he is ready. It’s so sad to see this family. They know they messed up by not teaching their kids about the Gospel and now we are having to make up for it for them. I pray that no matter what, Bailee and Willow and Sawyer understand something in the Gospel...I never want to see family in the position this family is in. The Gospel blesses us in more ways than we realize. It’s not just about the religion. It’s about life and the skills it gives us.

So far the saddest thing I have seen on my mission is those who choose to reject me....Ultimately rejecting Christ and not teaching their family about this glad message the Savior has for us. I know that the Holy Spirit is soooo true! It’s our teacher and guidance. Watching it change lives is the coolest thing I have been able to watch. In the VC...I looove watching people listen to the Christus and start crying. I know that our Savior lived and died for us. I know that it is because of Him we are able to learn and grow.

I love you alll

 Mom....I love you like Sister Anderson loves Candy corns....and THAT IS A LOT!!!!


                    Wow! You were not kidding when you said, "All sorts of people!"  LOL  :)




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