Monday, December 9, 2013

St. George, Utah Mission...AMAZING!

Well...not much to say....EXCEPT:                                ‏                                                           12-9-2013

ITS BEEN AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                        SEE YOU ALL SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOON!
                                                                                            MERRY CHRISTMAS!

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Interview with a General Authority....oh wow!



Mom.....If you see a UTAH number calling your phone....ANSWER IT! You will be getting a phone call from Elder Arnold a General Authority from the 70! I had an interview with him yesterday and he would like to speak to you. He wanted me to tell you also that things are great. He is proud of my work and appreciates that I made a sacrifice to be on a mission. PLEASE !ANSWER YOUR PHONE!!!!
This email gave me heart attack! Update...I have been carrying my phone everywhere with me all week...but no phone call...yet!  I did get a phone call from Virginia this past week. Sister Anderson, one of Sister Larsen's companions who is home now called to talk to me. It was really fun! She lives in Virginia with her family. Her mom is a teacher also. :)

Oooookay mom.... I laughed soooooooo hard reading your email! I was laughing so hard....I made Sister D read it! She then laughed super hard with me! We are surrounded by Elders right now and it just makes it all the more funny! I have had moments like that on my mission. I am surprised they stayed as long as they did. They must have been desperate! hahahaha
The Wednesday before Thanksgiving I came home from school exhausted and hot. So...I took my clothes off to cool off and then promptly fell asleep on the couch. The next thing I hear is, " Come on in guys, the bathroom is right there." I jumped up off the couch still half asleep in my underwear to see the full time Elders standing there. So....I got back on the couch and covered up with a blanket. I ended up being on the couch for awhile since the Elders decided they wanted to stay and "chit chat" for awhile. hahaha  I told my husband to PLEASE give me a little more advance notice next time!

Thanksgiving was great! We are still feeling the effects of it! We had a HUGE Breakfast. It consisted of bacon not bacon AND waffles....BACON WAFFLS! They were intense! They had apples on them and sauce. I will have to make these for you sometime!
Then we went and played football with missionaries and had a good time. Tried to work off my waffle to prepare for lunch. ha-ha

We ate lunch with our recent convert family...the Denhaulters. We went to a million dollar home that had everything you could think of...even a bowling alley!
The food was great and we were stuffed! They kept feeding us more and more ....we couldn't do it anymore!

We than had to go over to the MacLellen’s home...they asked us to be judges in the family "Smoothie War" so we had to determine who made the best smoothie! It was awesome!!!!

Then at 4 pm we had to go to a family’s home for dessert. They have 4 non-members at their house for the holidays and they wanted us to come meet them and talk to them. It was super casual which was good. I barely ate dessert because I was super full! Sister D and I could barely walk!

We then got to spend the rest of the night with our district and do district activities. It was good because then we didn't have to eat any more! hahaha

People are still feeding us left overs! It’s been great! I only had 6 dollars for food last with the holidays we didn't have to worry.  I didn't starve don't worry! haha

This week we had lots of good lessons in the fields. Sister D and I found a Spanish lady to teach! I got super excited and prayed my Spanish would come back. It did some but I lost a lot of it. We hope this lady will want to come to church. She is illegal and doesn't do much in the community because she doesn't want to get caught. It’s kind of sad... but we know she can be blessed. Sister D was super excited to finally use her Spanish.
We started to teach the Gray Family again... not sure if you remember them. Sister Gray has grown a lot since we have talk to her last. We have a feeling she could finally be baptized in February. We know Heavenly Father is preparing them...It may be slow...but nonetheless it is still happening.
The past couple of weeks we have been working with more and more less active families and families who are in need of going to the temple. It’s pretty exciting to see these people progress! We know their lives will continue to change for the better and Heavenly Father will help them to see that they really do need the church! I am so excited to start working with families like them at home. I think they should move Sisters into your area so I can go out with them every day! :) I am super pumped to be a member missionary! I know that Heavenly Father is going to use me in so many ways...I can’t wait to see what he has in store.

We are still working on our Goal of 10! We have a baptism THIS Saturday! We are super excited for it! His name is Jevin. He is a super cute kid! He is obsessed with baseball! He and I get along real well! hahaha. His mom is trying to get back into activity and has been doing really well. We have finally gotten her to the point she will pray out loud...which for many people is a huge fear. I never realized how many people don't like to pray out loud. We are getting her scriptures for her to start studying. It’s so exciting! She has also now committed to paying her tithing which is something she has never done before! I know that Tithing is a blessing from our Heavenly Father! Not only does it bless us in small and simple ways...but if we think about it...It blesses us is HUGE ways as well. If we think about all the things tithing goes towards we should be excited to pay it. She now knows it’s important. I hope that you do too. I know that when we make a sacrifice like tithing, Heavenly Father really will open the windows of Heaven and pour out so many blessing we can’t even handle all them! He is such a loving Father. I am grateful to know I have a Father in Heaven who loves me! :)

Well....I can’t wait for our baptism on Saturday!
I can’t believe it’s already down to 8 has NOT felt like 1.5 years. It’s such a bitter-sweet feeling!

I love you all! See you soon!

Mom....I love you like I love learning from an apostle of the Lord. It’s powerful!

This week... Go about doing good! Even though we may have our own challenges... Stop thinking about yourselves and do a small act for someone else. I want to hear what you come up with :)
This is the time, to do all that we can, to bring our brothers and sisters back into the family tree. We don't want to forget about anyone. Think about that this week. What did our family tree look like in the "Pre-Mortal Life"....? I hope that changes your perspective on sharing the gospel.

Sister Larsen

I Am Thankful For.........

I am Thankful for...                                   ‏                                                                                     11/25/13

1. I am thankful for my family
2. I am thankful for my Sisters who are choosing to go on missions!
3. I am thankful for the GOSPEL and how SIMPLE it is!
4. I am thankful for my mission president and wife who love us
5. I am grateful for my companion who is such an amazing missionary!

These are just some of the things that come to mind this year. My heart is sooooo full of great things I can’t even express them all!

Jess looks like such a missionary! That makes me happy! We just had a Sister from here come home from the Philippines. She said she LOVED it there! I hope Jess loves it there! Sounds like it was a successful Farewell.

We will have a nice Thanksgiving! It’s funny to think I am spending yet another Turkey Day here in the Fields. We have a breakfast appointment and lunch appointment at a house that has a bowling alley ;) and a dinner with a family in the evening time. We are going to be stuffed! We keep having to tell people we will be fine...EVERYONE just wants to feed us! They are so lovely and kind here!
Your plans for Turkey day sound fun! I hope everything turns out! Good luck with the green beans :p

Oooooooooh boy! That’s going to be a crazy ward party! hahaha I can’t believe I am already getting ready for my return missionary talk! WOW!

St. George trip sounds good after Chirstmas. Gage’s mom wants to fly me out here for his baptism. Not sure how that’s going to work hahaha it’s on the 21st.
We won’t have to worry about places to stay....many people have offered their homes for us already :) We will be able to stay for free :)

I don’t think I will need to send things home. Someone gave me a I am going to try to get as much stuff in that. I’m trying not to have to send things home.

This week was a suuuuuch a good week! It was a whirl wind...LITERALLY! We have had some crazy winds here and it’s been freeeezing for St. George. I felt like I was back in Beaver. I asked someone the other day how Beaver was and they said brutal! hahaha This is going to be a cold winter for Utah!

The beginning of the week I got to go back to Kaibab for exchanges! We had lots of lessons and wonderful people to teach. THEN WE GOT TO GO INTO COLORADO CITY! It was the coolest experience of my life! I thought I was in a whole different world! The Sisters have investigators there who they are teaching. We also got to eat dinner there....get this...with MEMBERs of our church....there are MEMBERS that live in Colorado City! I’m not really sure how that works. They said it’s pretty different than anywhere else they have lived. Everyone there has super tinted windows...its creepy! The people who would talk to us however were super nice people. I met a family who lives in Colorado City but they have been banned from the church. They were super nice people and really interested in the LDS church. We are trying to make them investigators and help them to see that the Priesthood is not hidden from the earth but that it is still here. I also met a lady who left the FLDS and was baptized into the LDS church. It was so interesting to hear her conversion story. She is now happier than ever and knows that she is on the right track. She reads her Book of Mormon every day and knows that Heavenly Father has really changed her life. I love Colorado City. We will have to go there mom :)
Sister D got to go to Kanab this week also...I will send pictures of our adventure there :)

Saturday.....LAKE AND EDGE GOT BAPTIZED!!!!!!!!!!!! It was suuuuch a good baptism. Sister D and I got to speak. It was really nerve racking because it was almost standing room only AND our Mission President came. It turned out really well. The boys were super happy and Dad could really feel the love of all those who came. His Heart has really softened. Their mom even came who we have never met before. It was really good to talk to her. We invited her to come to church with us...she said she not ready for that stuff but she will think about it. She thanked us for helping her boys. I know this family’s life is going to change more and more over the years. I can’t wait to see these boys go on missions and do great things!
I LOVE seeing others come unto Christ by being baptized by the proper Authority of God. IT’S SO AMAZING!!!!!!

I am so grateful to be here!!!!!! <3

I love you all! I hope you have a wonderful Holiday! Be Thankful for all that you have....EVEN the knowledge that Jesus Christ is your Savior :)

Love you allllllllllllll :)

Mom.....I love you like I loooove seeing the world change one person at a time...striving to be better and become like Christ.

May we remember others and become full of meekness.
Sister Larsen

Saturday, November 23, 2013

I am Thankful for.....

Welcome to the Fields... We just might meet our goal of 10!‏                           
 ‏                             11/18/13

Hello Family and Friends....

This week has been whirl wind! I'm pretty sure my weeks are feeling like days and its going by soooooo fast!

I have been thinking about Jess all week! I met a lady whose son is there ( in the Philippines) and they couldn't find him for a while...BUT then they found him and he is safe! She was having a hard time especially because they wouldn't let them call or anything. But I know Heavenly Father will protect his missionaries. I have heard that Jess’ mission isn't really near the mess. Did you know there are 22 missions there? That's crazy! Even if she will be going near the mess...Imagine all the love she can give those people and give them hope. She will be doing a lot of service....HOW GREAT IS HER CALLING! I would love to do that!

I’m sorry things at school have been hard! I know you will do always do! :) I can’t even think what math is anymore hahahaha :)
Speaking of school, I got the picture of Ana, it made me sad. She looks so different :( My heart is so full for her, I keep putting her name in the temple. I hope she and her family can feel my love for them from all the way over here. I hope to be able to see her when I come home too.

So have you thought about when we can come back here? When are you done with school? When can I plan to see these amazing people again? Also I will have a baptism when I come back so I wanted to make sure we could coordinate that :D

No more travels for Chance?
Glad Leah is keeping busy. I have been thinking about her a lot this week.
Bud and his millions, I think I've decided to go work for him and not finish school :P hahaha
But really I am going to need a lot of things to do when I get home. I might follow you around like a puppy. hahaha

Mom, I loved the quote. That's a good one! Our Heavenly Father is good! Our Savior is good. I love them both and know they are here to help us. It’s because of them we can experience greatness! I love thinking about all the things our Gospel provides for us. It’s so much!

This week we found a new investigator! His name is Jeven. He is super smart and ready to get baptized! WE put him on date for Dec 10th....Yep! That is my last day! Can you believe it!? I'm super excited for him and I know it’s going to be a good day. I wouldn't want anything more than to see one more son/daughter of God come onto the straight and narrow path of righteousness :) HOW COOL!

This week we will be having Lake and Edge's baptism! We are super excited for them! They have been working hard and yesterday we asked them if they are ready. They said "OH YES!!!!!!! LET’S DO IT!"  We are so excited! This family is going to be solid in the gospel. The dad is still working on getting over his Word of Wisdom issues but the moment he does that...everything is going to be awesome for this family!

This Sunday we were able to get a lady to church who hadn't been in 8 years!!!!!!! You thought we were excited to see should have seen her husband’s face! He looked like he just won a million dollars! It was sooooo cool to see! The joy we get from small and simple seeing our loved ones come to church.

Exchanges with the other Sisters have been so good for me lately. Not only have I been learning how to be a better missionary/person/leader…but It’s been keeping me busy and motivated. You would think its super easy to just work hard since it’s been that way my whole mission... but sometimes it’s the small things Satan tries to creep in and tries to destroy everything. I am so grateful for my companion she has been so patient with me and helping me. I am grateful for it! I know when this time comes for her (going home) she will better understand. I just pray we can continue to work hard together and get our 10!!!! :)

I love my mission....
I love people....
I love Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ!
I love knowing everything is going to be okay because God has a plan for us.
I love knowing we can pray whenever we want!
I love that prayer is a 2 way communication!
I love that Every time I walk into someone’s home, I have the privilege of exchanging their spiritual rags for spiritual robes and help them become something greater!
I love knowing trails aren't meant to just push us, they are a sign to us showing us that God knows we are ready for growth.
I love I can see everyone as "Gold"... we all have a purpose here.
I love the people I have become friends with and will forever be friends with.
I love the priesthood and the opportunity I have as a woman to benefit from it.
I love that God trusts me... I may not trust Him always...but He will never fail me.
I love that I know I am a child of God.
I love that I get to try all sorts of crazy Peruvian food! :P
I love my mission...

Funny quotes form this week:

Sister Larsen, “Gage, what does it mean to you that we only worship one God?"
Gage, “Well Mythology isn't true then!"  hahaha

Richard, "SISTERS! I have always wondered...."
Us, " Yes Richard...what is it..."
Richard, " I have always wondered which one tastes better.....a black cow or a brown cow?"
hahahaha we died laughing!

This was such a great week! :)

Well, family I hope and pray that all is well with you! May you know that I love you and pray for you each day! ...even those who are far away.

Be a good Christian this week....LOVE those around you. Pray for ways you could be more Christ like :)...Did you know that Meekness is one of the most crucial attributes one could have? Did know also that if we are meek it doesn't mean that we are just means that we act in kindness. Interesting thought... Keep that in mind. Dare to be different than the world!

Thank you for your love and support!

Mom, Dad, Bud and Leah..... I love you!

Speaking...and more speaking....Becoming a "speaking" Pro

Welcome to the Fields....                                        ‏                                                          11-11-2013

Dear Familia...

Your pictures are super cute! Those dresses are super cute!! They have hoods! :)
I loved the "turkey" :)

SISTER HARDY called you! I am so glad! She is an amazing person! She does a business called "Thrive" It’s a way of doing food storage. I wanted you to know about it so you could look into and see what you thought. They have loooots of food that is gluten free :) Good for Miss B. If you get to her about it. I think it’s something you would like!

So this week we had amazing lessons with our investigators!
Lauren and Richard are an older couple from Cali who moved here. We have been teaching them for several weeks now. This week we started the Plan of Salvation and Richard was soooo excited to learn about it. We talked mostly about Earth Life and the things we need to do to prepare to meet God. Richard came to the conclusion that if he was going to keep the spirit with him at all times he would need to read and pray each day. He said...when you leave it goes away...but then it comes back when you come back. I want it to stay.... I think I need to pray! All I could do was smile. I said exactly! We also tried to commit them to baptism....Richard said ....Wait...shouldn't we go church first before we get baptized? I said YES! That is why we invite you each week to come to church so you can one see how we worship and also so that you can continue to learn. He looked at Lauren and said well...It looks like we are going to church! THEY CAME! :) I was so excited!!!!

This week was Stake Conference. We were asked to speak. Luckily, Stake President just wanted one of us so Sister D Spoke :) We both had to sit on the stand and just sitting up there made me nervous. Bob, our recent convert of two weeks also spoke with her. He did such an amazing job and his testimony was so powerful! Not a dry eye in the crowd! We were so proud of him! This year’s Stake Conference was all about missionary work and Members being missionaries. It’s amazing to see how much emphasis the 1st Presidency is putting on missionary work. Our members are catching the spirit and they are now calling us more and inviting their friends to different activities. It’s so amazing!

Sister D and I are working hard trying to solidify our 10 baptisms for the transfer! We have two this upcoming week, Lake and Edge.... they are amazing young men and are going to make a great add to the God kingdom!  WE are still working with Nancy...She is struggling with doubts from Satan and is worried what her family is going to think. We pray that her heart can be softened and she can see that this will bless her life.

Sister D and I concluded that by the end of our missions we are going to be master public speakers. We had to give another training to our Zone this week! I think it’s finally getting easier and easier as we go! hahaha

Funny story.... This week we didn't have a dinner one night. Sister D and I were trying to figure out what we should do. We sat there and all the sudden she says ...I WANT STEAK! I said I haven't had that for over a year! Soooooo we decided to go to Texas Road House. I hadn't been to a restaurant in like a year! It was kind of awkward because we just walked in ourselves. I think people were looking at us funny because usually missionaries come in with members. Well, as we were sitting there deciding to order our waiter came up to us and instead of taking our order he started talking to us as if we were "normal girls"....AKA “Flirting” with us. It was at that moment I realized that I had become a really awkward person and all I could think about was my missionary badge. We blew him off like it was nothing. Then after we ate we took pictures. He decided to be in our pictures with us hahaha We left him a card and instead of "leaving our number" we left a scripture for him. hahaha Sister D said ...Sister Larsen, this is just a preview for you and your future in 4 weeks. I just laughed. It was a good dinner and It reminded me of all the times we went there as a family and all the fun memories we have at a Texas Road House.

The other picture is a picture of the St George Temple that a ward made out of Popsicle sticks.... Each stick has a name on it. Each name is someone that the youth took to the temple to do their work for. HOW COOL IS THAT?!?! There are 9000 names!!!!

Well, I think that's it for this week!

Love you all! You are amazing!
Mom..... I love you like alllll the pomegranates that we've been eating.... They are sweet like you!


Last Halloween in St. George...Sisters looking a little "skeleton" like...

Welcome to the Fields...                                   ‏                                   11-4-2013

Dear all,

 Halloween was pretty low key this year. We had to stay inside starting at 6 pm. Several Sisters came over to my apartment and we just had a craft party and hung out. At the Visitor Center they had a party for the Sisters who serve there.
Your Halloween looked sooooo awesome! Leah looked soooooo good! I was impressed! I showed all the Sisters around me hahaha She is so talented! The girls looked so good too!

This week was kind of a low key week. We are in the process of finding new investigators. We have about 10 different families we are working with and about 5 that are less active. Since we are full time now we are able to see more people and the members are now calling us and asking us to come over to their house so we can help THEM with their missionary work....THATS NEVER HAPPENED! It’s so cool to see things changing and the members getting excited about us being in the area.

This week we saw many miracles:
One of them being....we had been trying to contact a family for several days. On Saturday we had planned to see this family later in the day...but then all of the sudden we felt we need to go at that moment. So we went over and literally as I was about to knock on the door this woman opened the door, we scared each other hahaha... She knew who we were and just started talking to us. She told us she was just getting ready to leave but that she wanted us to come back. She told us a little of her story and how she just recently got divorced and her kids have been going back and forth between the two of them and in the mess she had not been able to get her son baptized. Sister D and I just smiled. She said, “I know he has to do the lesson,s so if we could start doing that, that would be great!”
I don't know if I told you last week...but Sister D and I made a goal of 10 baptisms before I leave. This young boy will be number 5 :) .....5 more to go! Heavenly Father is so amazing! He knows when we have goals and when we work hard towards them...he will help us to make it happen! This month is going to be full of baptism pictures :)

Another miracle! This week one of my recent converts...Sister Denhaulter... we went to her house one day to check on her and she said...Sister Larsen! I am ready! I have come to the decision I have to do my parents temple work!  My heart just leaped out of my chest. I asked...what happened?!
Sister Denhaulter’s parents were verrrry abusive and they were extreme alcoholics. She had a rough childhood and many times in her life her parents threatened to kill her. She has always had bitter feelings about them and could never find a way to forgive them. She told me this past conference she was able to go to conference and be in the presence of the prophet. She said she was sitting there and all of the sudden this impression came to me. She said I felt that God was telling me that I needed to do their work so that I could forgive them.
She went on to say that she wanted me to help her get the needed paper work. So the next day we went over and I taught her how to do all the "Family History" stuff and we got her papers all printed out. Halloween morning we were able to go to the temple with her and witness this miraculous day. Before Sister Denhaulter got in the water she told everyone in the baptismal room her story.... Everyone was crying.... and as she went down we could all feel the power of forgiveness and love.
It’s so amazing to be part of this great work. Even for those who aren't physically here on earth. Just like the gospel blesses family physically here on earth...It also blesses those who are beyond the veil. I am so grateful I got the opportunity to see and be part of such an amazing event.

I can’t wait....I mean yes I can...anyways.... I would love to go to the open house of the new Temple. Everyone here is talking about it and we are sending people down there for it! It’s going to be awesome! We get updated notices about it...It looks gorgeous!!!!!

Everyday gets harder and harder as people realize that I only have 5 weeks left. I try to not let it bother me. I know that all good things come to an end eventually. I will be leaving with about 10 other people. All the Sisters I was in the MTC with are going to be leaving with me as well...It will be neat to start and end together....funny...we are all STLs right now too! How cool is that?

Well not much else for this week!
Glad to hear all is well!

Love you all!
Mom... Love you like I loved the blueberry chocolate!!!!!!!!! :)

Don't be afraid to open your mouths... share the gospel... you never know whose life you could change!
Ps....Is the temple in your plans for this week?!? I hope so!

                                                      Boy, Sisters, you have lost weight! ;)

Last Transfer of Sister Larsen's Mission

TRANSFERS!                                                            10/29/13


Sorry I'm a day late.... Because of Transfers we had to take the Tuesday P-Day.

Sooooo this week is transfers! CAN YOU BELIEVE IT! This has been one of the hardest transfers yet! Many of the missionaries I have been serving with for my whole mission are now leaving :( It’s amazing to me to see all of these wonderful Elders and Sisters and be able to call them friends :)  I love missions!
I can’t believe I have been with Sister D for 6 weeks now. I feel like Sister Anderson just left and it’s only been two weeks! Wow! Time is just flying by! It’s making me sad, but I am also loving every moment!
Our transfer call is..... We are staying in the Fields... and now we are full proselyting! So we will no longer be at the Visitor Center. I can’t believe I have spent more than half of my mission out of the VC. We are super stoked to go full proselyting. Our area is 10 wards and really needs the full time attention. We are praying for miracles and the opportunity to baptize 10 people before I go home :) 

This week has been one of the best weeks of our transfer!
On Thursday we went out with some members. We usually go out with them once a week to contact people in their ward. Sister Murray said, “Ooookay Sisters, we are going by the spirit tonight, who should we go see?!” We weren’t really sure, but then I got this idea. I started to point to people we needed to visit. We first went to see the Messengers and talked to them. Then I wasn't really sure who to go to next. I said one name and then all of the sudden another name came flying out my mouth. I said we NEED to see the "Ward" family. So we went to their house. We weren't sure why we were there or what we were going to say. They opened their door and Sister Murray says, "Hello I’m Sister Murray, these are our sister missionaries, WE have a message to share with you tonight, can we come in?" Sister D and I were in shock. We had no idea what to do. We had no message and we knew nothing about them! We talked for a few minutes and the Murrays talked, we were trying to get to know them... then all of the sudden Sister Murray says well Sisters...It’s time for your message. What do you have for us tonight? Sister D and I were in shock. I had nothing. My mind was so blank :/ I was sad because I didn't know what to do. But then Sister D got her scriptures out, sat there for a moment and started talking. She started talking about the introduction of the BOM. We had them read Moroni's promise at the end and then asked the husband and wife what their testimony means to them and how it’s helped them in their life. The wife just started to sob. She talked about her testimony has literally kept her alive and how if it weren't for her testimony she would have ended her life a long time ago. I couldn't believe it. We then sat there and listened to husband. He began to tell us how he served a mission but no longer has a testimony of the BOM and how he doesn't need it in his life. WOW! Sister D and I had no idea. I then opened my mouth and these words began to come out. I testified of the power of the BOM and told him that all the choices he is making right now will forever effect his children, we then committed them to reading the BOM and praying to know if it is true. They both said they would do it. I don't remember much else that happened that night. Even as we were returning home, we were trying to remember what had happened. We know Heavenly Father really needed us to go to that home at that time and that moment. I am so grateful we listened. I am so grateful for the spirit and the feelings He gives us. Heavenly Father is so mindful of us and he loves us so much! This family now has the opportunity to change and become more engulfed in the gospel.

This week too someone came and told me a story. Last year when I was in the Fields....we went by that house. It was supppper dark and you could tell they were most likely not there. Our members who were with me and Sister Anderson did not want to go....but I had this feeling we needed to. So I walked up to it all by myself. They later followed. After a few minutes this lady answered the door and was super grumpy! She didn't want anything to do with us. I sheepishly told her that all I wanted to do was leave her with a message and that for some reason we needed to be here tonight. She denied us and we walked away. ONE YEAR LATER..... that member saw the same lady in a store. The member walked up to the lady and said hello! How are you? Do you remember me? ...they talked for a few minute and the lady eventually told the member that she was very sorry for the way she acted towards us that night. She went on to say that that night she and her husband had been in a big fight and they decided that night that they were going to get a divorce. She said when I opened the door I was hurt and I was trying to get my kids to bed and I didn't feel like visiting....she said BUT I will never forget that night. Even though I was rude, those Sister missionaries brought me hope that night and I realized that God loved me and that I was going to be okay. I will never forget that!! As the member was telling me this story I couldn't help but to cry. My eyes filled with tears and I then remembered that Heavenly Father loves us so much! He knows what we need even if we don't know it yet. I am so grateful yet again that I listened to the spirit and I was able to be an instrument in God’s hands. I will never forget that event. I don't know what happens too many of the people we come in contact with, but I know what happens is for a reason!

This week we had the best baptism ever! BOB got baptized! His wife did not get baptized with him, but she will soon! :) We are planning a trip with them in two years to go on "the life of Joseph Smith" hahahha and Bob said he can’t wait to meet our husbands :) hahaha Bob is now getting ready to go to institute and wants to graduate :) He's only been a member for a day! He is also speaking with us in Stake Conference :) He is excited about that! He ran up to us and said, "Sisters...I got my first calling!" haha this couple is so amazing and so prepared. Heavenly father loves them so much!

Oooooh this week we also taught primary! IT WAS EXHUSTING! hahaha I have a greater appreciation for those sisters! :) I hope that I get more experience in life before I have to do that! haha

We also ran into the "Piano Guys"...they LIVE in our area! We taught their son in primary actually! haha it was super cool! They are awesome!

Well Family...I love you with all my heart. I know time is going to fly by and I will be seeing you again. BUT pray the time SLOWS down :) That would be great!

Mom....I love you like...I love the rain we are getting! It’s been so nice :) I just love you!
Love you all!

                                                                        Bob's Baptism